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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Bendy

  1. We seem to be hated by everyone, it seems. All I've ever done is write fanfiction and look at art of ponies. I never hurt anyone. You just get dumb reactions from dumb normies complaining about bronies. We bronies love cartoon ponies. The average normie only likes football (at least where I am from) I have finer tastes. Such as Twilight Sparkle. I love me some Twilight Sparkle. I want to marry Twilight Sparkle. If that makes me a degenerate then so be it.
  2. Set during the events of Mass Effect 2. You need to stop the Collectors and go on a Suicide Mission through the Omega 4 Relay. Which pony would you bring on board the Normandy?
  3. I love fimfiction. I even love m-rated content. I mostly read m-rated human x pony stories. But I get it, it's not for everyone's tastes, but there are plenty of clean stories too. There are stories I dislike there too. Such as human/pony hatefics, war and blah blah blah. I want human and ponies to hold hand and hoof, none of that grim edgy stuff.
  4. I like to think MLP FIM pony hooves soft like a sponge. So, it would be nice.
  5. A human petting a pony. Give them ear scratches, bellyrubs, and stuff like that? Would a pony fall to the power of human hands being lovey-dovey to them? Or would they stubbornly resist human hands?
  6. Let's narrow it down to the mane six to make it a bit easier. Just factor in, ponies seem to have friendly relations with griffons for the most part it seems. I think it's pretty clear although not shown in canon, that griffons are meat eaters. And of course, griffons don't just go around killing sapient minded ponies, that would lead to war. Here's what I think. I seriously doubt that Twilight would judge you harshly. She comes across as quite an intelligent girl. Probably knows a lot about nature from reading books. Rainbow Dash may consider it quite cool that you eat meat. (also note she was friends with a griffon) But may have questions how exactly do you chase down your prey. Applejack. She has pigs and I bet she knows a lot about nature. I'm pretty sure she kills one of them every so often to feed her dog. Or even buys meat somwhere to feed her dog. A griffon travelling merchant, or something. If you good friends with Applejack she may fry up some bacon for you. Pinkie Pie may think it's cool. And make you a meat pie or something instead of a cake if you wanted it. Buys the meat from the griffons or something. Rarity, I imagine she could be a little frightened, but warm up to you at some point. But not a total drama queen. Unless you behave like a savage. Now the big one. Fluttershy. She might be the most understanding of all the mane six. She knows a lot about nature and she's not going to judge you for being born the wrong way.
  7. Everyone should do the Commander Shepherd dance. It will woo her.
  8. You are a human. Twilight is open to relationship with other sapient minded species, she does not care. Would you dance with Twilight? Even if she does these sick moves during her dance as seen in Sweet and Elite. Would you take the risk of being accidentally kicked by her if it meant you could blossom a romance with her?
  9. Their armor is severely lacking through. And they may need some sidearms. Back up weapons basically strapped to them.
  10. Since I don't think Shadiversity will ever do a video for what the best weapons would be, we might as well do one. What do you think would be the best weapons for ponies would be? Even battle tactics? Formations, etcetera. Roles I think. Earth Ponies cannon fodder infantry, do most of the dying. Spearmen. Sword and shield. Pegasi scouts and raider units. Unicorns support. Allied humans… sorry, but cannon fodder. They may fight side by side with the Earth Ponies. I imagine something like cataphract armor to cover their entire body for all three groups of ponies; earth ponies, unicorns, pegasi. Possibly heavy plate if the pony is strong enough. Ponies may need to wear something to protect their eyes. Weapons, I think lances/spears would be quite good for earth ponies and unicorns. Ponies are short, it would be good to have a weapon that has good reach. If ponies have flexible hooves and maybe a bow and or a crossbow. Unicorns should wear particularly heavy armor to protect themselves and carry a tower shield for additional protection. They can function like artillery units with their magic. They seem to be the weakest of all tribes' in physical strength. They can cast spells to buff their allies and heal them. Pegasi war darts, javelins, crossbows... and stones to drop/throw down on the enemy. Possibly some sort of bomb to throw down at the enemy. The bombs may be rare since it be would cutting-edge tech. A lance could be used to impale an enemy. But I think Pegasi should stay out of melee combat, and be a skirmisher raiding troop. Dropping down to engage the enemy may put them in unnecessary danger.
  11. I kinda feel sad about all the troll threads I made in the past here. Sorry if I annoyed you.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Nah man, honestly I found them all to be fascinating in their own way. Plus they were always unmistakable, as in "I only who made this one". If we are talking about the same threads, I dont know if there are older ones I missed. :P

  12. How would the ponies react if you saved Equestria with your hands? Nightmare Moon is making a long-winded speech about her victory or something. The Mane Six are turned to stone. You casually walk up to the all-powerful, mighty Nightmare Moon and pet her and scratch her ears, partially paralyze her in bliss and make her fall over onto the floor in a heap, from there you rub her belly. At some point, you turn her back into Luna after some lovey-dovey belly rubs. The Mane Six are freed from the stone. Would you be celebrated as a hero? Would Luna be redfaced in embarrassment? What else would happen?
  13. Well if the human is a sadist. They would personally find it funny. Again I was more immature back then. This is an old thread from 2013. People keep digging up my old thread from years ago.
  14. This thread was years old from 2013. (I was more immature back then) And I made it for lolz back then. I'm not being legit serious.
  15. Yeah, I've seen some bronies who think like this. Moving on, this is old thread. Just note. I don't think will be making more posts in it. I used make lots of these Anti Conversion Bureau threads in the past. The ponies from TCB really give me Mass Effect Reaper vibes. No matter much they try make it seem not. Even the Pro TCB writers Princess Celestia just feels like Harbinger to me.
  16. I salute you. There's something magical about MLP FIM x human love. Plus imagine petting these lovely ponies as well?
  17. It be one hell of a mod. Would ponies be a good war asset in the Mass Effect universe to stop the Reapers? Let's consider some scenarios. Shepard in Mass Effect 3 finds new allies to help stop the Reapers. Gets Princess Celestia as a squadmate. She's enhanced with Mass Effect technology, biotics (on top of her magic) and a strong, regenerating kinetic barrier. (she can even summon a magical shield as a further buff to her defences. She can also give magic shields to nearby allies) Immune to Reaper indoctrination, and can even heal those who affected by Reaper indoctrination. Discord? (he's basically a cheat... let's say Discord still stone or whatever) only used maybe as a last resort. Now, let's consider, human making contact with ponies (before the events of Mass Effect 1) when they used their first Mass Effect Relay. Friendly relations happen, technology is shared. The Royal Guard are for example have a much larger force, have guns, biotics, generating kinetic barriers. The first Contact War still happens with turians when ponies and human try use a dormant Mass Effect Relay, except this time they piss both humanity and ponies off. Before things can go totally out of control, peace is established. However, ponies and humans are somewhat bitter towards turians. The turians are bitter too, since they lost a lot harder this time with the human and pony alliance. The Normandy ship is now even more advanced (and magical) even in Mass Effect 1. It's made by humans, ponies, and turians. Shepard has some pony squadmates, which he has the chance to romance and fight along side with. XD What pony squadmates would you like your Shepard to woo and fight with? Don't judge Shepard, he or she (whoever you pick) loves the aliens. That may include pony aliens. In Mass Effect 2, this stronger Normandy is able to take on the Collectors and not get blown up in the first place. XD
  18. To give her some chance, she's in a remote world with zero sapient mind species to endanger her, and is isolated from most of the action. Even if she immortal in the sense she can't die of old age, would she still end up being killed at some point? Even if she tried hiding from all the insanity that's happens in this universe? Princess Celestia may want to help 'fix' the universe, but it may led to her death if she tries. Try stay true to thr show. Your OP Princess Celestia from your fan fiction, I mean sure, she can take on the entire Warhammer40k universe, but let's try keep her close to canon.
  19. She has what seems to be a pet bear. I would be terrified of the sight of it.
  20. Just note, you are human in Equestria. So, you have that bagged with animals. Fluttershy asks you to visit her cottage. Me, no. No way in hell. I would tell her I would only visit if she tells her predatory animals like the bear to go away from her home for awhile since I'm scared of them. If she only has prey based animals, or friendly domesticated animals, like a house cat or a dog, then sure. But nothing like a freaking bear or a tiger. But what about you? Would you still visit if she had a bear in the house?
  21. Here's another thing to think about. Would you like to them to cybernetically enhanced your body? Make you live forever like them. With your consent of course. A union between flesh and machine.
  22. Would you date a friendly robot pony? As in they are good-natured and caring, and have great compassion toward living things. It might be possible one day. Who knows? Here's some creepy food for thought though, they are immortal. A single one of them can quite easily wipe out the entire human race by simply eating them with nanomachines. They like to turn their bodies into grey goo (tiny machines) and give you a cocoon hug by wrapping your body in the stuff. They like to do this to prove they don't have any ill intentions. The grey goo feels soft and warm, and they can massage your body with the goo. Would you be creeped out by a cocoon hug from a robot pony? Even if they are friendly?
  23. If you really think about it, There's a good chance Maud Pie would absolutely love dwarves from LOTR. Their beautiful architecture, great craftsmanship, they know lots about rocks and other materials, and they even live underground. Dwarves are known to have great bravery and loyalty. This hairy beast of a man is what Maud Pie wants. But what say you?
  24. My old threads from years ago keep getting dug up. XD

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