There are so many good episodes in this show but I'll have to say that my all-time favorite episode of the series is Hurricane Fluttershy for lots of personal reasons. Fluttershy was always my favorite member of the Mane 6 because I related to her so much, but Hurricane Fluttershy really cemented her position as Best Pony for me. The story was done so well and it offered a backstory on why Fluttershy was so shy. I really love episodes that focues on characterization. It was paced well, had good humor and showed the softer side of Rainbow Dash, which I always love seeing on the show. However, it was the moral that stuck with me. Seeing Fluttershy facing her fear without completely achieving the goal of beating the record but still helping get the water to Cloudsdale was realistic and beautiful to see. This was probably the most relatable episode of the show to me. Honorable mentions include Crusaders of the Lost Mark, The Return of Harmony, Filli Vanilli, Tanks for the Memories, It's About Time, Applebuck Season, The Cutie Mark Chronicles, The Show Stoppers, Sisterhooves Social, Hearth's Warming Eve, Flight to the Finish, Pinkie Pride, The Cutie Map, Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?, Rarity Investigates!, A Hearth's Warming Tail, The Saddle Row Review, Where the Apple Lies, A Royal Problem, Discordant Harmony, The Perfect Pear, Fame and Misfortune, A Health of Information, Sounds of Silence, Twilight's Kingdom, Frenemies and the Last Problem.