Well Hiya everypony! My names Preatorian60 though my real name is Mikail. I'm 20 years old and I live in Australia. I've been watching My Little Pony since 2013, not as long as some of you oldbros im sure, but I've loved every minute of it. My favorite pony is Twilight and I enjoy anime, video games and film. It's kind've my dream to become a film maker one day, I don't really have any friends to talk to about MLP anymore my best friend stopped enjoying the show and won't even talk about it with me anymore so I figured I need to make some new friends to talk to about it! Times can get a bit rough and I sometimes get real lonely so I'd just love a friend or two. I love fighting games and watching Maximilian_Dood on youtube and twitch. Heres a few of my favorite things -
Favorite Movies -
Animated - Toy Story, The Land Before Time, My Little Pony The Movie, Zootopia.
Live Action - Alien Covenant, Batman V Superman, American Beauty, Death Note (Netflix movie) Anything Seth Rogen is in :P
Favorite Music -
I love to listen to a lot of movie and game soundtracks, in particular my 3 favorite are the Nier Gestalt soundtrack, The Land Before Time soundtrack and the Prince Of Egypt soundtrack.
2PM, Pendulum, Michael Bolton, Celine Dion, Air Supply and µ's (Love Live)
Favorite Games -
Nier Gestalt, Nier Automata, The Binding Of Isaac, Deus Ex, Deus Ex Mankind Divided, The Witcher 2: Assassins Of Kings, Street Fighter, Soul Calibur, Mortal Kombat.
Favorite Youtubers -
Maximilian_Dood, Tyrone Magnus, Beyond The Trailer, Akasan, Abroad In Japan.
Thanks everybody for reading this, if you wanted to ask me any questions feel free to message me :3 I love you all
P.S Can someone tell me how to change my profile picture, this is my first forum >///<