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False Perception

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Posts posted by False Perception

  1. Summing up this thread, Hey there! I haz muffin rank, and thank you all! I will not be replying to this thread any longer.


    Oh, and yes, I don't give out e-mail or any of that info, so, here's my PSN.




    Spam it as much as you want, it's a comms only acc. ;)

  2. I'm confused about the Gypsy thing?


    Well, I don't like saying gypsy. It's very touchy. Another way to say it is psychic (or in pinkie's case, PSYCO), but b/c of the crystal ball and her attire during the scene, it is commonly concieved as her being a gypsy. But if you want a history lesson blah blah gypsy blah blah WWII blah India blah Mesoblah. No but rlly pm for that stuff.
  3. Many of them. I had sorta stalled though when my net failed for about 2 hrs. The entire season is only 19 hrs, so allowing for few hrs WC time, and eat while watching, nuking during credits. Not that hard. And it wasn't the Poke' ref she made that scared me. It was the EMOTES! :wacko: Just. So many emotes. I made the Poke' title to grab attn and josh 'round a bit.

  4. Well, in response to numerous previous posts, Pinkie=Gypsy (in this context) from It's About Time, when Twi asks "Madame Pinkie" about next Tuesday, which Pinkie responds in classic Pinkie fashion, silly. About a great birthday present. @OP, I'm gonna go w/ fish vendor. Vicious cycle.


    EDIT: After refreshing and seeing Star's post (nice post btw) Some animals in the series are seen as lowly, and inferior to other animals, such as (May the Best Pet Win) dogs, rabbits, (I have no idea where I am going) and the like, suggesting that maybe the otters (or whatever they are) are superior to the fish and deserve better treatment? This is probably not the case, but aren't we just naming theories at the moment?

  5. A wild n00b appeared! :blink: What will SBB64 do? :o Fight Troll >Greet Run :huh: SBB64 used forum greet! :D Hello and welcome to the forums! :) n00b fainted from happiness! :lol: SBB64 gained 1000 exp points!


    :o That. Is. A. Lot. Of. Emotes.


    n00b blacked/whited out! N00b ran away! WAIT. Stop. Isn't this TECHNICALLY counted a rp? That's something I...sort of shy from.

  6. But here's my response, so quote me maybe?


    So I qoute you. And if I weren't blank flank I would have tossed in a "Oh, you" pic. Can you tell me if I could hope to see rank list please?


    BTW most edits I'll be making a grammatical change.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. And I used join. Hello everypony. After reading a few other posts, I feel I might get past this intro (seriously) unscathed. I usually end up blah blah blah. I been a brony for a while now, but since my internet is slower than Tank, I waited. And waited. Then Netflix saved the day, and I watched EVERY episode in >42 hours. Uhm, so accept me. That is, if you're willing. Oh, and could someone list the ranks for me? I don't need (or want) full details, just list please.

    • Brohoof 5
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