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Posts posted by Raspberry32

  1. The problem I am seeing is... It isn't normal. I can't go up to anybody and say, "Rainbow Dash... I love her!". They would probably call a hospital for me. I am sure most of the time I would be dealing with people who can't even stand hearing the word "pony". What I am trying to say, is that no matter how much I want to, I can't accept it as normal. I know you are supposed to "be yourself", but does that really include falling in love with an animated entity?

  2. Hiya there, fellers! I just joined up today and I am new here, obviously. I guess this is where you make your introductions, if not, then by all means move it to the right spot.


    I won't get too in depth in my discription. I became a brony about the beginning of this year, I believe. I didnt want to accept the change in heart, but I was very happy after I did. After watching every episode of My Little Pony, I quickly discovered Rainbow Dash to be my absolute favorite pony. I now think of rainbows to be 20% cooler than before.


    Uh, well I guess that is all? I hope to find this place to be very welcoming of my appearance.

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