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Status Updates posted by ChrysalisM

  1. I'd just like to say I like your profile pic. SITS is my favorite disney flm.

  2. I read your portal to equestria thread and I found it helpful in figuring out lucid dreaming. I've tried tulpamancy, but I have not been able to do it for more than a couple days, but contacting an established thought form will probably be much easier. Who knows, we might run into each other in the astral realm. Hopefully ten years worth of knowledge on superstitions, folklore, and paranormal activity (especially in washington state, my home) will be tempting enough to convine you know who to give me some help. I also have a long list of benevolent deities I envoke for protection in case anything goes awry...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. SasQ


      Well, whatever works for you ;J

      Reminds me the story told by one Polish globetrotter. He ordered a meal in some cheap bar run by two Mexicans, and it turned out that the meal was bad, and they refused his full refund. But he knew that they're superstitious, so he told them that he's a voo-doo shaman and that he throws a curse at their bar. He took salt and threw at them three times, mumbling something in Swahili with a scary look on his face, and told them that some bad stuff will happen to their bar soon :q  Then he walked away.

      He was just messing with them, because he's obviously not a shaman and knows no voo-doo magic wharsoever. So he was very surprised to find out that a couple of days later one of the cooks had an accident and broke a leg, and a week later, their bar burned down in a fire :J

      That's the power of suggestion and belief for ya ;)

    3. ChrysalisM


      True that! I remember a friend doing a fake rtiual to make it rain and the moment it was finished, it started pouring. Of course he is smart enough to calculate something like that in advance, but I was sold on his magical powers for a while.

    4. ChrysalisM


      I am more acquainted with the science behind paranormal phenomena like this, and I feel that the only way to truly be able to develop an opinion would be to actually experience it myself. I have poked around on dimensional stuff, and your post was one that didn't seem like it was written for people who already knew everything in the article. Thank you for writing that thread.

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