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Everything posted by kazamacat

  1. Casting Call Club link to submit auditions: https://www.castingcall.club/projects/casting-call-for-fanfic-reading-the-master-mev-chapters-1-11 18 open roles Lead: Rainbow Dash Supporting: Narrator to Mevs: An Explanation (Chapter 2 exposition/lore) Starlight Glimmer Fluttershy Rarity Applejack Pinkie Pie Twilight Sparkle Spike Discord Minor: Gallus Ocellus Sandbar Silverstream Smolder Yona Celestia Luna Info: The Master Mev is a My Little Pony fanfiction, starring Rainbow Dash, my top favorite character in anything, ever. I am the author and will be narrating the non-dialogue portions with the exception of chapter 2. I categorize it as a drama and consider it light-hearted in nature for the most part. Here is the long-description form for this fanfic on FIMFiction.net: Mevs are magic-eating vampires. There are two types: master and fledgling. Rainbow Dash becomes the master type one night, not long after the School of Friendship has recovered itself from a rough start. She and her friends learn of a way to help keep her properly fed. She needs a pack, and six fledglings are the recommended number. Being a master mev has obligations. There is work to be done, and despite a little drama or tension that may arise here or there to continue life as a regular pegasus most of the time, Rainbow Dash grows to love her new role. It's actually awesome, fun, and rewarding. *** The Master Mev is slated to have 100 chapters total. Up to 31 are published on FIMFIction.net. This project is an audiobook narration that covers only the first arc (chapters 1-11), which is the establishment of the mev pack, Team Awesome. I am starting with only one arc due to the size of the cast and length of story if I tried to do all 100 chapters for one project. All characters would appear again in later projects. Selected actors would be welcome to continue on with future projects, but I will re-cast if we find it necessary. Every chapter has at least one image (a quality inspired by the Harry Potter books) and as such, this audiobook will be published on my YouTube channel, KazamaCat, with these chapter images. You can find them in this DeviantArt gallery: https://www.deviantart.com/sonkitty/gallery/72133576/the-master-mev-art. More at the link. Thank you very much for your time. Again, the link to audition is: https://www.castingcall.club/projects/casting-call-for-fanfic-reading-the-master-mev-chapters-1-11
  2. This plushie is such perfection. I wish I could have one.
  3. A Rainbow Dash forum banner? Awesome! I approve!

  4. Happy Rainbow Dash Day everyone!

    I have published the first chapter of a fanfiction I’ve been at work on for months.

    Overall fanfiction title: The Master Mev
    Chapter 1 title: The First Night

    Here are some pictures:

    Cover image with text:



    Cover image without text and animated eye color change:



    Chapter 01 - The First Night image, the image title is The Column of Light:



    Here is the link to the fanfiction:


  5. Is there anything in MLPFIM show canon that indicates hippogriffs can sit, lay, and walk on clouds like pegasi and griffins can? Same question for manipulating weather.

    1. CypherHoof


      Difficult to tell. The class were cloudwalking when Crazy Glow stole GlimGlam's magic; Silverstream didn't fall though the cloud, nor did ocellus. Yona fell before the ponies though, so possibly they would have fallen, if they hadn't taken wing?

    2. kazamacat


      I was just watching that episode to prompt the question. I noticed at the start that Ocellus talks about never standing on clouds before so that leads me to think that changelings can't. Coincidentally, this is relevant info for a fanfic I'm working on, but it's the only instance I can think of where any hippogriff is standing on any clouds in the show. Right now, I'm going with maybe they never even tried because they spent so much time under water and had to deal with the Storm King before that. I'd think they'd be able to though.

      Thanks very much for replying.

    3. CypherHoof


      Not sure that "hasn't" is the same as "can't" though :)

  6. I skipped it until it was over, once I realized trying to follow along while it aired was going be a real drag and frustrating, then caught up over the course of half a week. @Anti-Villain, I like that phrase, "Fanon Discontinuity" and that idea, and I think I'll do that too.
  7. 1. School Daze (season 8 premiere) - I don't think the school was a good idea. The first time through, I was mildly intrigued because I assumed the Young Six would parallel the Mane 6 over the course of that season, and then...they don't really. So, every pass since then, if I even bother (season 8 is my least favorite), I'm mostly annoyed and bored with this premiere. There's little action, the Young Six characters aren't especially interesting to me, and Starlight is the ONLY one of Twilight's friends able to get through to her. 2. The Beginning of the End (season 9 premiere) - I don't like the idea of Twilight ruling Equestria and this episode does nothing to convince me otherwise. She and her friends already do a lot for Equestria and if The Royal Problem is anything to go by, this is actually a step down. Having now seen the entirety of season 9, my stance on that remains. They get to do way more cool stuff way more often, together, and they are all happy to do it too. I'm not really a fan of just randomly killing off the Tree of Harmony and the Elements either. I hate the title too. 3. To Where and Back Again (season 6 finale) - Where are my girls? They spend most of this finale kidnapped and unconscious.
  8. I am definitely not a fan of this ending. I don't like the time skip. I don't like big alicorn Twilight, I don't like the others looking so much older, I don't like having the Canterlot/Ponyville separation. I don't like how Rainbow Dash looks. I didn't want to see any of the Mane 6 canonically shipped with anyone. They rule Equestria together by not being still visibly friends to the rest of Equestria? Just...PASS. This episode was like if someone found a check list of "Do Not Want" in my notes and then made it. I do read the ending as Rainbow Dash and Applejack ending up together, and I've got mixed feelings on that. Seeing some of the younger characters grown was a nice touch but I'd rather not "know" the older ones died off in between. I really wanted the end to encapsulate that part of the characters' lives depicted in the series and leave the future older stuff to our imaginations.
  9. This episode was very frustrating to watch. I'm supposed to believe Rainbow Dash doesn't grasp the value of cheering? In season 1, episode 16, Sonic Rainboom, i.e. my favorite episode ever, the cold open is literally her having Fluttershy list off the elements of a good cheer as she is coaching her how to do it. Like, this episode establishes Rainbow Dash is enthusiastic, yes, she is, but then pretends she has no clue that she is or how to express it or how to help others express it until someone yells at her to point it out. I didn't hate it because I did like her eagerness in the very beginning and the end, but that is a lot of frustrating rest-of-beginning and middle that dragged the whole thing down.
  10. More awesomeness that is much appreciated @OdellaLark!
  11. Lovely, cute fanart that has definitely brightened my day, thank you @OdellaLark!
  12. This episode was very disappointing. I was so happy for Rainbow Dash that she finally made it and I couldn't wait to see how it all came together...only to find it did so with a great deal of personal trauma and without a resolution that Rainbow herself truly overcame-instead, we are just told that once she realizes the Wonderbolts do respect her, that they didn't mean it to be that mean but in a more friendly way, she gets over it. She's put through both deep emotional and physical pain, even if self-inflicted, doesn't mean I enjoy watching that. I was worried about Scootaloo, who thankfully was okay. The more I run through the seasons, the more often I skip this one. I am happy that Rainbow fulfilled her dream, and I knew there'd be a problem to reckon with to get there, but I just wish I could feel happier and enjoy that accomplishment more. Also, the beginning is cute, but I'm kinda sad that Scootaloo's the one who gets to be more expressive and animated, and Rainbow's just too stunned to do more than a slow, broad smile. I get way more joy out of watching her excitement in Rarity Investigates than I do in anything from this episode.
  13. This episode is so cute. It holds a special place in my heart because after I stopped keeping up with the show in 2012 and before fully catching up in November 2018, I'd only catch episodes occasionally if my husband had it on to watch with my daughter on Saturday mornings. Buckball Season was one of the few I caught that way, and I liked it back then. Anyway, even though this was more about Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie being naturals and struggling under pressure, I caught at least some of my adorable athletic Rainbow Dash, so that was nice too.
  14. Best Hearth's Warming related episode imo, love it. I like the songs, the celebration at both the beginning and the end, it's just such a special episode. I hesitate to call it a Starlight episode since it's also an ensemble affair, but it's definitely my favorite episode that features Starlight prominently.
  15. I love this episode. For me, it was the highlight of season 5 and it's one of my top faves in the whole series. I guess since I said The Saddle Row Review is third, this is fourth or maybe tied for third. Either way, they're both very enjoyable. It's a great showing for Rarity and a delight to see a happy Rainbow Dash spend time with Rarity in the beginning and her excitement when she first gets the news she gets to fly.
  16. I *love* this episode. It is so much fun, Rainbow is so much fun, Rainbow and Fluttershy singing is so cute. This is my second favorite in the whole series.
  17. This episode is my third favorite in the whole show. It's such a joy to watch (or listen to as background noise) every time. I know it's Rarity episode but for me, it's easily the best ensemble of the mane 6 in the whole series.
  18. Pander or don't, just make it happy, cute, and fun, the things I like about the show.
  19. You are not the only one. I emphatically did not like it either for a lot of the reasons you said. It made me wish I actually didn't care about this show and outright dread seeing at the very least the premiere and probably finale if that's the tone I can expect.
  20. I don't need any help in feeling sad that this series is ending so this just makes me wish I could stop caring so much about the show and dreading, not looking forward to, season 9.
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