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    Sergio Fernandez

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My Little Pony

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  1. But why? This is a different topic, here I'm talking about maturity in dragons in general (more focused on why Sparky grew up with wings). Please, could I ask that they be separated again? I just don't want to mix things up.
  2. It really is, let's hope the g5 explains those mysteries and doesn't confuse them with the g4.
  3. Because there he was being greedy, in the link I sent in the main post Smolder also explains that greed enlargement and natural growth are 2 very different things. There may be medium dragons that are hundreds of years old. I believe that the maximum size a dragon can reach without greed is like Garble, and those that are bigger than him is because they will have some hidden treasure (as we saw with the dragon from dragonshy).
  4. Spike looks smaller, but that has more to do with being raised and pampered with ponies he never had the need to fight, and compete against others of his kind. Something similar to what happens with animals that are raised in zoos and in the wild. Also in Gauntlet of Fire we can see that the other dragons he faces are all young/adult. There is none like him, so it tells us that he is closer to being an adult than a child.
  5. This image was shown, and I know that many will think the same as it. For what I would like to show why I do not agree. For a long time during the series, many of us wondered why Spike didn't have wings like the other dragons. Was it half something else? It was special? Different species?, etc. In the end it was simply that he had not gone through the molting process, so many people believed that a dragon with wings was a sign of maturity. However, this has been nothing more than a mere assumption of the fans, because NEVER (and if I'm wrong, please let me know) was it explained in the series that the dragon's maturity and the growth of his wings were correlated with each other. In fact, in the entire "Molt Down" chapter, not even Smolder mentions it (as the image wants to show us): starts in minute 3:05 . Spike's wings were going to be a big change in his physique, so why would Smolder tell him about the smell but not such an important detail like that? Well (and here I am theorizing) because maybe she knows that, just as there are dragons with spikes and others not. Wings could also be present on some dragons and not others. I'll show you now: My second argument is that nothing more and nothing less than in the second season, in the chapter "Dragon Quest", minute 2:30, we are shown a young / adult dragon in the foreground (so it was not some animation error) without wings. Here's the link. Even so, this is not the only reason why Sparky was born with wings, we have 3 theories that I read on derpibooru: 1. Dragons have evolved in such a way that everyone is now born with wings. 2. As said before, there are different species of dragons. Just as in ponies only pegasi are born with wings, Sparky could belong to a species of winged dragons from the beginning. 3. Being a "co-star" in the series, there is a (minimal) chance that Hasbro will make him special to the rest of the dragons and be something unique in his species. MLP doesn't stand out as having the strongest continuity of all, but this is NOT a script hole in my opinion. Do you agree? Disagreement? Why? Write me in the answers, I will be happy to read your point of view.
  6. That's ok. Let's focus on what we agree, loving mlp.
  7. But they are opinions based on arguments. They are facts that happen in the series and from there I get an opinion backed up with evidence. Again, if dragons are supposed to age slower. Why isn't Spike more immature than the CMCs if he was born after Applebloom? Compare to CMC: CMC need babysitter (FS). AB goes through fire swamp - grounded. CMC go to other town in s09 - grounded. And also he and Twilight have a strange relationship. Sometimes he acts like her guardian of her, and sometimes she acts like his guardian of her.
  8. Here's the thing, he doesn't age any slower. Applebloom is older than him (You can tell because in the memory, Applebloom is already born and AJ doesn't have his cutie mark yet = Spike isn't born yet.) . If dragons are supposed to age slower, he would have to be more immature than CMCs, and he isn't. His behavior is more like the 6 mane. And no, his "child" behavior is actually close to the 6 mane behavior. He's braver than Fluttershy from the start, he's been the voice of reason a couple of times (especially for Twi) . Also Twi herself never had had decision power over him, as if Rarity with SB or AJ with Applebloom does. What is concluded is that dragons mature faster but age slower. And if Spike really was a child/baby, then that leaves Twi as a lousy sister because she never gives him the attention / care that AJ or Rarity have with her sisters. Good answer, though. How much does Twilight know about dragons? Any. she didn't know the basics of dragons like growth from envy, she didn't know why Spike glowed when he was called to the challenge of fire, she didn't know anything when he went through his molting changes, or that he could have wings. In fact the princesses themselves (who lived for thousands of years) admit they didn't know much about dragons. So if Twilight called him a baby dragon, it wasn't because he was one, but because she saw him as small and she assumed he was. Well, there is no other argument than its size that supports being called that. Well, Twilight and the rest of EQ didn't know how the growth of dragons worked until the last few seasons. As I answered to the previous colleague, none of the EQ ponies (not even the princesses themselves) knew much about dragons until the last few seasons, the only reason they called him that is because he was small. What do you mean act like one? The mane 6 have traits that could fit perfectly in children too, Fluttershy being extremely shy with everyone, Rarity exaggerating for every detail that doesn't go well for her, pinkie pie being super innocent of the dangers she faces (like the first time she sees to nigtmare moon or the red dragon) and so on with the rest. And I'm only talking about the first 3 seasons, before their personalities were flanderized. There I could agree with you only in the first season, because later we see that it is managed independently, and not to mention season 6 where it can already reign over all the dragons in the challenge of fire (in fact if you look against who competes they are all adult teenage dragons, there is none that looks like him) The aging theory is wrong, if so Spike should be more immature than the CMC, since he was born after Applebloom. I I think that dragons reach maturity faster and from there they age slower. 1:50 In season 8 Smolder tells him that once the moult arrives, the dragons throw the son out of the house and he becomes independent (that is, an adult, this being the same age as the CMC). As for its size, the best explanation I can give is that it was raised with ponies and never needed to move to eat, survive, etc. (Well, let's remember that the dragon nation has a hard way of life compared to the ponies). His body got used to that easy life and developed slower PHYSICALLY. Something that happens with animals that are raised in zoos, once you put them in nature it is difficult for them to get used to it because they always lived off someone else. As for the real age we are in complete agreement (he should not be more than 13-14). However, it is easy to see that his behavior and that of the CMCs is not the same, in fact all the characters have childish behaviors (even the princesses and Discord themselves). He is also a dragon and, therefore, he grows differently, (in fact if we go to EQG he is a dog, and we already know how is the difference between the maturity of a dog and that of a human). What I want to get at is that dragons reach maturity faster and from there they age slowly. So he must be at the level of the 6 mane in terms of maturity Yes, it must be something else out of habit, although I disagree on the part about him acting like a child. As I see it, it has the same level of immaturity/maturity that the mane 6 have throughout the series. And the wings do not determine if a dragon is an adult or not. At minute 2:30 we can see an apparently young adult dragon with a giant tail and no wings. Also, if in the end it turns out the same as the toy in the series or comics, Spike's "replacement" is apparently smaller than him and already has wings. Regarding the size we can see that the dragons are in constant fights and extreme sports. They should not have an abundance of food because they are dedicated to hunting or looking for gems. They are in constant movement and alert for danger. All this makes their biology force them to mature fast and strong in order to survive. Spike on the other hand ever since he was born, he's softened up with taking care of the ponies. It is the same thing that happens to animals that are raised in zoos, they are smaller and weaker than those that are raised in the wild. himself when he looked in the mirror trying to look strong showed that he is chubby and out of shape.
  9. 1. Growing over time, following the natural order is not the same as growing out of greed, it is totally different. Smolder says that in 03:32. 2. We agree that in real years it is the same age as the CMC. But I do not agree that it has maturity of 9 years. Several times throughout the series he was the voice of reason (especially with Twilight) and we also see that he doesn't need an adult like the CMC to stay alone or go to other places (in fact they can't even get out of ponyville alone in the last season). Either Twilight doesn't care about him or she knows he's mature enough to handle himself.
  10. Yes, only in the first season do we see him talking to other children (Snips and Sneals). After that, like you say, interact with teens/adults like Big Mac, Discord, Starlight, Torax, Ember, etc. He was also very independent, he didn't need Twilight or other adults to take care of him like the CMCs.
  11. LOOOL you got me on that. I apologize for not writing well. I mean the form of him when we find him with Twilight from episode 1 removing all the memories where obviously he was a baby/child.
  12. I agree with you, I don't hate that, I just don't like it. It is sad a lot of people left the fandom just for that, but we still here. Yay.
  13. Lol yeah, we can have an endless debate on that. But I just wanted to mention controversial decisions on g4. Personally I would have liked her to still be a unicorn, but if that hadn't been possible then I think the idea of her being an alicorn would fit better in season 4 or after the 2017 movie. But I still respect if you like it.
  14. I plan on doing a blog (and video) on why Spike was never (or at least since Season 2) a baby dragon/child, as many fans say. With this blog, I just want to see all of your arguments as to why you think he's not a teen/adult, to make sure I'm not letting any details slip. Thank you in advance for reading and commenting.
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