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Everything posted by DPBOX

  1. There's this comic I once read. I didn't really like it or understand it, but the artwork was just AMAZING! I especially what they did to Luna and Nightmare Moon's hair. However, I need help figuring out something. The part of Luna's hair right next to the outline and the main part of her hair is translucent. I want the original, unblended version of that color, but I can't figure out how to get it. Can anyone get it for me and tell me how to get the original, unblended versions of translucent colors in he future? Unfortunately, there are no standalone images of Luna in this style, so all I can give you is a bunch of panels with Luna in them. It's not ideal, but it's all there is. https://www.deviantart.com/light262/art/MLP-Timey-Wimey-page69-633301166 https://www.deviantart.com/light262/art/MLP-Timey-Wimey-page70-650126851 https://www.deviantart.com/light262/art/MLP-Timey-Wimey-page75-663932920 https://www.deviantart.com/light262/art/MLP-Timey-Wimey-page-85-688036143 https://www.deviantart.com/light262/art/MLP-Timey-Wimey-page-86-690870064 https://www.deviantart.com/light262/art/MLP-Timey-Wimey-page-87-693747798 https://www.deviantart.com/light262/art/MLP-Timey-Wimey-page-88-696585269 https://www.deviantart.com/light262/art/MLP-Timey-Wimey-page-92-706845204 https://www.deviantart.com/light262/art/MLP-Timey-Wimey-page-93-709395081 https://www.deviantart.com/light262/art/MLP-Timey-Wimey-page-94-711805843 https://www.deviantart.com/light262/art/MLP-Timey-Wimey-page-96-716567931 https://www.deviantart.com/light262/art/MLP-Timey-Wimey-page-100-726280305 https://www.deviantart.com/light262/art/MLP-Timey-Wimey-page-101-728699615 https://www.deviantart.com/light262/art/MLP-Timey-Wimey-page-103-733404728 https://www.deviantart.com/light262/art/MLP-Timey-Wimey-page-104-735615523 https://www.deviantart.com/light262/art/MLP-Timey-Wimey-page-105-737814503
  2. Huh? Cut content in Season 9 and G5? What do you mean? What cut content? There's cut content? What is it?
  3. We saw that Twilight Sparkle is as tall as Celestia, but Cadance is never seen, so how tall do you think she is? Is she as tall as Twilight and Celestia, too? Is she still the same height as she is in the rest of the show? Did she grow maybe a little bit but not much? What do you guys think?
  4. I actually just asked Ziggylung, the developer of Ponyvania, what the player character in Ponyvania's hitbox is like on the Ponyvania Discord server. I haven't gotten a response yet.
  5. Hello, I'm trying to make a My Little pony platforming game, but one problem I'm facing is hitboxes. This hitbox only applies to objects and enemies, not level geometry and can be any size rectangle down to the pixel. The problem I'm facing is, ponies have a really weird shape, so I'm not sure what the optimal hitbox size and placement should be. Can you guys please draw a rectangle on these images where you think the hit box should be?
  6. Thank you. Those posts answer most of my questions, but what, exactly, did the Elements of Harmony actually DO to Nightmare Moon/Luna? We know that either her jealously amplified her magic power, she reached the breaking point and used the moon's power to boost her own power, or both to become Nightmare Moon, and she started going ballistic because she wanted to be loved and she wanted her night to be loved. O.K., so she gets back from the moon still all jealous and crazy, then the Main 6 use the Elements of Harmony on her. Why is she suddenly not jealous and crazy anymore? What happened? If you had someone who was arrogant, jealous, and crazy, I would think the way to cure them would be to just sit down and talk to them and have them vent their feelings and relax, which is basically how Starlight Glimmer was redeemed. Twilight got through to Starlight. Starlight told Twilight what was bothering her, they just sat down and talked, Starlight Glimmer calmed down, and Twilight Sparkle forgave her and gave her a second chance, no rainbow lasers used. SURELY the same could have been done for Nightmare Moon, considering that, just like Starlight Glimmer, she wasn't inherently evil, just misguided and had a troubled past, right?
  7. It always struck me as odd that Luna looked so different during Season 1. Why did she look so different then? People might assume that it's a depowered form and she got weakened due to being Nightmare Moon for so long and getting hit by the rainbow beam and that her power would slowly regenerate over the course of the season being at full power and having her regular appearance by the second season. However, both she and Celestia have gotten pretty beat up over the course of the series including having their magic stolen several times, and yet Luna never took on that form again. Even in future times in the series when Nightmare Moon appears, Luna STILL never takes on that Season 1 form. So what happened? Why does she look so different in Season 1? You can't just change a character's design without an explanation! That's bad writing! Did Luigi's , Daisy's, Waluigi's, or Tails's designs change drastically since their inception? They might have gotten slightly thinner or started wearing new dresses or have had very minor changes, but, for the most part, no, and people loved them way more than the main character all the same. So what gives? And what, exactly, did the Elements of Harmony actually DO to Nightmare Moon/Luna, anyway? Why did they send her to the moon when Celestia used them on her, and had a completely different effect, which is ACTUALLY bring her back to normal, when the Main 6 used them on her? We know that either her jealously amplified her magic power, she reached the breaking point and used the moon's power to boost her own power, or both to become Nightmare Moon, and she started going ballistic because she wanted to be loved and she wanted her night to be loved. O.K., so she gets back from the moon still all jealous and crazy, then the Main 6 use the Elements of Harmony on her. Why is she suddenly not jealous and crazy anymore? What happened? If you had someone who was arrogant, jealous, and crazy, I would think the way to cure them would be to just sit down and talk to them and have them vent their feelings and relax, which is basically how Starlight Glimmer was redeemed. Twilight got through to Starlight. Starlight told Twilight what was bothering her, they just sat down and talked, Starlight Glimmer calmed down, and Twilight Sparkle forgave her and gave her a second chance, no rainbow lasers used. SURELY the same could have been done for Nightmare Moon, considering that, just like Starlight Glimmer, she wasn't inherently evil, just misguided and had a troubled past, right?
  8. Hello, can anyone think of a new armor design for King Sombra? I've never really liked his default armor, and there are potentially tons of different ways to design armor for him. I'm making a game where he's playable, and I'm trying to think of alternate armor designs for him, maybe something that goes with his personality or something he likes, such as the black crystals he likes so much. I just want to think of something different for him, that's all. If no one can think of anything, I'll just use his armor from the show. One thing I will say is that he will be wearing the Alicorn Amulet, so I would want the armor to compliment that, and I would also prefer for him to still wear his cape. Does anyone have any ideas? What should his new armor look like?
  9. Oh wow! I just finished reading that story on FimFiction about a month ago, and you made it into an actual book? Wow, that's dedication, and I can't even begin to know how you did that!
  10. I've been hard at work with my Super Mario World hack. All of the basic Unicorn, Pegasus, and Earth Pony abilities as well as Luna's own abilities are implemented. I just need to fix up a few graphic effects and such. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/655980905743122434/916900684052430899/bandicam_2021-12-04_21-52-31-059.mp4 (I don't know what that loud click is at the end of the video. It's not supposed to be there. Just ignore it.)
  11. Who is Lily Longsocks? I've only heard of her from a fan fic. Is she an ACTUAL character in the show!?
  12. You're not supposed to go to the levels on the left and right. Disregard those 2. The only level that matters and the one that was judged is the one in the middle called SMOKEY MOUNTAIN.
  13. Here's my other contest entry. It was for the Chocolate Level Design Contest #6 from Spring 2020. You had to make a good level by modifying a Super Mario World ROM any way you wanted. My level is called Smokey Mountain, and you play as Spike. It's a collect-a-thon style level like those old Nintendo 64 games. It still wasn't that great according to the judges, ranking 54th place out of 64, but I think it was a fun experience and something unique. You can read the comments of the judges here.
  14. DOWNLOAD LINK Why play Luna Game when you can play SUPER Luna Game? It's actually called Super because it's on the Super Nintendo. It's a little 5 minute long Super Mario World hack that consists of a single level that I made. It's a level I made for a contest SMWCentral, the Super Mario World hacking website, hosted to see who can make the best Super Mario World level featuring a certain theme, and you're not supposed to put your name in there to avoid favoritism by the judges. The theme was "questionable". You had to make a questionable level. You had to make a weird, unprofessional, and jokey level filled with glitches and other things that normally break the site's rules on level design. Here are the results of the contest. I even got an award, Best Non-Mario Sprite. If you want to see the judges' comments on my level, look at entry 70 for the 4 judges here. You need this tool to patch that .bps patch to an American Super Mario World ROM. You need a Super Nintendo emulator that's NOT ZSNES, I recommend SNES9X, to play the game. If it still doesn't work, just open it up in this tool, click yes if a message appears, close it down, then patch that .bps patch to the ROM. I may make sequels to this so stay tuned. What do you guys think of this? Do you like it? I also have another contest entry I could show, this one being far more serious. Would you guys be interested in playing that level, too?
  15. Well, I was discussing the movie with my mom, and I came to realize something. One reason why I didn't like the movie is because I believe that any work that features talking animals should have more fantasy elements and should be more creative in general than works featuring humans, so seeing ponies in a human-like world using technology such as freaking SMART PHONES and TVs just seemed really, REALLY weird and jarring. The ponies also seem to be distinctly acting more like humans and doing human-like things than ponies. And there were almost no fantasy elements. It almost seems like a work that features humans in pony costumes instead of actual ponies. Do you guys understand what I'm saying? So, basically, Friendship is Magic had tons of fantasy elements, which made the ponies seem just as fantastical as the world they lived in, but the new movie is filled with things we consider familiar and everyday, which made the ponies stand out, and I believe that making a world without humans that seems very similar to ours but with non-human sapient inhabitants such as ponies, dogs, or other animals is a big no-no. For example, here's some food for thought. In our world in the G5 world, if we want to send a message to a distant person, we just pull out our phone and send a text, but, in Friendship is Magic, a dragon burns the letter, and it magically appears next to the recipient. That is FAR more creative, FAR more fantasy-like, and FAR more fitting for a world consisting of magical talking ponies, would you agree? THAT'S the type or creativity and fantasy I'd expect from a fantasy world inhabited by magical talking ponies, would you agree?
  16. I believe what divided the ponies is what I said above, which is just natural causes. And who's Argyle?
  17. The movie just felt weird. It was so much different than the My Little Pony I'm used to. The art style and just in general style feels more realistic and mature. It's kind of how I envisioned a My Little Pony movie would be like, just a pony trying to spread friendship with lots of songs and not much action and drama. Well, there was some action, but the movie just seemed incredibly bare bones, featuring JUST the ponies. Even the first season of Friendship is Magic featured other creatures such as dragons and griffons. Apparently, it takes place in the same world as Friendship is magic, but far, FAR into the future to the point where Twilight Sparkle's adventures and rule is an old fairy tale. Considering that events 1,000 years prior in Friendship is Magic are well remembered, I would think that this movie probably takes place 10,000 years after Friendship is Magic. Also, apparently, friendship between the pony races has been lost, and the loss of friendship also caused the loss of Unicorns and Pegasi's magic and ability to fly, to the point where electricity, technology, and steam power were created and invented because they couldn't use magic anymore. It kind of reminds me of Final Fantasy 6. I have an idea on why friendship might have been lost and the pony races divided again. There's this game on 3DS called StreetPass Mii Plaza. In it is a game called Warrior's Way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yecYZ6GNrBU In it, you're supposed to conquer the world. Actually, it's more like a continent. There are 20 countries on that continent, and, after you conquer them all, after a long time, your country just ... falls apart and gets divided again, and you have to re-conquer the world again. The game states that your new country falls apart because nothing lasts forever, and, by a cruel twist of fate, your entire country falls into chaos, and I want to believe that that's what happened to Twilight's Equestria. Twilight Sparkle may have created a near utopia, but nothing is sustainable forever. Times, tastes, and trends change, and there will always be naysayers who dislike Twilight's rule, and there will always be problems in the world. The Roman Empire was the global superpower, and it lasted for only 200 years or so. The Holy Roman Empire was eventually conquered. NOTHING lasts forever, including Twilight Sparkle's near utopia of friendship. No matter how powerful Twilight gets or how immortal she is, she WILL eventually fall. Do you understand what I am saying and do you agree with me? I mean, due to how DIFFERENT this entire movie is, it just seemed so bizarre seeing references to Friendship is Magic in there. I mean, what happened to Earth Ponies growing food and ponies controlling the weather and raising and lowering the sun and moon? What happened to the Timberwolves, Cockatrices, Manticores, and all of those other creatures? What happened to the villains like Discord, King Sombra, Chrysalis, Tirek, Cozy Glow, etc.? And who or what controls chaos now? What happened to the fantasy elements in general? Everything just looks so human-like with technology and electricity and phones and TVs. Even the houses look more like the houses in real life and not like the uniquely-styled houses in Ponyville. Is this G5 world REALLY the same world as Friendship is Magic's world? If so, then how can it even FUNCTION with no one controlling the weather and raising and lowering the sun and moon and controlling chaos? If the movie doesn't take place in Friendship is Magic's world, then all of that Friendship is Magic lore can be thrown out, but, if the movie does take place in Friendship is Magic's world, then the fundamental parts that allow Friendship is Magic's world to function and all of its lore have to be integrated somehow, right? I must say, I do really love the golden, glowing, and translucent wings and horn that Sunny gets, and I love that they're permanent. It makes Sunny seem extra, EXTRA special. I wish Twilight got glowing and translucent wings and a glowing and translucent horn.
  18. Well, click here or that link in my signature and come on in!
  19. Actually, I'm playing through the Trials of Mana remake on the Nintendo Switch now, and that's certainly the case there. With no mana in the world, magic can't be used, and it takes 1,000 years for the world to build up its mana supply. But, with a system like that, you'd expect magicians to draw power from the world's mana to use magic, which suggests that they can just spam any spells they've learned for as long as they want, but that's not the case. The game does use an Magic Points system where, if you run out of Magic Points, you can't use magic until you've restored Magic Points or rested. I guess they just get tired similar to how running for too long makes you tired. My Little pony characters are sometimes visibly tired and out of breath after casting powerful spells, right? The concept of "Magic being reliant on the world's supply of mana power" would certainly make sense for the Season 8 finale. The ponies realize that it's getting much harder to cast magic. It's because Cozy Glow is trying to take away the world's mana. But this wouldn't explain why, if the pony's magic/life force/essence/whatever it is is absorbed by Tirek, the Bewitching Bell, etc., they can't use magic for the rest of their lives or until they get it back. That certainly shouldn't be the case if they're just going to draw upon the world's mana power. Something else must be at work here. What is it? Maybe it's not magic at all, but something different or something in addition to magic. What would that be, then? Whenever someone's magic/life force/essence/whatever it is, magic or whatever is seen coming out of their bodies and into the villain or artifact, so there's obviously SOMETHING inside them that's enabling them to use magic. Whether it's magic or something else, I don't know. What would that be?
  20. There are a lot of times in My Little Pony where someone evil absorbs the good guys' magic, such as Tirek, the Storm King's staff, Cozy Glow, and Grogar's Bell. When someone's magic is absorbed like this, they're completely exhausted and are barely able to stand. They also can't use magic for the rest of their life or until they somehow get it back. However, in video games such as RPGs, if you run out of magic power or Magic Points, you simply can't cast any more magic. You can still fight, use regular attacks, use items, and walk around like normal. You don't become exhausted or barely able to stand, and you can recover your magic power by resting such as at an inn. You don't lost your ability to cast magic forever. In some games, you recover Magic Points simply by walking around. So then why is it that, when ponies' magic is absorbed, they get completely exhausted to the point where they're barely able to stand and lose the ability to use magic forever? That's not what happens in video games! What happens when a pony casts too much magic, then? How do they recover magic power then after casting some magic? And what about the Season 8 finale situation? How does everyone's magic, just, get weaker and stop working all at once? Just how does magic work in Equestria? Also, is it even magic that these villains are stealing? Queen Chrysalis in Season 9: Episode 8: Frenemies refers to what's being stolen one time as "life force" and another time as "essence". I need these questions asked because I want to make a My Little Pony RPG, and I want magic in it to work like how it does in the show.
  21. TomDaBombMLP wrote, "they completely took the spotlight away from the Mane Six and all other characters who we actually had an interest in." So, what's wrong with new characters? The Main 6 were the spotlight for 7 whole seasons. Give another set of 6 characters a turn. What's wrong with focusing on another set of characters? TomDaBombMLP wrote, "The Student Six are annoying, paper-thin, stupid, dimwitted, unfunny twats and aggravating to be around." Can you give some examples please? How and when are they annoying, paper-thin, stupid, dimwitted, and aggravating?
  22. I think I read that a lot of people vehemently hate the School of Friendship and the Student 6. Well, what's bad about them? I actually really like the idea of Twilight Sparkle opening a school of friendship for all sorts of creatures. I mean, Twilight Sparkle first studied friendship, then became the Princess of Friendship, then taught a student about friendship and started spreading friendship to lands outside Equestria. The logical next step would be to make a school where all sorts of creatures to learn about friendship. The students then used this knowledge to save Equestria in the Season 9 finale. I really like this idea. I ESPECIALLY love the idea of the show diversifying and focusing on creatures other than ponies! I mean instead of 6 ponies, you now have a pony, a Griffon, a Changeling, a Dragon, a Yak, and a Hippogriff. There are more differences between these characters than the Main 6, so there would be even more of a desire for them to put aside their differences to learn about friendship. I understand that Grogar being Discord was VERY poor, and that REALLY pissed me off, but I don't see a problem with a concept of a school of friendship and students that are all different creatures. I think it was a logical next direction to take the show in. So then what's wrong with the School of Friendship and the Student 6?
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