I agree. G4 is overrated, too long like when it came out while I loved the franchise it took almost the entire decade for me to finish it. In the battles they always asspull a victory (The way of the main ponies defeating Tirek in Season 4 being the main example) they gained transformations that has neat designs but is bland and too overpowered (I know its called Rainbow Power but however I call it Elements Of Harmony Requiem), it only had 3 minutes of screentime and there was no development for it at all. Its like Lauren Faust just wanted to make some buffed version of Elements Of Harmony that makes them become invincible to beat someone who has the magic of tons of creatures including Discord's.
All the villains that were defeated for good are only those who stopped being villains (Starlight Glimmer and Discord as examples) I know that they won't even hurt an insect but at least have them banish the villains and seal them away forever or something.
and in the near finale, Grogar wasn't really Grogar and it was Discord all along, Grogar was one of my favorite villains in the entire franchise as a whole (Yes I watched G1-3 before), and made me walk away.
Its just my opinion but I am not saying G4 is the worst generation, probably better than G3 at least.