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Starlight Serenade

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Everything posted by Starlight Serenade

  1. This reminded me of when I stubbed my toe a while back and I randomly yelled “Son of a fruit salad on a Saturday!”.
  2. @ZiggWheelsManning I was about to fall asleep, but then I saw like 10+ notifs from you XD
  3. Oooh I always wanted to try a guitar! A guitar would be sweet! As for drums, I’d be hitting them randomly
  4. Awww thanks Ziggs, you’re such a darling
  5. Happy Birthday Pinkie Pi! Make sure to eat lots of cake though! :blue_baloon::balloon:

    1. ZiggWheelsManning


      Add the ice cream while you're at it @Pinkie Pi:BrightMacContent:  

  6. Nope! We all have our own way of walking! I often was told that I had a strut and jive
  8. I am eating dinner and ate the grocery shopping list. Wait.
  9. I still watch episodes on youtube for free despite having subscriptions to a majority of platforms. I'm already in the midst of cancelling them all as I don't find their value worth it anymore. Jumping from streaming platform to platform to watch one show is just silly in my opinion. No company will ever put every part of their franchise on only one platform as there is so much profit in selling licensing rights. They will sell those rights to different networks all they want and will face no backlash since streaming platforms have been normalized. Hasbro has been intelligent with combining releases of G5's TYT and other media on Netflix to maximize revenues on both fronts. Also, there is one Youtuber in particular that literally posts entire episodes and seasons on their channel for the past 10 years and their channel is still fine. I think Youtube is good.
  10. Go on an adventure. Idk where, anywhere but here.
  11. That was me earlier. I ended up cleaning out a lot of stuff here finally and it's all so clean. Hope your laundry goes well tomorrow!
  12. Definitely one of the most, if not most iconic moments of all of anime. The entire Namek saga was incredible. Even just looking at everything from the Super saiyan transformation and then on. Goku's speech to Frieza in the english dub was awesome in this arc. However one of the biggest moments to me was when Goku gave mercy to Frieza despite everything he had ever done. To me that was just powerful. Goku shouting "YOU FOOL!" to Frieza when he attacked Goku and Goku's sad look on his face as he seemingly killed Frieza still remains in mind as well. That's pretty cool! I recall watching a spanish dub of the series when I was around 3 or 4 years old before finding the Funimation dub shortly after. I'm really glad to hear that, he really shaped everyone's childhoods. Both Goku's and Gohan's transformations were so darn amazing! The fights were so incredible! I remember debating who would win in a fight with friends when I was younger.
  13. I know Akira Toriyama's works have effected many people's lives across the globe, but I would love to hear any of your favorite moments(dialogue, writing, fights, etc.) of any of his series.
  14. Sad with the news of Akira Toriyama passing away. Thank you for all the wonderful memories and moments that you have given us. I will never forget you. "Until next time" my friend and condolences to his friends and family.
  15. WOAH. I am having trouble processing this as well. I had a strange dream a little while back where Toriyama passed away and Dragon Ball went in a completely different direction, so this is very surprising to me. Akira Toriyama and his works have been a huge part of my life since I was a toddler and I know to most people I know. He influenced the Shonen genre and changed the meaning during the peak of Dragon Ball. Whenever there were releases especially towards the end of the Dragon Ball Super anime, countries around the world were hosting the final episodes in local cities and thousands of people got together to watch. I'm very sad to hear this news especially with Dragon Ball Daima releasing later in the year(heck it might become a series of special episodes or something now). I'm sure Toriyama was looking forward to Daima's release as well. I wonder what happens to the future of the Dragon Ball franchise as a whole as there were many projects in the works. I wish well for his family and friends during this time. I'm just shocked.
  16. It's morning where I am at on the west coast, but it's been a nice morning so far! I hope you are having a great afternoon buddy!
  17. Serene. I had a good workout session and then "Maid with the Flaxen Hair" played and I felt all was okay with the world for just a moment.
  18. This morning I was reintroduced to this wonderful song after not hearing it in almost a decade or so:
  19. It’s time to go to sleep early! I wish all my friends well I have a feeling that things are going to be okay.
  20. This song entered my mind when @ZiggWheelsManning asked me if I had an awesome day today, please give it a listen:
  21. This looks like localization. This makes sense as every country's cultures are different and some customs/words do not translate well to other countries. One example I always recall is the Pokemon series when Brock would take out "Jelly donuts" that were in fact rice balls(which is very common in Japan, but not the US). Sometimes the local dubbing made sense for the time period it aired in, other times they were silly as the example I mentioned. Other times localization can become controversial as they can change the meaning of original content completely due to country restrictions/censorship. Also congrats on ranking up to Zebra!
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