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Starlight Serenade

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Everything posted by Starlight Serenade

  1. Relieved. I finally finished several things during this past weekend and I feel like a large weight has been removed on my shoulders.
  2. It feels good to be back on the forums and seeing familiar faces. I wonder what changes have occurred here since I have been gone. Also I'm hungry but it's really late here.
  3. Thanks! If not, I will raid your pantry for snacks
  4. I have achieved Muffin rank. Huzzah! I hope there is a Muffin button. If not, note to self: add muffin button.

  5. Ziggsssssss! Why yes I remember you! I hope you are doing well!
  6. I am creating a welcome post as I have returned to the forums. I used to have an account here last year and ended up deleting my old account as I was dealing with a lot of personal issues IRL. I went away and honestly thought I was never to return again, but never say never. People can change. MLP will always have a special place in my heart and I love them ponies. For now I will be under my old name Starlightnyars, but I will be updating that to something new soon. I hope to connect with some of the familiar faces that I knew here before and all the new ones who have joined since then and so much more.
  7. Hello everypony, I was gone for a while, but now I am back.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Starlight Serenade

      Starlight Serenade

      That's good to hear! Yes I am doing well! :PIPPIPHURRAY:

    3. Tacodidra




      I was looking for a Starlight boop, and that one was too funny not to use. :P Though it kind of looks like the hand is stopping Starlight from sneezing. :ButtercupLaugh:

    4. Starlight Serenade

      Starlight Serenade

      Oh my Celestia! It totally does! :ButtercupLaugh:

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