Equestria Daily is doing their yearly artist training grounds month of drawing prompts, and something I've been wanting to do is to post to a different site each day, both to draw the attention of those participating there to more pony sites, and for more artists to know about EqD's NATG.
Today's prompt was 'Draw a pony throwing caution to the wind / Draw tiptoeing around danger.', and it made me think how I saw a comment once that said Lyra was at the Cloudosseum in Sonic Rainboom (I haven't checked myself ^^; ), and that Twilight must have practiced her cloudwalking spell on somepony beforehoof. Therefore, Lyra tiphoofing on a cloud under an experimental spell.
Because of time constraints (I'm at work :P) this drawing isn't as refined as it could be, but there will certainly be unintentional aspects of it that will escape my awareness, so I won't complain about any critiques.
And in case my rendition of Twilight's cursive talk is bad:
"Thanks again, Lyra! I really appreciate you helping me test this cloudwalking spell!"