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Starlight Serenade

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Blog Entries posted by Starlight Serenade

  1. Starlight Serenade

    Life Updates
    Moshi! Moshi! It's your enby friend again!
    Just wanted to give a short update on things since it's been a tight five.
    I have been up since 3am, so I apologize for any errors ahead of time. I'm writing in past tense, present tense, future tense, and even using my spidey sense!
    First! A health update! My health is okay at the moment. I had issues with blood pressure and was feeling lethargic/sick with stress from IRL things that accumulated a while back, but now I have been slowly recovering. I have been doing shorter and lighter workouts. I recently tried running again on the weekend temporarily as I felt excited and overconfident, but that was a ridiculous idea as it unfortunately caused me to feel bad again earlier this week. So, I am trying to take it easy as I took yesterday and this morning off from working out. I used to have a more pragmatic approach years ago as I have never been injured. After talking with a friend, I realized that I have been overdoing it thanks to stress. Sometimes when you have been doing something for a while, you become blind to other things. I'll be including a short story in the spoiler below this paragraph about it. Anyway - I was working out 7 days a week, 2-3 hours a day, in the wee bright hours of darkness(why yes, I have terrible humor). So I decided that my new schedule is now 1 separate day of rest in the middle of the week with two consecutive rest days on the weekend and the other four separate days for light workouts. Also going back to a caloric deficit with healthy options is key too. I used to do some swimming, but it made my skin flare up as I have a sensitive skin condition. The doctor said no more swimming at public pools, but he never said anything about the ocean! I am off to Seaquestria to reclaim my throne! Step aside Queen Novo, there's a new Queen in town! Jokes aside - my body is thanking me for the rest days. I'm thankful to be alive. 
    Now for the work update! I was recently notified that I was put on a hire list for this job I applied to a while back. I've worked at this job before, so I'm familiar with the work. This job informed me that they should be starting within the next few weeks and that I will receive my notice to start soon. I have recently applied to some new office gigs and have a good feeling that something may come soon. It's always good to stay positive despite a sea of rejection, it's why the journey is so fulfilling when it reaches a satisfactory point.
    As for school! I'm in the last week of my marketing course. To be honest, this class was fairly simple and interesting. The only thing that is remotely difficult is the amount of reading in general and group work for the last two weeks. It's like the class suddenly went from easy to hard mode. However, I am confident that I'm going to do well and pass with a great score. Starting in two weeks, I will finally begin my last class in this program. Thank the Royal Sisters! This needs to be said, but I don't care if you have been to higher education or not. There's been a lot of amazing things done by people who haven't gone beyond high school. You are much more amazing than you think. You just have to look at things from another perspective. So relax reader, you are breathtaking!
    Special message for the reader in the spoiler below ;3
    On another note, I have decided to approach things a bit more carefully here after some rather "unique" interactions with users during the past few week. I am currently working on some new projects in my spare time as well. One project here on the forums is to collab with some users for some LGBTQ+ blogs! I have reached out to a few members of the community and I have garnered some interest. I noticed that despite all my previous efforts, people were mainly messaging and commenting on my posts, which is wonderful and much appreciative as I love helping others and gaining valuable feedback from people. However, I would like people to be more interactive than reactive. I want people to feel like this place is a second home for them. So I decided to separate things from the various clubs that I participate in from my personal blogs among other things. Going forward for "non-personal" LGBTQ+ blogs, they will no longer be up on my personal blogs, but they will exclusively be posted on the "Equestria United" Club! All my old blogs are still saved and posted up there, however, I will be working with some users to create new blogs on the older topics where I have members from the community talk about their personal journeys and much more! It's one of my great ideas! I want people to feel more represented rather than me drone on. So if you are interested, please go check the club out and even consider joining! I'd love for more forums members of the community and allies to get involved! The feedback that I have received in the past few months has been amazing! People are learning so much about themselves and I'm so glad to be able to help you figure things out. I'm learning new things too, so we are actually helping each other grow! Isn't that awesome?! The same thing goes for my previous Spanish blogs that I have, or well had, as I'm trying to figure out some new ways to get people more interactive for Spanish too.
    I'm still doing some volunteering at the local regional food bank from time to time, recently we were packing produce in boxes for families in need. You can volunteer a few hours anytime to help people! It doesn't have to be all day as I know some of you are busy ponies. I highly recommend that you go volunteer if you ever have the chance. It's very rewarding! I am also reaching out to some local clubs and organizations near me IRL to get more involved. With a lot of IRL projects and things going on in the background, my presence has/will be somewhat limited at times. But don't you worry my ardent fans in the audience! I assure you that I'm not going anywhere! Well except lunch right now because I'm hungry, but you know what I mean! Life is much easier when you have a friend to sing along and we're still going to sing plenty of songs!
    OH! (excitedly claps hooves together). On the MOST positive and exciting note! For the first time in years, I finally have a new best friend to talk about everything. I'm really glad to have them as a friend in my life. I really enjoy talking to them about everything, it's refreshing actually. They're very awesome and they always cheer me up when I'm feeling blue. They are simply the 'best'!  
    I wish you a Happy October! I recommend watching lots of scary/funny movies and shows with your loved ones. The more, the merrier!
    That reminds me! It's also time for my annual re-watching of Gravity Falls and Over the Garden Wall!
    I wish you all the best,
  2. Starlight Serenade

    OC's and me
    Below are some details that I brainstormed over time as I went through a lot of different OC ideas and finally came up with an idea that I loved.
    Thanks to AI, I was able to brainstorm different designs to bring her to life. I was inspired by my love of music and Starlight Glimmer for their design.
    Name: Starlight Serenade
    Species: Alicorn
    Personality Traits:
    Passionate Musician: Starlight Serenade’s heart beats in rhythm with the melodies of the universe. They find solace and inspiration in every note, whether it’s the cosmic hum of distant stars or the gentle whisper of a breeze. Curious Wanderer: Their alicorn powers grant them the ability to traverse the cosmos effortlessly. She roams the celestial expanse, seeking hidden harmonies and undiscovered symphonies. Eternal Optimist: Starlight believes that life is a grand symphony, and every experience contributes to the cosmic score. She radiates positivity, even in the darkest corners of the galaxy. Appearance:
    Her white coat is very fluffy and soft to touch and she has lovely blue eyes that reflect the sky. Her mane and tail flow like cosmic ribbons, adorned with constellations that twinkle as she moves. It's as if rainbows dance in her mane. When she transforms/ascends, her wings bear intricate patterns reminiscent of celestial charts, mapping out her journeys among the stars. Her mane slight changes color and hooves change as well, representing the cosmos and music. Cutie Mark:
    Now this is where it gets fascinating. Her cutie mark is cross between the cosmos and parts of musical notation, but it can change depending on her abilities! I think of it as an alternate form/ascension. Think of a crescendo or perhaps a coda in music. During these special moments, musical notation surrounded by swirling galaxies forms as if the cutie mark itself is moving in rhythm! Her cutie mark first appeared during a night of stargazing when she composed her first cosmic melody. Backstory:
    Born during a meteor shower, Starlight Serenade was destined for cosmic adventures. Her parents, both astronomers, nurtured her love for music and the mysteries of the universe. As she grew, her alicorn abilities awakened. She discovered that her horn could channel cosmic energies, allowing her to leap across galaxies. Starlight’s first interstellar journey took her to the Harmony Nebula, where she composed a symphony that resonated through the cosmos. The stars themselves danced to her music. She now splits her time between Equestria and the cosmic expanse, sharing her celestial melodies with ponies and celestial beings alike. Special Abilities:
    Cosmic Resonance: Starlight can manipulate cosmic energies to create harmonious rifts, bridging distant worlds. Stellar Flight: Her wings propel her effortlessly through space, leaving trails of stardust in her wake. Astral Lyre: She carries an ethereal lyre that responds to her emotions, playing melodies that soothe or ignite the cosmos. Magical Powers:
    Cosmic Harmony Manipulation:
    Starlight can weave harmonious energy threads through the fabric of space. With a wave of her horn, she can: Align Celestial Bodies: Influence planetary orbits, ensuring cosmic balance. Harmonize Starlight: Enhance star luminosity or dim it for celestial concerts. Create Cosmic Chords: Her magic resonates with distant quasars, creating ethereal melodies. Astral Projection:
    When meditating under the night sky, Starlight can project her consciousness across the cosmos. She explores distant galaxies, conversing with ancient beings and learning cosmic secrets. Stellar Teleportation:
    By attuning to constellations, she can teleport instantaneously to their corresponding locations. Imagine her appearing in the heart of the Orion Nebula during a meteor shower! Nova Crescendo:
    In times of need, Starlight can channel her emotions into a radiant burst of energy. The Nova Crescendo illuminates dark corners of the universe, dispelling cosmic threats. Celestial Lyre Mastery:
    Her astral lyre now responds not only to touch but also to intention. Each note shapes reality—a healing melody mends rifts, while a dissonant chord disrupts entropy. Galactic Empathy:
    Starlight senses cosmic disturbances and empathizes with celestial beings. She soothes distressed quasars and consoles lonely black holes. Eternal Echoes:
    Her music leaves lingering echoes in the void. These echoes inspire stardust to coalesce into new constellations. Starlight's Purpose:
    Starlight Serenade seeks to unite all beings through music. Her dream is to compose the ultimate cosmic symphony—one that echoes across dimensions, bringing harmony to every corner of existence. Starlight Serenade’s magical abilities serve a higher purpose: to harmonize the universe, bridge realms, and remind all beings that they are part of a cosmic symphony.  
    May Starlight Serenade’s celestial notes continue to weave magic throughout the cosmos, inspiring wonder and joy wherever she roams.

  3. Starlight Serenade
    I finally got a moment to sit down, calm before the storm for finals week. It's blogging time!
    Today's entry is titled "Regarding ‘Pride’ “,  referring to Pride month and what it means to me.
    For most of my life, I never really considered myself as part of the community. Despite growing up in a liberal state(California), I grew up in a conservative family/culture as my family is from Central America. They are very traditional in terms of cultural values and see LGBT+ in a much more negative light as do other surrounding countries down south. Our culture has a more collectivist perspective towards things and does not see eye to eye on various individualistic values as the US does. Things have steadily changed over time as laws and ideals are changing, but the negativity is still there due to old traditions still in places of great influence.
    When I first heard of the term "gay", I had no idea what to think. As a child, it made sense that love is love and it was just people being people. However, it quickly was made known to me by my surroundings that people around me did not feel the same way and saw it as a "mental disease" or "plague". Especially my classmates and parents. I remember students calling things that they didn't like as "gay" throughout middle school and high school and people came up with all these horribly fake stories about gay people in general. When I found out that people had made those stories up and did not even know much about it, I immediately distanced myself from them. It wasn't until high school that I met my first few gay friends. My first gay friend was named "Alan" who was a transfer student halfway through sophomore year. We became fast friends as we were both in marching band together. I found out later that he was the first person that he came out to as he trusted me. I remember telling him that it was a normal thing and that there was nothing to be afraid of and we became best friends after that during high school. Nowadays, we aren't close as we used to be in high school due our paths being different, but we still message each other once in a while to catch up. One of my other friends that I met in band, I'll call her "Michelle" as she came out later to me as a Demi-sexual. This was something really new to me at the time and for a few years afterwards, I had a difficult time wrapping my head around the concept. It came as a new learning experience to how extensive and unique the gender and sexuality spectrum is as it did not make sense to me at first, but eventually I came around to understanding recently as I met more people who identify closely with this. During that time in high school, I was still considered as "straight" to everyone, however I noticed that my personal feelings were all over the place for all genders during high school. I wanted to do a lot more, but I was very scared of my parents and friends finding anything out at the time as they felt strongly against the community. It wasn't until years later that I realized my true feelings in 2020 and came out to my brother and a few friends as bisexual in regards to my sexuality. I became prideful of finally being myself with people and slowly coming out to more people. Some people have disavowed me and insulted me, but I still try my best to move forward.
    As a bisexual, I don't have particular preferences and technically speaking, I don't have any issues and have dated people who were non-binary and trans before. I had met some people in the community who quickly told me that I'm not really "bi" and that I am more of a pansexual for this. Now this would be true if I am going with the literal definitions of these labels. However, this might be controversial to some, but I don't think any labels really define who we really are as people. I think we create labels and think that we are confined to only what they describe in a basic sense, but the reality is that we define these labels for ourselves. I don't find anything wrong with the term Pansexual and have a few Pansexual friends as well, but it never called to me in a sense. Some people like to use terminology such as "umbrella term" when discussing pansexuality being part of bisexuality(while maintaining its own separate self) and that's perfectly valid too. When I first heard the term "bisexual" years ago, something about it rang true within me, but I wasn't really sure who I was during high school as I was trying to fit in with the general crowd and family who were all very traditional. Some people may not know this, but bisexuality still gets a bad rep with groups inside and outside of the community as people immediately stereotype us or show us in a negative light in general. I have even  been insulted by gays/lesbians in the community for simply being bisexual and not "fully coming out as just gay/lesbian" as they would tell me. I have seen shows and books that said things like "all bisexuals are the most sexually promiscuous of all sexualities", "bisexuals are all adulterers"/"they love having and cheating with multiple partners", and "all bisexuals are secretly gay and use it as an excuse to cover up their real preference of same sex". During the past few years, there has been some great progress for better representation and understanding behind bisexuality.
    As for my gender identity, I have always tried to keep it a secret online because two reasons. First, I noticed that people treat you so differently when you say that you are a male or female, so what I did was lie to everyone about what my gender was in general. I am flabbergasted at how many times that people here or other places act so differently when you tell them that you are a male or female. It really shows me their true character and helps me decide if they are really friends with me or not. However -  I realized over time with the next reason, that they would still act similarly towards me- as the second reason is because I never really thought that I really fit into who I was born as growing up, but since I grew up with a traditional and conservative background - I was too scared to really be myself and felt that I had to be this other person...until now.
    Today, I want to share a part of myself that I have slowly come to understand and accept. It's a part of my identity that makes me who I am, and it's time I shared it with you. Over the years, I realized that I am feeling more closely to the term non-binary. This means that I do not identify strictly as a man or a woman. Instead, I exist outside the traditional gender binary. Due to my background, I originally thought that this concept was bizarre and foreign to me, but as I learned more over time, I realized that it reflected more of my own thoughts and feelings over the years, but I was just too afraid to say it out loud. So I am sharing it here with you. My gender identity is my own, and it doesn't fit neatly into the boxes labeled 'male' or 'female'. I understand that this might be a new concept for some of you. The idea of gender as a spectrum, rather than a binary, is still relatively new in our society. I know several people who frown upon this notion and think it's a "mental disease". But it's an idea that resonates with me and many others around the world. It's an idea that allows us to express our true selves, without the constraints of traditional gender norms. I want to assure you that I'm still the same person you've always known. My non-binary identity doesn't change the essence of who I am and neither does my sexuality either. It simply gives a name to a part of me that has always been there, but I was never able to really piece it together before. It allows me to live authentically, as my true self. Coming out as non-binary is not a decision I've taken lightly. There's still more thoughts that I have behind it for deeper discussion. It's a journey of self-discovery that has taken time, introspection, and courage. It's a journey that has led me to a deeper understanding of myself and my place in the world. I understand that you may have questions, and I'm open to answering them as best I can. I will admit that I don't know every little thing as I am trying to learn more about myself. All I ask is for your understanding, your respect, and your support.
    On another note- I recall years ago when I was studying public policy as a undergrad in my university here in California, I was going through the university's vault for old newspaper articles and texts regarding Civil Rights and the Black Panther Party as they originated here in California. One thing I noticed during my research were some local newspapers opinions/editorials that discussed topics of the day, such as civil rights and one person wrote to the editor about the "emergence of homosexual tendencies" in California during the 1960s. This person went on this awful tangent with pseudo science and religious views where they put out some disparaging comments. One quote had the following: "...studies show that homosexuality is a new trend among young teens of this generation in an attempt to be rebellious to natural order. This will surely last until they reach adulthood as they realize that they need to stop playing around and start working...". Obviously that was never the case as there has been other historical texts/literature showcasing LGBT+ for a long time prior to the 1960s and we know so much more now. Now there are some aspects of the community that I agree with and other aspects that I don't. However, I always try to respect opinions inside or outside as long as they remain respectful and tact.
    To those people that say negative insults to the LGBT+ community: It's not a fad, there's no conspiracy or "secret agenda", or anything "unnatural" about it, to me- it's simply just people who want to be seen as who they really are and proud of being who they really are - especially in the face of the great adversity they still face today. There are actually people who think Pride month was a new thing that started a few years ago, but fun fact- "Pride month" actually originates/coincides from the Stonewall Inn Riot from 1969 that has an anniversary on June 28th. That was one of the first/earliest of series of gay liberation protests. The term "Pride" was first associated with the LGBT+ community's fight for equal rights at the beginning of the 1970s with the Christopher Street Liberation Day March. Nowadays, it's called the Pride March/Parade. Interestingly enough, Brenda Howard (bisexual woman btw) who is referred to the "Mother of Pride", actually help organized the first Pride March which occurred on a Sunday in June.  Now in the US, Pride month actually became nationally recognized during the Clinton administration in 1999 and became more emphasized with the Obama administration. There's actually a rich extensive history that I could write up more on, but I am limited on time at the moment. 
    I think if more people from all kinds of backgrounds were willing to sit down and have more discussions from people within the community rather than interacting with false narratives from the media, they will immediately see that everything is completely normal and not as bad as what certain groups of media say. We can all coexist with one another in society regardless of race, sexuality, religion, etc. It's why there has been a lot of progress made since comments like the one I found in that newspaper from decades ago. There still needs to be some more progress to be made in terms of equality for all minority groups and I think one day, we will get there despite the chaos the world is currently in.
    Anyway, it's getting very late and I must go now. I thank you for hearing my story out as Pride month ends and wish all my friends well in their future endeavors.
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