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Starlight Serenade

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Everything posted by Starlight Serenade

  1. Annoyed. My fridge stopped working, but the freezer is working perfectly fine. We checked the settings and other areas and it seemingly looks fine. I am trying to look up repairs near me and they are charging several hundred to close to a thousand. It might be cheaper to just buy another fridge, but I really wasn't expecting this to happen. This fridge was expensive years ago and the warranty expired a few years back.
  2. nice! I missed it oof; welp mine is in November.
  3. Likewise; they sound weird, but I hear all these good things about them.
  4. Of course- I am the main character of my story after all!
  5. Thanks buddy, I will try my best!
  6. Dear Princess Celestia,

    I hope you are doing well :D

    1. Princess Celestia

      Princess Celestia


      Yes I'm just fine dear friend, a lovely day filled with royal duties waiting.


      Still, it will give me some short times for a break.

  7. That's cool Ziggs! Sometimes I wonder if these jobs that make a lot of money are worth the stress anymore.
  8. Mmmmm I remember taking a bus from LA to Nevada to play at a jazz festival. Last year I went up to Northern California to see my best friend. I think both were 500+ miles roundtrip.
  9. Same. I like to watch different shows as there are a lot of things that I like and don't like from all the promotions. I think the tribalism I see online from some people is just dumb and hurts general business. I'm excited for Wrestlemania and beyond!
  10. Currently reading a bit of "A History of Russia" by Mark Steinberg. I have a few other random books that were recommended by a few of my friends to read such as "Payback's a Witch" by Lana Harper, "A kind of Spark" by Elle McNicoll, "The Extraordinary Adventures of Alice Tonks" by Emily Kenny, "Can't Hurt me" by David Goggins, and much more!
  11. I have dated people who are religious and others that were atheist/agnostic before. We usually did not have issues because I believe if you love someone, you love them for who they are and not their beliefs. Sure having the same things in common is great, but not everybody will be the same. That and if you are both adults that can actually communicate your thoughts, it really should not be a problem.
  12. I recently enjoyed watching Hazbin Hotel (though I have been a fan of Vivienne's other work, Helluva Boss for years). Oh and I recall watching and liking Fionna and Cake a good while ago.
  13. Oh my Celestia! I recall hearing that stuff while I had my office job during the past year. I was recently laid off and it's certainly a pain to apply for jobs during this time. I am finding that a lot of roles follow the same process: "fill out the job app, upload your resume, cover letter, school transcripts, more questions, then for the last 5-10 questions write 250-500 word short form essays on questions regarding why you would be a good fit for the job". Then I would get a rejection response within a week or less. That or they ghost you and waste your time. I heard some people don't get a response until a year later stating that they did not get the job. What I have learned to do and recommend to people is that if you find a job that is asking you to write an essay or anything like that - get an AI program to write responses for you. Just make sure to tailor the prompt with your experience and voila. Using AI saved me a lot of time and the jobs that I did that for recently landed me two interviews.
  14. I try to do an hour of cardio or around 3 miles minimum daily. I currently am doing 3x a week where I do upper body with machines and 2x a week lower body with machines. After that I do my hour of cardio. I go on the treadmill with a fast steady pace and incline the whole time. Recently I started to add a few mins of running at the end. Over time I plan to run the entire hour with no issues. I recall being able to go 5 miles within an hour years ago and would like to do that again. I have never been injured, it's just that I recently have lacked the mental discipline and am working on building that back up.
  15. I have been polishing my Spanish skills at a steady pace daily. I have been wanting to learn French and maybe Japanese.
  16. I am not really a religious or spiritual person, but I went to church the other day for the first time in a long time with my mom as she usually goes alone and I wanted to accompany her. The priest actually gave a good homily that really appealed to some things that were on my mind as of recent. I think every religion has something that can be applicable to everyone's lives as it tries to appeal to the original point of purpose and much more in life. I can see why people would like to go to church and it really doesn't bother me, unfortunately there are other people who aren't as respectful about it.
  17. I thought it was images, so are we sending a list of the ingredients that we find on the site and where we found them?
  18. This. Since they will never have everything on one platform for too long, I usually check youtube or "other pony sites" to watch everything. The show wasn't the greatest, but it still had a lot of fun little moments!
  19. Likewise. I am having trouble finding these ingredients on the site.
  20. Been watching Helluva Boss for years, saw the pilot years ago for Hazbin Hotel, and I'm so happy for Vivienne and her success. She deserves it 100%. I have rewatched Hazbin Hotel multiple times on Prime already and can't wait for season 2. Also can't wait for the next episodes of Helluva Boss, it's been forever! We are living in a great boom of indie animation on youtube and I'm loving it!
  21. 100%. In fact, let's prove this with an inanimate object that everypony has OBJECTIVELY fallen in love with at one point in their lives; their beds after a long day. Or just beds in general. Jokes aside, I can see this question apply for many material things depending on the person.
  22. Happy Birthday Nitobit! I hope you have a great day with all your loved ones. :balloon::blue_baloon:

    I broke into your house a few minutes ago, but I can tell that you have a lot of people that care about you based on the cake I just ate. Anyway cheers!

    1. Nitobat


      It was you!? :glimmer:

      Lol, thanks Nyars :derp:

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