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Everything posted by Phasereale

  1. Hi, everypony!!!

    How is everyponies summer going so far?

    1. Deae Rising Shine~
    2. Tacodidra


      Hello, my friend! :D I'm doing fine, the weather is quite nice at the moment! :pinkie: I hope you're having a good summer too! :rarity:

    3. J.T.


      Good, hope yours is as well :squee:

  2. good evening, everypony! How are you all doing today, so far?

    1. J.T.


      Summer is coming, I had to put my air conditioner in the window today B)

    2. Tacodidra


      Good evening, my friend! :grin: I'm doing fine, thanks! :) I hope you are too! :kindness:

  3. Hello everypony!


    How is everyone doing today?

    1. Tacodidra


      Hello, my friend! :D I've been alright. :) I hope your day has been an amazing one! :rarity:

    2. Partialgeek514


      Doing well! How about you?

    3. Phosphor


      I'm doing quite well this evening.  :fluttershy:

      How bout you?

  4. Hello, everypony!!!

    I hope you all are doing alright so far and I hope your week is going great!


    1. Mellow Mane

      Mellow Mane

      I hope you're having a great week as well:fluttershy:

    2. Tacodidra


      Hello, my friend! :D I'm doing fine at the moment, thanks – I hope the same for you! :kindness:

    3. Cash In

      Cash In


      I've been fine and I hope you've been having a good week too.

  5. Hello, Everypony! I have returned to the forums for good this time! So, you'll see me around alot now!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Phosphor


      Glad to have ya back! :fluttershy:

      How are things going for you?

    3. Rikifive


      Awesome! Welcome back! :mlp_yay:

    4. Mellow Mane

      Mellow Mane

      Welcome back!:mlp_yay:

  6. Hello everypony! I just want to say my day is good, but I got a problem I've been holding in for a long time and it's been bothering me all weekend and last week. You see I've asked this specific brony commenter, if I can do a channel review on his channel but he came off strongly and intimidating towards me and said "I recommend you don't do that and no offense I don't want to be part of any series you are planning on doing". I took it personal and said "Well, I'm offended" and he said "Well, I'm sorry about that, but I hoped you understand, but you don't". I did end up saying I'm sorry and after that he said back saying "it's ok and I forgive you. Its just that my channel is nothing special and their are other channels out their you should review instead". 


    Tbh, it's hard for me to let go of things from the past. I also have a very good memory as well

    1. Tacodidra


      Hello, my friend! :kindness: I'm sorry to hear that has been bothering you. I understand how you feel, it can indeed be difficult to forget unpleasant experiences...

    2. Arc Flash

      Arc Flash

      Sorry to hear that...:(
      Just remember, things that happen in the past are in the past...let them go and move on. It can be very hard at times..but in the long run, things will only get better!
      And hey, you rock!!B)

  7. Hello, everypony and my friends! I've returned back to the forums and I thought I would like to hangout here for a while and chat with yall! Anyway, I'm gonna go to sleep now! Goodnight, Everypony! May your favorite pony visit you in your dreams tonight!


    1. Tacodidra


      Welcome back, my friend! :D Good night! :fluttershy:

    2. Mellow Mane

      Mellow Mane

      Welcome back!:mlp_yeehaa:

    3. Cash In

      Cash In

      Well, welcome back and have a good night

  8. Alright, Everypony! I'm heading off to sleep now! Goodnight!


    1. J.T.
    2. Tacodidra


      Good night, my friend! :D

  9. This just came to my mind and I was wondering. Can we please add Fanfiction.Net to the contact methods? The reason why I asked this is because I just created account for FIMfiction and I tried to submit my fanfic work, but it got rejected do to some kind of "Script Format" in which I don't know what that is to be honest. When I looked at the rules. It said that the fanfics you make need to be based off of the MLP universe and not anything else, which kinda sucks when you I make a fanfic with a humanoid like paranormal creature I put in the fanfic almost everybody knows
  10. Good morning, everypony! I want to give my friends a update that I'm going to be going to the doctors this morning to get my blood drawn to see if I have diabetes or not! Wish me luck!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Deae Rising Shine~
    3. Tacodidra


      Good morning, my friend! :fluttershy: I hope everything is alright! :kindness:

    4. Arc Flash

      Arc Flash

      Good luck my friend!!:mlp_yeehaa:


  11. Alright, my friends! I got a exciting announcement! I have made a fanfic on the forms and it's already up! I hope you all like it and enjoy it!


    1. Tacodidra


      Yay! :yay: I'll make sure to read it soon! :D

    2. Cash In

      Cash In

      I'll check it out!

  12. While traveling through time and space. from one dimension to another dimension. Phasereale has been thinking about his new life and what he wants when he exits through time and space. Phasereale: Let's see. I want to make new friends. I want to attend to some fun activities like carnivals, festivals, concerts, parties, and all kinds of fun events! I also want to get a job to help out the community! I also want to get a marefriend and later on down the road, get married, and have our own children and live a great and joyful life!...… Oh, yeah! I also want to be known as well! After finishing saying his goals on what he wants to do in his new life. He started to remember his old country he used to live in. He remembered he had good and happy times, but their were times where their were bad and traumatic memories of events that happened in his old life in Acordia, Brewingwell. The good news is that he got saved by Slenderman at the last second before one of the demonic cult members that were chasing him. Almost fully breaking down the bacta tank glass that Phasereale was in and trying to be protected by the surrounding glass walls, in order to kill Phasereale when he was a kid. After Slenderman killed the demonic cultist member. He then took Phasereale to a dimension where demons live and who accept him for who he is. It was hard at first to get comfortable around other demons and monsters, because most of them he doesn't know and most of all.They are creepy, frightening, disturbing, sinister, menacing, and weird looking. Later on down the road. Phasereale got more comfortable around his kind, because he knows that he has to get used to the horrifying creatures around him. After remembering his past. Phasereale saw a light at the end of the portal and said to himself Phasereale: That must be the exit through this portal. Welp, time to make my exit! As he happily makes his exit through the portal. When Phasereale exited through the portal. The portal shot the blue maned and purple coat Pegasus in the air and tumbled to the grass in a hard landing. After, hitting the ground. Phasereale mustered the strength he can to get up off of the ground. While mustering the strength to get up from the ground while in pain. A pink maned and coat mare galloped over to Phasereale with a worried look on her face and asked Pinkie Pie: Hey, are you ok? As Phasereale stood on his four hoofs from getting up from the ground. He then told the pink mare saying Phasereale: Yeah, im ok. Thank you for asking. I just got into a hard landing. Pinkie Pie: Oh, alright! I'm very glad that you are ok! though you did struck a bad landing right their. Anyway, your welcome! Pinkie Pie said with a friendly smile on her face. When, Phasereale got up to face the pink mare. He saw how beautiful the pink mare is right in front of him. The mare's coat color matches her pink fluffy mane and tail color, which reminds him of cotton candy. As her, beautiful blue eyes remind him also of the blue sky in the clouds and for her cheery positive voice and smile. It fiils him with happiness and hope in his heart as it beats. Phasereale then snapped out of it after the pink mare asked Pinkie Pie: So, wants your name? As Pinkie Pie asked the blue maned and purple coat Pegasus's name. Phasereale then said to her. Phasereale: My name is Phasereale. Phasereale Cassandra. Pinkie Pie: Aaaauuuuu, I like your name! You have a unique name! The pink mare said with a friendly smile on her face. Phasereale: Thank you! I really appreciate the compliment miss? Phasereale paused after not learning the pink mare's name yet. Pinkie Pie: Huh......Oh! I almost forgot to introduce myself! My name is Pinkie Pie by the way! Also, your welcome again! Pinkie Pie said with a big smile on her face! Phasereale: Ooohh, I like your name too! It's a very beautiful, positive, and unique name! Pinkie Pie: Thank you, Phasereale! Phasereale: Your welcome, Pinkie! After Pinkie and Phasereale, introduced each other. Pinkie Pie then ask Pinkie Pie: So, hey! Do you want to go to Sugarcube Corner with me to hangout, talk, and eat some ice cream?!?! Phasereale: Sure thing! I do love ice cream! Pinkie Pie: Woohoo! We are going to have fun learning so much about EACH OTHER! Pinkie said in excitement to Phasereale's response to ice cream. Phasereale: Alright then! You can lead the way and i'll follow you! To be honest, I don't know where I am right now!?!? The 2 ponies then started trotting off to Sugarcube Corner for some ice cream and to get to know each other as friends. While walking, Phasereale did turn his and body a little bit to see if the portal is still their. When Phasereale, looked back to see if the portal is still their. The portal is not their anymore or no where to be found. Almost like if it vanished into thin air. Phasereale did wonder why Pinkie Pie didn't ask or question him about the portal as Phasereale turned his head back in the direction to where Pinkie Pie is taking him and continued his walk with her. At Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie Pie and Phasereale shared some laughter here and their about their childhoods and friends when they were young and what fun and cool things they did with them. Pinkie Pie also answered some of Phasereale's questions as well about the world he is in called Equestria. After answering Phasereale's questions. Pinkie Pie then Proceeded to say next after they both finished their laughter's together. Pinkie Pie: Well, anyway! I'm very glad that you met one of my friends Mrs Cake! Phasereale: Yeah! It's a honor to meet her! Pinkie Pie then asked Pinkie Pie: Hey, do you want to spend the night with me so that way you can find a place to live? Phasereale was about to answer Pinkie Pie's question until he was cut off by a mysterious and gentle voice right behind him Princess Celestia: I'm afraid your invitation will have to be declined Pinkie Pie The white alicorn says before the 2 ponies can turn their heads to the door of SugarCube Corner. Pinkie Pie then shouted in excitement and said Pinkie Pie: *gasps* IT'S PRINCESS CELESTIA!!!!! Phasereale: Wait, Princess who? The white alicorn then next introduced herself to Phasereale Princess Celestia: Where are my manners. My name is Princess Celestia. What is your name my little pony? Phasereale: My name is Phasereale. Phasereale Cassandra, your highness. As Phasereale took a bow to her. Princess Celestia: Well, it's very nice to meet you Phasereale Cassandra. after introducing each other and Phasereale bowing to her and for being silent for a few seconds. Pinkie Pie then broke the silence by asking Pinkie Pie: Wait, Princess Celestia. Why won't you let him stay with me for the night? Princess Celestia then answers Pinkie Pie's question Princess Celestia: Well, because Pinkie Pie. You don't know this pony that very well just yet. I know you talked with him a lot today and got to know him, but still. You shouldn't invite a pony in your home without getting to know them more in order to trust them in your home. Pinkie Pie: Oh, ok! That makes sense and it's understandable! Princess Celestia then put on a friendly smile and turned to Phasereale and asked him a question Princess Celestia: Phasereale. Would you like it, if you would live with me and my little sister Princess Luna in our castle in Canterlot? Phasereale then responded to her question by saying Phasereale: Why yes your highness. I would love that Princess Celestia then asked Phasereale to stand beside her, so that they can teleport to the castle together. As Phasereale trotted over to stand beside her. Pinkie Pie then interrupted her spell by saying Pinkie Pie: WAIT! Pinkie Pie then galloped over to Phasereale to give him a big friendly hug with both hoofs and then whispered in his ear saying Pinkie Pie: *whispering to phasereale while hugging him* I'm gonna miss you! Phasereale: *Hugs back with both hoofs* I'm gonna miss you, too Pinkie Pie! Pinkie Pie then turned her head to Princess Celestia while hugging Phasereale and said to her Pinkie Pie: Please take care of him, Princess. Princess Celestia then replied to Pinkie Pie by saying Princess Celestia: He will be taken care of in good hooves by me and my sister Pinkie Pie, so we will take care of him for you. He will also be back here in Ponyville tomorrow to help you and your friends around the town! Pinkie Pie then jumped up in happiness and smiled big along with a squee *squee* and then said Pinkie Pie: I'll go to sleep right now! I can't wait to see you tomorrow, Phasereale! See ya! Before Phasereale can respond back to her. She zoomed up to her bedroom to get ready for bed Phasereale: I can't wait to see you tomorrow, too Pinkie Pie! See ya! Phasereale shouted for her upstairs. He then proceeded to go back and stand by Celestia's side to be teleported to the Castle in Canterlot and then She teleported Phasereale with her to her castle. Meanwhile, back in the demon realm. Lies within are 5 Cult members that are having a meeting about Phasereale Demon Voice 1: At last. Our little sinner of our beloved Prince is in Equestria now and he doesn't know that we are tracking him and his every movement. Our next move, Ladies and Gentlecolts is that we frame him now and ruin his reputaution in equestrian and get him excuted by the princess of equestria for a sacrifice of a new hero and element of harmony. You my friend. I need you to go and ruin his life in equestria Demon Voice 2: Your quest and mission shall be done, your majesty
  13. What I mean by words like "kill, death, drugs, or sorry to bring this up "rape"? Is it ok to use these kinds of words or are their levels of usage on them in fanfics?
  14. So, I'm in my staff work room right now and it is a party with people hanging out and eating their lunch😂!


    1. Tacodidra


      Sounds like quite a fun day at work! :yay:

  15. I know I've been gone for a while, but I want to say that I miss all of you my friends! 

    *hugs friends*  :):kindness:

    Anyway, when I got back online! I saw these new changed Derpy emoji's that replaced the other ones we had before! Is their a special Derpy Hooves week on this website to celebrate?

    This is my first time seeing something like this! :derp::muffins:

    Speaking of Derpy! I've made some drawings of her!





    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tacodidra


      Welcome back, my friend! :D *hugs* We did have similar character-themed reactions on previous events, but I think they were all before you joined. :ooh:

      Awesome Derpy art! B)

    3. Phosphor
    4. Rikifive


      Welcome back! :mlp_yeehaa:

      Nice Derpy! :muffins:

  16. Hello, everypony! I hope you all are having a nice weekend, so far?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tacodidra


      Hello, my friend! :D My weekend has been alright – not the most eventful but not bad either. :) I hope yours has been great! :fluttershy:

    3. Phosphor


      Today was pretty fun, despite the storms this morning. I went to a few antique stores.

      How was your day?

    4. Cash In

      Cash In

      Mine has been well. Stuck on the computer all day, as usual. 

      I hope you've keeping well too.

  17. This came to my mind today and I was wondering What My Little Pony would look like if it was in a South Park paper animation way?
  18. I want to see how many posts that I need to make in order to get to the next rank!
  19. Story Booth: I unsubscribed from him, because I tried to get a heart on my comment from him in his videos, but I felt like he is ignoring me and he has a problem against bronies. Even, when people say I'm the comment section "Put a heart on my comment Story Booth!" and he puts a heart on those instead of mine. I even one time said to him saying "I love your animation videos❤!", but he completely ignored me. I feel like he is kinda or is boasting and especially his subscribers
  20. The last anime show I've seen was Black Butler!
  21. I'm working on writing my own story for my OC and his adventures in equestria and in the future when he does from present equestria. I've been busy with recording if walkthroughs and drawing pictures and all, that I don't get around to it. Even if I sit down to relax and Have the time to take care of it. Does anypony have advice on this?
  22. So, I had to take care of getting 2 dumpsters inside the compactor room today! It was hard work, but we got it done!





    1. Cash In

      Cash In

      That seems like quite the handful, but congratulations on getting it all done!

  23. So, about a hour ago! A stinkbug landed on top of my head for where my hair is!


    1. Arc Flash

      Arc Flash

      Yeah..we get those here too...nothing like smashing and thats all you smell....:mlp_lie:

  24. So, I was in a live stream chat tonight and I recognized a specific pony in the live stream chat!



    I saw @Arc Flash in Yud's animation youtube live stream tonight and I just saw him at the last moment!


    You know what they say! " It's a small world "

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kevin Tang

      Kevin Tang

      YudhaiKeledai's stream?

    3. Cash In

      Cash In

      It really is a small world.

    4. Kevin Tang

      Kevin Tang

      If so, I was there too today.

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