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Posts posted by Yurusumaji

  1. I think whether one does or does not is entirely up to them. I am working on one. Personas are really not my thing no matter what fandom I'm in, but this one leaves the door open for anyone who wants to create one and there's a great Pony Creator on dA that can be used to help you make your own ponysona.


    However, if you're not interested, then don't. No can make you create a ponysona. Only do it if your heart is into it.

  2. I don't understand why anyone could possibly like Rainbow Dash, she's arrogant, competitive, selfish etc just so many negative qualities and not any good ones :s ~


    I hatde the MMMmystery express episode.


    Underlined text is entirely too general and incorrect. It's true that RD isn't the embodiment of a good pony, but that's what's great about her. RD gives the Mane 6 depth. Her and Rarity are arguably the most self-obsessed characters on the show. The thing is, everyone is flawed, some more than others. RD is an interesting and essential character because we have to watch her grow and go against her typical personality traits so that she can learn to be a better friend and better pony. She is learning from her friends what it means to be a better pony.


    I don't love Rainbow Dash, but I think she's the pony that really rounds out the group.


    ETA: I also don't feel that "competitive" is a bad trait, in-and-of itself. Competitiveness, when taken too far, can be a bad trait. I feel Rainbow Dash shows how this can be a bad thing in "Fall Weather Friends". However, as a general trait, it's not necessarily a poor trait to have and RD does not consistently go overboard with it.

    • Brohoof 6


    *sorry for the canterlocks*




    I just ... I can't ... I don't like the whole derp fiasco that's been going on for the past couple years over the internet. I think it's perfectly adorkable to have a pony that is clumsy and hare-brained. But the way Derpy looks just ... makes me throw up in my mouth a little.


    Plus her yellow demon eyes are creepy. LOLOL. She just isn't my cup of tea, that's all.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Oh my. I have had Yurusumaji as a username since high school. So, for about 7-8 years now.


    Yurusumaji is Japanese for "unforgivable". It fits me perfectly. My lifestyle when I was young was completely unforgivable and now I always have a reminder in front of me of who I used to be.

  5. There were only 7 on the list you posted.


    Anyway, Mr. Freeze. Everything he does is for his dying wife. That's a villain that deserves some massive amounts of pity.


    ETA: Also, Frankenstein's monster. Seriously, dude. His creator abandons him, no one likes him, people try to kill him. He hides in a house for months and gets the people to talk to him and like him. He was all happy and then when they saw him they packed up and bailed. His very existence was one of the worst forms of torture ever.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I'm very open about it. I have never cared to hide any of my obsessions. People know I collect Pokémon. Some of them think I'm totally nuts, but no one likes me any less for it.


    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss.

  7. I'm late for the party, but...

    Hello and Welcome to the Forums, and such!!! :lol:

    also, Supernatural, Sherlock and Invader Zim= Awesome sauce


    It's never too late for a PARTY!


    *high-five* for multiple common fandoms!

  8. Welcome to the herd! I hope you enjoy this site even more than I do! I am an artist. What do you like to do?


    Oohh, I love art! I like to do crafts a lot. I have been trying my hand at art, but I'm not very good. I've been busy lately, so I haven't really worked on it.


    In my spare time I'm usually found online, playing a video game or reading. I also RP (but I don't RP online) and play various nerd games like Munchkin, Settlers of Catan and Underworld. I love webcomics and read several of them. Besides that, I'm a full-time fangirl. Ha ha!

    • Brohoof 1
  9. I think everyone should be left alone concerning their food choices. Anyone telling you how you "should" eat isn't any different than veg*ans telling people they shouldn't eat meat because of health reasons.


    I think Gabriel Iglesias said it best.


    Guy: "Don't you want to live to be 100?"

    Gabriel: "Not if I can't have tacos."


    I think that people should be allowed to make their own decisions. It's one thing to have discussion about healthy vs. unhealthy. It's something else entirely to be told you should or should not eat something because of any reason (besides people, you shouldn't eat people because that's just messed up, lol). I eat what I want to eat and everyone else can eat whatever they want to eat and no one should be getting in anyone else's face about food because what you eat doesn't affect anyone else but you.

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