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Posts posted by Mitternacht

  1. Virtual Reality is really great in terms of entertainment and has a lot of potential in the gaming market and the entertainment industry at large. I know someone in Los Angeles who has been trying to incorporate VR in a viable way with cinema and storytelling over the past decade. The reason why that hasn't taken off yet is because no one sees the value in a VR driven story when directors have no control over where audiences are supposed to look at any given time. This further compounds the problem when you consider the roll of the cinematographer as an artist. I viewed a short film with VR that had been done. The premise was a giant monster devastating a city and you were with a group that was trying to escape. While thrilling at times, it was very chaotic and I had to watch it several times before I saw everything - not to mention my point of orientation was dependent on the guy who wore the 360º camera rig - and that was messy.

    However, VR really has a nice niche in video games and I hope to see it further develop!

    • Brohoof 2
  2. I am very fortunate to still have one childhood friend at my side after all these years. We met in 3rd grade and have always remained good friends. Others over the years had drifted out of contact, got married and/or had children. This occurs swiftly during your college years and even more so after twenty five. Beyond that its a required effort to remain friends with someone not because you dislike one another but because life often grabs people and pulls them in opposite directions.

    I've found that calling one another and getting together at least once a week or every other week ensures that a friendship remains in tact. Life can be a busy road, most certainly!

  3. Yes. One in particular remains in my memory to this day. During lunch time two sophomore girls began cat fighting, grabbing hair, slapping etc. What was memorable was how the crowd reacted. The entire cafeteria formed a coliseum of people around these two girls and as they would move about, the walls of students around them would shift. Finally one of these girls grabbed the other by the head and started hitting her against a window.. that seemed to settle things.

    I remained distant with my two other friends eating our lunch from afar and commentating on the circus before us. Memorable indeed.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. The first episode alleviated a lot of the questions I had in my mind about the show and encouraged me to continue. I certainly had my reservations, however I did not wrestle with myself very long on whether or not I liked what I saw or if I wanted to keep going. Naturally, the only question that persisted in the back of my mind was "is it okay for me to like this?" Being younger at the time, I hesitated on that but later on came to a peaceful understanding that I ought to be myself regardless of what others think.

    Friendship is Magic is such a great show, it was a breath of fresh air for me and brought about such a great sensation of peace and joy whenever I would watch it. That holds true even to this day.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Cobblestone streets glistened with rain. A thick fog hung over the city, giving the upper floors of the buildings a height of unknown certainty. All was silent save the black buckled boots of two individuals afoot in capes of swirling shadow. The first figure, a woman, had piercing green eyes set beneath swept hair as dark as night and skin as white as porcelain. A thin cuirass of dark metal hugged her chest. This same metal was atop her leather boots and climbed her legs up until her mid thigh where a gap of skin lay separate from her shorts. On top of all of this was a long coat that concealed much of her body. Her stride was long and precise not unlike her companion, who struggled to match his partners lead. 

    The woman stopped at the corner of an alley and held her fist in the air. There was murmuring and excitable whispering to be heard ahead. Peering around the corner, a long straight of crooked walls that spilled into an open courtyard. There stood a gas lantern afloat in the fog that illuminated a door, from which the suspicious noises dwelled. 

    “Arthur take the high ground and find a good vantage of a red door at the end of the alley and cover its windows.”

    Arthur looked at her in apprehension.

    “Yes ma’am.” 

    The woman grinned. “See you on the other side.”

    Arthur watched her disappear into the alley as swaths of fog bellowed behind her. Now alone, he withdrew his long arm from beneath his cape, checking its chamber. Behind him, a ladder led to a balcony, which sat above the street from which Arthur began ascending. Thoughts of his training, his bed and the company breakfast that he would surely miss entered his mind. Arthur wasn’t completely sure of the specifics of their situation but he was certain that he would most likely have to resort to using his weapon. The cold surface of the ladder permeated his hands, bringing the focus of his mission to the forefront of his mind.

  6. A very deep and intricate topic to be sure. I appreciate your willingness to share such details about your life and I find it incredible that you picked up poetry and writing and that it helped you in the way that it did! I really enjoy writing poetry as well and am happy you found that for yourself.

    As for what keeps me going in this life -

    I used to worry about the passage of time, of this life falling through my fingers like sand on the beach. This was a paradoxical feeling. On one hand I enjoy life but in order to live I must age. So, how best to understand this? Is it not the case that only those capable of passing from this life know what it is to live? If the passing of time or the fear of dying burdens our minds then perhaps we are carrying such a burden in the wrong way. I keep going in knowing that each day that I wake I am born and I die both metaphorically and physically. As our cells age and die, new ones are born. Anatomically I am a different me today than I was two years ago and so on. This isn't to say I we should forget the past or ourselves and not value the moments we have been fortunate to experience but it is to say that when life weighs upon us and when we struggle to smile, we need only look within ourselves instead of around ourselves.

    Sometimes I would find inspiration in others, in books or characters of fiction and people of the past. I would think that if I could be like this person or that person, then things will be easier. But when such things like pain and misery happen, I could never feel right about myself. I realized that in order to live well, even in times of chaos and uncertainty it does not take much but if I was imitating someone else it took a lot. Going forward with life I am sure that I am true to myself first and foremost.

    Lastly, what keeps me going is less of a fixation on what is good and what is bad and more of an mindful approach to life. I do this by asking - who knows what is good and what is bad? When I am stuck in traffic, rather than becoming upset that I may be late to where I am going I think - well, what power do I have over this anyways, who knows what is good and what is bad? Naturally we may think of this past year. Certainly we can find some bad in all of that can we not? Acknowledging what has happened is not the same as if we dwelled on it. Beyond a basic understanding it is our nature to carry forwards but there have been moments in life where terrible things have happened, things that I cannot unsee or words that I cannot unhear. What to do? No matter what happens to us, we can either see it as a curse and suffer or we can see it as a blessing and make use of it. :)

  7. The topic that I struggled with by far the most was any Math related class. My learning style is very much hands on, a visual learner if you will, however I excelled in History and Government so memory wasn't the issue. Numerically, my mind had trouble grasping mathematics specifically in how equations were assorted. Algebra II was when I began to really lag behind because we worked more frequently with letters and the problems became larger and more complex, like long division and such.

    Years later I would drive myself to understand such problems in my own time as seeing the answers in a text book, then looking at my work in contrast never truly aided me. There are so many learning styles out there and if a subject doesn't come naturally to someone or they find the subject not interesting, learning can be a challenge, certainly! Plus, I was easily distracted in math classes. The subject never caught my attention. Perhaps it was a perspective issue for me..

    The only reason why I passed was because I was taken off of cross country practice until I sustained a passing grade! - and I loved running, especially with my friends. Ultimately, that was my motivation in trying to understand math.


  8. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony

    Rainbow Dash

    How did you find MLP Forums?

    Originally found the forums following the release of a Documentary on Netflix titled Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony.

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony

    In 2012 I overheard a coworker mention a documentary that had just aired covering the subject of adults who liked My Little Pony. As it is natural for me to gravitate towards the odds and ends of life, I investigated this phenomenon for myself, for curiosities sake. Quickly, I discovered the appeal and joy of this universe, which had then subsequently aided me during a very difficult portion of my life. I then became open about my enthusiasm for MLP to family and friends in a very passive fashion. My love for the show was not something I cared to broadcast but if someone happened upon me either watching the series or tinkering with some merchandise I would admit it in a matter of fact way with a smile on my face.

    While I had forgotten my previous username, my experiences and the good conversations I had with others have stayed with me. Having recently begun watching Friendship is Magic over again, the forums came to mind. I hope all are well. It is a bleak, cold and rainy day where I live but it seems life here in the forums has retained its warmth, its users sunlight amid gentle clouds. I do wish you all a wonderful day wherever you may be and I look forward to getting to know you. ^_^

    • Brohoof 3
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