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Aticus the Adequate

Event Coordinator
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Everything posted by Aticus the Adequate

  1. Don't miss it because I still have it, huehuehue. The Nintendo 64 is at a family member's house and I still scab it sometimes when I go to visit. Granted, it was shared between me and my siblings. My first personal console of my own was my DS and I still have it here with me. VHS?
  2. Currently feeling quite sick. Really bad coughing fits, congested nose, fatigue, pretty much a flu. So I'm feeling gross and tired as all heck of this, and it's only been a day. Hopefully it'll go away soon. Been doing everything I can to soothe my throat and sinuses so let's see how it goes! Also, happy birthday for this Thursday! I hope it's a lovely day for ya!
  3. If I could @ all of you, I would There's something you forgot to inform everypony here of, @Ice Princess Silky <3... The counter to the pinches AND the punches! A HIT AND A KICK FOR BEING SO QUICK! AHAHAHAHAHAAH!!! THAT'S HOW I ROLL! Nah but seriously this is a wonderful page and I'm so happy to see how everyone is going to be spending their months AND what they're gonna be doing beyond! For myself, the only really big thing happening is my holiday to Japan which I'm really saving up for. That's another thing. Saving money. Hard thing to do but I've got a cool financial plan for next year This Christmas is going to be spent with my family and friends, both in person and on here! Then I've got two weeks off from work and a few ideas of what I wanna do then! Summer's here for us in Australia now, so beach days are a-comin'! Looking forward to seeing all the good news from all of you guys!
  4. I feel like pineapple was meant to belong on pizza for a very long time. The sweetness compliments everything else! Love it and I will duel anyone in a gladiatorial match if they should DARE to oppose my statements.
  5. I shall snatch her up and run home with her. Then bring in a bunch of animals so she feels comfortable. The come the many hugs and boops!
  6. Fairy Godmother's rendition of "I Need a Hero." Most slapping cover of all time!
  7. The latest I've slept in was probably until 1pm, but that was when I was experiencing revenge sleep when I was forced to stay home during the crux of Covid. Gotta say, it was not a fun experience at all, hahah. On weekends, sometimes I'll sleep in til about 10am or so.
  8. @Ice Princess Silky @Sir Hugsalot Congrats on being the two staffers of the week! My goodness, it's so amazing seeing how far you guys have come. I know I've only known you both for a short time but it's precisely because of the two of you that I've felt so welcome within this community and made a lot of wonderful connections. The fact that you guys are going so strong together and are always there for everypony in this place is truly heartwarming and I wish you both the best in the many, many years to come! Along with several first days of the month.
  9. I wouldn't want to go on an Interstellar level journey, but I would totally go up to the ISS station for a day or two! Seeing the Earth from up there would be a fascinating, eye-opening experience!
  11. You just wait until April comes around, you! For me, getting to go see my dad for a weekend luncheon and then watching an awesome movie!
  12. "Well, that's an easy one!" He held Wartortle up to Shiny's face and waved him. "Students in this place need to understand more about the world of reptiles. Perhaps we could set in motion some sort of biological education day?" He then rubbed his chin and lit up even more, as though the word Eureka had rung in his head. "I've got it! We're going to need everybody's help with this one. And yes, it will involve croissants. Not necessarily throwing them, but... Well, you'll see." He twiddled his fingers and contorted his mouth into that cheeky smirk, the kind that Shiny knew always meant a dastardly plot was coming.
  13. Welcome back, ya dastardly rascal. How was the county jail? Nah but fr, WELCOME BACK WOOOOOOOT! I fear that this thing that's coming for me and the others is going to be too much for me to handle... BRING IT ON! To everyone who donated as well, amazing job to everyone! You've all earned it for your altruism Excited for Fluttershy February! Woot wooooot!
  14. Aticus had hardly been paying attention to what was going on in the assembly hall, instead opting to stroke Wartortle's scaly little head. That is, until he felt something wiz past his cheek, smelling like some kind of French bread, the force of which was enough to knock him down onto his back, clutching his turtle tightly. He looked up and saw only Shiny standing there, croissant in hand and bottles rolling about on the floor. "...Shiny? SHINY! How have I known you all these years and never found out about this?!" he cried. "...That was awesome as heck!" (No need to reply to this part @Shiny Silvermoon, just wanted to give my reaction to it since I'm late lolol ) Aticus' head rose into view from behind Shiny's shoulder. "I couldn't help but overhear something about a Celtic festival? In which illegal, underage drinking may be involved?" he said with a cheeky grin. (THIS you can reply to XD)
  15. Yeah, this has been brewing in my head for quite some time, Silks. So when @Shiny Silvermoon approached me with this offer, well... How could I refuse? I hope you remember my face, absorbing that chocolate milk right in front of you. Tormenting you as you don't get a drop of it. All those pinches and punches you delivered against me? They all had a consequence! NOW FIRE BACK WITH WHATEVER YOU WILL, ATICUS ALWAYS GETS HIS PONY. AND HIS MILK.
  16. My goodness, this was fast! We've already made it past $100! I guess I truly misunderstood the power of the credit card. Christmas truly is getting merrier by the minute. A massive thank you to everyone who has gotten us to our second milestone! At this rate, we won't be far off at all from the final number. From me to everyone, I would like to bestow you all a gift. But remember that the true gift is that of your support and generosity for those in need. Creamy, Yuletide milk for everypony!
  17. This is an absolutely beautiful event we're holding! And it also looks like we've hit more than we've announced! This is going great so far!
  18. I have a riddle for you, Hugs.

    What's blue, winged, and angry all over? :toldya:

    1. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      A banhammer, that's about to yeet you for your rebelious attitude, mister >:C 

    2. Aticus the Adequate

      Aticus the Adequate


      The true answer... Is you.


    3. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      You will regret this so much... 

  19. Such a terrifying story. Immaculately written and the account is so eerie. I remember it from MrBallen as well. They certainly seem like they could be incredibly mangy wolves. Bears can fit the criteria but I feel like from the way they're physically described, the types of bears seen in America won't fit the bill too much. Maybe they're freaky, experimented-on wolves? Or werewolves themselves? Honestly, it's possible. We don't know what kind of terrifying madness lies out there! There's still so much we're unaware of. Whatever the case, definitely some kind of wolves.
  20. It's pretty darn obvious that it's an instrument! If you can slap something and make a sound out of it, it's an instrument! A drum! A trumpet! A PICCOLO. Why, I'm more than happy to prove this by playing mayonnaise myself and filming it for you guys!
  21. YUUUURRRRRRR, LET'S GOOOOO! Hehe, I was just thinking about why someone couldn't wear a hat and then it clicked. Before I was like "Hmm, maybe they have a skin condition." But yeah! If you're headless, of course you couldn't wear one! Fear not! We shall patiently await the completion of the story before anything!
  22. @Shiny Silvermoon Could the second story be about the Valley of Headless Men? And the first about the Palmyra Wolves considering the location you mentioned?
  23. Now, for the second story... Hmmm. Ding ding ding! Heck yeah! Gonna think about this one for a bit. The first half is intriguing me. Very curious.
  24. @Shiny Silvermoon "Prowl through the night upon the moonlight's sight! On four legs they walk..." I'm gonna guess the first hint is referring to wolves! Werewolves, perhaps?
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