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Everything posted by DPBOX

  1. Download demo Have I posted about this here before? I'm pretty sure I did but I can't remember. I've been working on a My Little Pony RPG for the last 3 years. Have you guys seen all of those Final Fantasy Friendship posts by Happy Heart in here? This is another, better, and more idealized version of his Final Fantasy Friendship game that me and him are actually collaborating on. The kicker? I am not making this RPG in RPG Maker, Game Maker, Unity, Unreal, Wolf, or anything like those, I am instead making it COMPLETELY FROM SCRATCH using JUST C++ and a C++ graphics library called Raylib! The code is here. https://github.com/DPBOX/Final-Fantasy-Friendship-from-scratch This is fully approved by Happy Heart and he's giving me all of the maps, characters, enemies, stats, items, balancing aspects, etc. so I won't have to worry about that stuff and will be able to focus exclusively on the code. Much of the over world system is already completed including walking around maps, NPCs, treasure chests, scripts, triggers, and large amounts of the menu is done, too, such as the item menu and even equipping equipment is already implemented. I also just started work on the battle system and am looking for pixel artists. You can follow this project more closely by joining my Discord server, I'm not sure if I can post the invite link here.
  2. Hello, I'm trying to figure something out and I'm wanting to know something. Regular ponies have a certain body shape and the big Alicorns such as Celestia and Nightmare Moon have a different body shape. I want to know how much bigger/smaller the big Alicorn body parts are compared to a regular pony's body parts. I've seen many posts detailing the height of Alicorns compared to regular ponies, but merely just the height comparison is unsatisfactory to me. Not only am I wanting a height comparison, I also want a leg length ratio, a torso length ratio, a torso thickness ratio, a torso height ratio, a neck length ratio, a head size ratio, how long the neck is compared to the legs, how big the head is compared to the rest of the body, etc. So I'm basically wanting very detailed measurements of all aspects of a big Alicorn's body compared to a regular pony's body. This is because there is this game called Second Life and there is a section or aspect of the game called Open Pony. You may have heard of it. You can basically run around a 3D world as a pony. This pony can be modified, though. Out of the box, you only get the standard pony, but I want to mod it into a big Alicorn like Celestia and Nightmare Moon, but, to do that, I need the correct body proportions and I want the body proportions to be perfect and match the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic TV show exactly which is why I am making this post.
  3. You know, this character, Captain Celaeno, the sky pirate captain from My Little Pony: The Movie? My question is, do you guys think she could be a Daring Do villain? You know, because she's a sky pirate, and pirates steal things including valuable artifacts? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piracy I ask because I thought of an idea for a few levels in a video game where these few levels are styled like a Daring Do book/adventure except you play as Celaeno instead of Daring Do and you are Daring Do's enemy and you have to plunder and steal from places and get artifacts before Daring Do can with Daring Do and possibly Dr. Caballeron being bosses, possibly so you can return them to Ahuizotl so he can keep his job, so basically Celaeno is doing the same things as Dr. Caballeron here. Why Celaeno? Because I want these levels in this video game to be styled like Zelda 1 and/or 2 and I'd want the player to be able to use a sword and possibly a gun, which pirates definitely have and Daring Do and Dr. Caballeron don't, and I just think Celaeno is awesome and has an awesome design and is not a pony.
  4. There is something I really want to know. The community seems to absolutely love the The Perfect Pear episode. I've read a lot of people say it's the best episode in the show, but ... why? Why is this episode so much more well loved than any other? What, exactly, about this episode elevates it higher than any other episode? As someone who is on the autism spectrum and can have difficulty understanding social situations and emotions and at times comprehending stories and moves, can someone please explain this reasoning to me in great detail and as specifically as you can?
  5. I just found out just now that this exists. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13408956/ I think it aired right after The Last Problem and is a documentary about behind the scenes look of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, how the episodes are written, etc. I didn't even know it existed until now. Is there any way I can watch this with closed captions?
  6. Is there a place online where I can download raw and pure voice clips from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic without background sounds and music? I'm particularly interested in Tempest Shadow from My Little Pony: The Movie. I'm trying to make a My Little Pony fan game, but, in video games and other fan entertainment media, whenever voice clips from the show are used, they are almost always accompanied by whatever background sounds and music that are playing while the voice is speaking at the point in the show the voice clip is from which is annoying and breaks the immersion. I think I have found reports online of people, groups of people, and projects that have stripped all of the background music and sounds away leaving just the voices, but I am not finding any download links.
  7. Oh, so are you saying that the ponies even in Friendship is Magic are kind of sort of already segregated? I never realized that.
  8. What? What does that have to do with what I asked? I don't understand.
  9. So, with that being said and with all of the work Twilight Sparkle and her friends have done as the series went on, then why are all of the ponies suddenly splitting apart in a matter of months at the end of Season 9?
  10. Early on in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, we find out that the ponies are absolutely TERRIFIED of Zecora the Zebra and dragons, so what does this say about their society and what is it like? If they are so scared of zebras and dragons, are they scared of each other? Would it be realistic for them to start splitting apart in a matter of months in Season 9 when they have lived together for thousands of years? And then you have Twilight Sparkle and her friends trying to spread friendship throughout Equestria and even beyond into other kingdoms where other creatures live. But are Twilight Sparkle, her friends, and the tight bond they have with each other indicative of the greater Equestrian society or are they an anomaly in the society and there are actually not a lot of friendships in Equestria? If a yak from Yakyakistan or a griffon from Griffonstone came to Canterlot or Manehattan or Appleloosa looking for a place to live and/or work, would the residents behave the same way the Ponyville residents did when Zecora came to town?
  11. Oh man, I REALLY hope we eventually find out exactly what that is and exactly what happened. Though my friends in my Discord server said that it likely won't be explained until the VERY end of the Make Your Mark saga, which may even last ANOTHER 10 years, well, I'm doubting Make Your Mark will last that long, but ... gulp, there's a chance that they might not even explain it at all, and I think said chance is not a low chance. I'm hoping this fan fic https://www.fimfiction.net/story/515349/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-season-14 will provide a plausible explanation even if it's only fanon, but that fan fic series tries to be a continuation of Friendship is Magic starting from here, https://www.fimfiction.net/story/449326/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-season-10 though I REALLY don't agree with some parts. I'm still reading Season 13 and Opaline doesn't come until Season 14, but guess what? Opaline has a huge advantage in this fan fic series and has a better chance at doing some serious damage to Equestria because the ponies spent the last several SEASONS, 10 through 13, fighting Grogar. When Grogar is finally defeated at the end of Season 13 ... Equestria is incredibly weak and is trying to repair the damage Grogar has done and return back to normal life. This would give Opaline the perfect time to strike. Like I said, I'm still reading Season 13 and don't know the exact details, but I have a really general and broad idea of what Season 14 is like. Still, the fan fic series has several battles where the villain is defeated without any magic or rainbows or friendship at all, such as this chapter https://www.fimfiction.net/story/492572/20/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-season-13/episode-20-20000-leagues-under-the-seaquestria that I read a few days ago. The villain is defeated by pure military might using artillery weapons such as spears and bows, and the way the villain is defeated is basically exactly the way Smaug the Dragon is defeated in the Hobbit including with the use of a black arrow to hit the weak spot, so, ugh, that just makes it seem even less plausible that Opaline could do some real damage if it is possible for some villains to be defeated completely without magic or rainbows. And that villain's defeat used another work as inspiration, the Hobbit in this case. I wonder if the canon My Little Pony's villain defeats are inspired by other works like this. Oh, I understand.
  12. But the 3 villains didn't destroy Equestria in the end, they were defeated and Equestria was saved due to the magic of friendship. And, even if Opaline tore the ponies apart by spreading fake rumors, well, then surely the 6 students and/or Twilight and her friends will unite everyone again to take out the villain just like last time or even just take her her out using just the friendship between the 6 of them like they did with King Sombra in the Season 9 opening, right? They defeated a villain who used this tactic once, they can do it again, especially since they now have experiencing at countering this tactic, right? Also, even if Opaline had succeeded in taking all of Equestria's magic, well, Tirek did exactly that in Season 4, he stole every ounce of magic in Equestria including Discord's chaos magic and the Alicorn magic after Twilight willingly gave it up in exchange for her friends, and Tirek was still defeated by friendship magic and rainbow lasers, so surely Opaline could be defeated in exactly the same way if she steals Equestria's magic, right? And, if Equestria still had magic before the Unity Crystals and the ponies could still use magic even after Equestria's magic was supposedly sealed in the Unity Crystals, then what, exactly, was put in the Unity Crystals, then? If there was still magic even after Equestria's magic was supposedly sealed in the Unity Crystals, then Opaline could steal that magic, right?
  13. But there were several other villains who tried to steal Equestria's Magic in Friendship is Magic such as Tirek, the Storm King, and Cozy Glow, but they were all defeated without too many problems, so why does Twilight have to take such drastic measures against Opaline, then? How is she different from the other magic-stealing villains? I would think there HAS to be another way to defeat her that does not involve sealing everyone's magic away just like with the other magic-stealing villains. And there's still the mysteries on how she became an Alicorn, where she came from, how she became evil, etc. That proves my point on Twilight doing a crap job at keeping the peace and keeping everyone together. The ponies would not be segregating and would not be unwanting to live together in harmony anymore if Twilight was doing a good job, right?
  14. I really don't like it. Friendship is Magic had a very creative, colorful, and magical world that seemed just as fantastical as the ponies that lived in it, but Mark Your Mark, in a nutshell, just feels like a world with humans dressed in pony costumes. The world looks very similar to our own with similar looking houses, phones and technology, there's no magic or fantasy elements or creativity, which makes this world and its inhabitants feel more artificial and forced, and the ponies really seem like they should not belong in this world. This brings me to the characters, oh the characters. They are the stupidest and most annoying brats ever! They do the stupidest and most nonsensical things and drone on and on and obsess over the most minor of things. These ponies don't seem to take ANYTHING seriously and are so short sighted and dumb and crazy and not careful. Once a cold and calculating villain appears, the villain would absolutely destroy them without breaking a sweat. The only exception is Zipp. She seems far more level headed than everyone else and is serious and to the point. She knows what is important and doesn't get bogged down in the minor things. She's even perplexed by the very same things the viewers are and is tying to investigate them. We want to know what is going on with the world and so is Zip, so she is trying to investigate things. I commend her for that. If there is ANYONE who's going to take down Opaline, it's Zip. Her head seems screwed on much more tightly than everyone else's, and she seems to be the only one actually advancing the plot. Pipp, meanwhile, is just an annoying jerk who goes on and on about the most minor of things and is obsessed with her phone and getting followers. Those are the only things she cares about. It's disgusting. Is there a word that's more obsessed than obsessed? Because I think that's how Pipp is. When Zipp and Pipp got stuck in that cave in that one episode, Pipp did not take the situation seriously and just whined and complained like a little kid! Meanwhile ZIPP is actually trying hard to get them out of that cave, including by trying to dig out or by looking for holes and weaknesses in the structure. Zipp was ultimately the one who advanced the situation and got them out. And then there's Izzy and Misty in that one episode. Izzy sees a new pony on the street, the villain's henchman Misty, and IMMEDIATELY invites her over for a sleepover at the building that houses THE SOURCE OF THIS WORLD'S MAGIC and is EXACTLY where the villain wants Misty to go! The amount of stupidity here is through the roof! First off, you DON'T just walk up to someone on the street and immediately invite her for a sleepover no matter WHO is is, you have get to know her and trust her first, and you ESPECIALLY don't invite her to a building that keeps the world's BALANCE in check! The sheer stupidity of these ponies is advancing the villains plans, and it only seems like sheer dumb LUCK that the villain's plans are being foiled. Pinkie Pie in Friendship is Magic may have been weird and annoying but she was NOT stupid! She still knew when to wise up and get serious when the situation called for it, and she still cared deeply about her friends! The Make Your Mark ponies just seems to be running all around acting like stupid and idiotic clowns with no character and personality whatsoever! As bad as that stuff was, they are not what pushed me over the edge, the YouTube video at the bottom of this post did. It actually details in great detail what happened to kickstart the events of Make Your Mark in G5, and this situation REALLY makes my blood boil! I mean, read some of these comments on the video! "In the climax of G4 Chrysalis managed to turn the three tribes against each other really quickly, so there's obviously some buried animosity and distrust between the tribes. Also, It's not just that Twilight took away their magic to make them get along, it's implied that it was a civil war. She took their magic to stop them from killing each other." "And the tribes got back together in like 10 seconds. Plus, what, did the cakes' kids split up when it happened? The ponies were interbred, what happens when a unicorn suddenly has a pegasus child because genetics? And the three races got along for 1000 years under Celestia and the supposed princess of friendship did such a crap job she somehow destroyed that less than a century? I thought they were at least going to say this had happened after twilight already died." But this one really takes the cake, "Yeah, I agree. The fricking Princess Of Friendship did a horrible job and lasted around 40 - 60 years. Kinda pathetic how they chose to turn Twilight from a strong princess into some wimp unable to keep the peace without removing the magic completely. They basically undid all the character development she got in 9 seasons. They destroyed 9 years of character development." Seriously!? SERIOUSLY! THIS is how G5 started!? Celestia rules Equestria alone for 1,000 years, she picks Twilight as her student, Twilight becomes the Princess of FRIENDSHIP, Celestia picks Twilight as her successor and Twilight has shown herself as being a very capable leader over 9 SEASONS, then she takes the throne and rules for only 40-60 years!? How DARE they make Twilight like this! They basically turned the Princess of ******* FRIENDSHIP into some abysmal pathetic WIMP unable to keep the peace for even a CENTURY and even becomes a ******* DICTATOR after she takes everyone's magic!? I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS!! Forget The Crystalling, forget Starlight Glimmer and Cutie Re-Mark, forget To Where and Back Again, forget the Season 9 finale, this is A HUNDRED times worse writing than even the WORST written Friendship is Magic moments! Twilight ABSOLUTELY would NEVER do ANY of those things under ANY circumstances! After that, I decided I'm done with G5 and won't have anything to do with it anymore and will just say, "Friendship is Magic FOREVER!"
  15. Between Season 9: Episodes 25 and 26, how could King Sombra come back? I prefer for the explanation to not involve Grogar, Discord, or Opaline.
  16. I'm not working on this anymore, this is my current project. You can also visit my Discord server to follow my projects and progress on them.
  17. Hello, here's a small little game I made. It was made for a contest on the Super Mario World hacking web site SMWCentral. I hope you enjoy it. This is a ROM hack of Super Mario World for the Super Nintendo. That file is not the game, it's a ROM patch that you have to apply to an American Super Mario World ROM using this tool https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=onlinetools&tool=bps then you can play it on a Super Nintendo emulator that's NOT ZSNES. You'll need to search Google for an American Super Mario World ROM, I can not provide one.
  18. @Splashee, do you have experience programing the Super Nintendo? You seem to know about SNES registers and such.
  19. Here's my entry, My Little Pony: Super Luna Game DX Demo 1.3. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/655981087650086943/1017712317380689931/smwOrig.bps This is a ROM hack of Super Mario World for the Super Nintendo. It was written in 65C816 Assembly like all Super Nintendo games. To play, you need an American Super Mario World ROM, you need to patch that .bps patch to the ROM using this, https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=onlinetools&tool=flips and play it in a Super Nintendo emulator such as SNES9X or BSNES, NOT ZSNES. Press Start during the level to see what moves you can do. I think it definitely adheres to the glitchy theme, but it's a little rough around the edges. First off, the Tantabus Mk 2 companion is bugged. It's supposed to animate with a flying animation, but, for some reason, sometimes it doesn't and I have no idea why this occurs. Last time it happened, the issue just magically fixed itself when I edited the ROM one time. If you pause the game, it REALLY glitches out. Perhaps Luna hasn't perfected it yet or the chaotic nature of the dream she goes to messes with it. Do I need to include credits? Some of the art assets are not mine.
  20. Would I be allowed to submit a ROM hack of Super Mario World here? It would be written in 65C816 Assembly like all Super Nintendo games and would be distributed in the form of a patch that you would apply to an American Super Mario World ROM which I can not provide here which would then be played in a Super Nintendo emulator such as SNES9X.
  21. I just started playing this game a few days ago. What is the maximum number of ponies you can have?
  22. The Changelings are complete. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/655980905743122434/961100390449963078/bandicam_2022-04-05_22-08-33-726.mp4
  23. Yes, I want the hair color that's used without a background and, yes, I do want the original hex number of the color. And, yes, I am looking for one single color, so the average color I guess. I'm trying to edit her Desktop Ponies sprite so she has the hair from that comic. I then plan to use it in this game I'm making. However, it's a ROM hack of an existing game and the game system it's on doesn't support translucency in the context that I want to use the sprite in, so that's why I want the original unblended color. I was hoping for a mathematic way of figuring it out. I tried something and it spit out nonsense.
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