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Posts posted by ComanderZhabikKlavik

  1. Checking nodes and litanies chants

    The rite of preparation is almost complete

    The command is given to launch the system

    The colossus of destruction is awakened from sleep


    Control runes flicker in the darkness

    Like the heartbeat of a reactor hum

    The Titan comes to life ready to attack

    So that in the roar of battle the whole world will drown


    The enemy will be crushed into Dust!

    Torn and crushed!turned to dust!

    The days of traitors and xenos are numbered

    There are no barriers for the God of War!


    The spirit of the machine imprisoned in metal

    The cold mind knows no mistake

    Fire from guns like a hellish chorus

    A plasma shaft sweeps away the enemy


    The enemy will be crushed into Dust!

    Torn and crushed!turned to dust!

    The days of traitors and xenos are numbered

    There are no barriers for the God of War!


     Covered in the shimmer of void shields

    Bringing retribution to the hordes of enemies

    Comes shaking the earthly firmament

    Imperial Titan - walking death


    The earth will tremble under the tread of fate

    And ashes will cover the battlefields

    The avatar of the machine God is coming

    Bringing death to the enemies of the Omnissiah


    Again the spirit of the ancient machine is filled with rage

    Turbolaser fire, rocket volleys

    Centuries of battles have merged into one

    In a war blazing for thousands of years


    The bastions of fortresses will not save the enemy

    In a flash of oblivion, cities will burn

    Legions will fall before the wrath of the Titan

    Only dust and ash will remain


    Into Dust - the enemy is crushed!

    Torn and crushed!turned to dust!

     Traitors and xenos have their days numbered

    There are no barriers for the God of War!


    The enemy is crushed into Dust!

    Torn and crushed!Turned into dust!

    Traitors and xenos have their days numbered

    There are no barriers for the God of War!

    Titan-God of War!


    Translated using Google Translate. 

  2. Today and yesterday I slept well, so at the moment I feel pretty good. In the middle of the day I felt sad, but then I did a workout and then I broke a few steel nails with my hands and I felt better.

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  3. Tired, I went to bed early yesterday at 9am, but I managed to fall asleep around 12pm. Then I woke up and couldn't fall asleep for another hour. Today I decided to sleep in another room. Even though I'm tired I'm glad I saw some meteors from the Perseid meteor shower. I see a lot of people here have trouble sleeping. 

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