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Starlight Serenade

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Everything posted by Starlight Serenade

  1. That sounds like an intriguing read! The premise of The Sunbearer Trials with its unique characters and high-stakes competition really caught my interest. I’ll definitely check it out as soon as I can!
  2. Oooh I like these! Overlanders sound fun Are you working on any stories to expand on them?
  3. I was catching up to my notifs from earlier today and just saw these, thank you for posting this @Misty Shadow. I saw that Spanish marketing company before, but found this whole situation odd. This is why I don't trust "leaks" from these sites. They will post anything. It's better to wait an official announcement as plans change.
  4. I wasn’t prepared for that news today and it’s not what I wanted to hear.
  5. I'm feeling both good and anxious. I managed to do my morning cardio nearly nonstop, which was great. But now, I'm getting reflective, realizing it's finally September 1st and I'm in the last three months of school. That and I'm still figuring out work.
  6. I came up with the idea to have emergency kits at home because we experience earthquakes and other challenges here in SoCal, but I discovered that people have been using the supplies from the kits when they ran out of their regular stock. I think I'm going to create my own secret kit.
  7. Happy Birthday, CocoCody! 🎉

    On this special day, I just wanted to send you a magical birthday wish from the heart of Equestria! Starlight Glimmer taught us that friendship is the most powerful magic of all, and I'm so grateful to have a friend like you by my side.

    May your day be filled with as much joy and sparkle as Starlight’s brightest spells, and may all your wishes come true with the wave of a hoof! Keep shining your light, just like Starlight Glimmer, and know that I’m always here to share in your adventures.

    With all my friendship and magic,

    Starlight Serenade

    1. CocoCody


      Oh, you’re gonna make me cry starlight. I get that you put so much effort and heart into this. Honestly, as I’m walking into work today, and I feel so groggy, that just brings a giant smile to my face. Makes me feel like the life journey I’m going through is something extra special and meaningful. I love you dude, I will always be tight with you. Thank you for always being the voice of reason and making me smile.

  8. I’m so sorry that you’re feeling this way, and I want you to know that your feelings are completely valid. It’s clear how much Lnx1y means to you, and when you put so much of yourself into something you love, it’s natural to feel deeply when others don’t respond the way you hoped. I can see that you’ve created a whole world around Lnx1y and the Overlanders, and that’s truly amazing! I read the lore you wrote on DA and I find them really interesting! I think it’s lovely the amount of thought, creativity, and passion you’ve put into developing their lore shows just how special they are to you. It’s important to remember that not everyone will understand or appreciate your work in the same way, but that doesn’t diminish its value or your connection to it. Please don’t feel guilty for loving your OC or for wanting to share her with the world. Your anxiety might be making you feel like this negative feedback reflects on you personally, but it doesn’t. Your creativity and the joy you find in your art are what really matter. If it helps, maybe take a little break to focus on self-care before deciding what to do next. Sometimes stepping back for a moment can give you clarity. Whatever you choose, remember that there are people who will appreciate Lnx1y for who she is, just like you do. Your art and your voice are important and I’m glad you’re sharing them. Please take care of yourself, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you need to talk more. You’re not alone in this.
  9. I'm sorry to hear that your OC hasn't been received as well as you'd hoped. It can be tough when something you care about doesn't get the response you were expecting, especially when it's a character you've put your heart into. Remember, creating and sharing your work is a personal expression of who you are, and not everyone is going to connect with it in the same way. Though that doesn’t mean your OC or your art isn’t valuable. If Lnx1y means something to you and you enjoy bringing her to life, that’s what truly matters. Art is subjective, and sometimes it just takes time for others to appreciate what you’ve created. Don’t let the downvotes discourage you too much - there’s always going to be an audience out there who will appreciate your work! I think it’s great
  10. I recall someone jokingly telling me about a MLP multiverse show earlier today so I find this weird timing. I’m going to wait for something official as this feels fake. Where was this “leaked”?
  11. Hello Crypty, Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us. It's incredibly brave to open up about such a personal and complex topic, especially when it comes to mental health and healing from trauma. I’m really moved by how you've navigated this path, especially the way you've confronted and processed your feelings of shame, loneliness, and the need for attention. It takes a lot of courage and self-awareness to dive deep into these emotions, and your story shows how transformative that process can be. It's amazing to hear about the progress you've made, like overcoming paralyzing shame and finding more peace and connection in your life. The fact that you're feeling healthier both mentally and physically is a testament to the hard work you've put in. It's inspiring to see how you've taken control of your healing, using the knowledge you’ve gained to recognize and address unhealthy emotions when they arise. I also really appreciate how you've emphasized that this journey is about understanding yourself and not letting past experiences define who you are. Your approach of learning from lectures and applying that knowledge to your own experiences sounds incredibly empowering. Your willingness to share this with others, despite the sensitivity of the topic, speaks volumes about your compassion and desire to help. You’re right - so many people struggle with feelings of depression or loneliness without knowing why, and your insights could be the light they need to start their own healing process. Thank you again for sharing your story. It's a powerful reminder that healing is possible and that we’re not alone in our struggles. Wishing you continued strength and peace on your journey. Cheers to you, Crypty.
  12. I’m back from my day trip to the casino! It was a bit of a roller-coaster, I was down $100 at one point but managed to win it all back, so no harm done. After the excitement, I treated myself to a meal at Texas Roadhouse and let me tell you, the food was delicious!

    1. ZiggWheelsManning


      Was the deck full of aces?  

      I also had awesome food at Texas Roadhouse^_^  

    2. ZiggWheelsManning


      (sorry for double post)  

    3. Starlight Serenade

      Starlight Serenade

      I mainly played slots and roulette as I have never played any cards before, but I do wish to try eventually. 

      Yes, yummy food at Texas Roadhouse! 

  13. Good, I think? I have to admit, I started my cardio a bit later today because I was still a bit spooked by yesterday's skunk encounter. I put repellent around the house yesterday, but you can never be too cautious. My cardio session went well with fewer breaks and more distance covered, so I felt great. Now I've been invited to a Casino. Let’s see if I can outplay the house.
  14. You're welcome! That's awesome that you are! The whole Kandi culture is so vibrant and creative, so drawing them at a rave is perfect!
  15. Even though I consistently go to sleep around 10 p.m., I always find myself waking up around 2 or 3 a.m., and I can never fall back asleep. This has been happening for years, and despite trying various sleep aids, even doctors can't pinpoint the cause. Strangely, I don’t feel tired when I wake up, which only adds to the mystery. I usually end up listening to calming music or just keeping my eyes closed, even though sleep doesn't come. I can't help but wonder if my body is trying to tell me something.

    1. ComanderZhabikKlavik


      I have it sometimes too. I don't have that at the moment. It stopped for some reason, I do not know why. I woke up at 3 a.m. and just lay there with my eyes closed. After 2 or 3 hours, I managed to fall asleep. I still don't understand the reason for this.

    2. ComanderZhabikKlavik


      I probably remembered what helped me with this. It was the Wim Hof breathing method. I don't remember exactly if it helped me because it was a long time ago, but I think it's worth checking out.

    3. Starlight Serenade

      Starlight Serenade

      @ComanderZhabikKlavik Thank you for the support and recommendation, I found some guided videos on Youtube and will try this later.

  16. You always manage to pick me up when I need it the most and your ability to bring joy into everyone's life is something I deeply appreciate. Your support and positivity make a real difference, and I'm grateful to have someone like you who knows just how to make me smile. Thank you for always being there for me, bestie!
  17. This silly song got stuck in my head again: Jawny - Honeypie
  18. I've ascended to the rank of Phoenix! Rising from the ashes, I'm climbing my way to the top!

    The "mane event" has officially arrived!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ZiggWheelsManning


      Several falcons are gonna fly with you on the journey @Starlight Serenade:fluttershy:  

    3. North Star
    4. Tacodidra


      Congratulations, my friend! :yay:


  19. I rarely ever drink soda anymore - too many calories and sugar. However, back in the day, Cherry Coke was my go-to.
  20. I totally get this. When I was a kid, I used to love bologna, but then I switched to real meat, and it was like night and day. The last time I tried bologna, it just tasted so processed and weird.
  21. Reviewing lectures for class. So much data to sift through.
  22. What was my childhood like? Let's just say it's a lot to unpack and a bit too heavy for this conversation.
  23. Finished reviewing for class. I'm considering whether or not to start one of my personal projects.
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