After reading some of this discussion, I’m a little hesitant to throw in my worthless two cents, but at the risk of having things thrown at me, here goes.
Maybe it’s because I’m completely new to this fandom and maybe it has to do with the fact that I have only watched every episode featuring Discord and nothing more, but I didn’t think this was a terrible finale. Granted, it could have been better. I don’t get why Twilight has an overactive pituitary gland and gets bigger and “prettier” than her friends while they stay “adolescent size” and develop wrinkles, but I shrugged it off. The song was enjoyable as I have found most of the songs to be in the show. I can relate to the whole moving away bit because my own childhood was a series of me moving away every one to two years and losing touch with friends. All in all, it wasn’t bad. Biggest complaint: not enough Discord. Yes, you can throw things at me for that if you wish.
Now on to my main curiosity. I really like the odd friendship that developed between Fluttershy and Discord. I think it’s cute how the writing throughout the show implies that Discord might have a crush on her (I get a kick out of his jealousy and overprotective behavior), though I can’t say I’m totally sold on a true romantic relationship between them. So with this finale, Fluttershy made her entrance through a portal that had Discord written all over it before he even appeared. Is this meant to say that they truly did end up together as more than friends? Like...married?