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Starlight Serenade

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Everything posted by Starlight Serenade

  1. Bamboozled. I forgot that there were all these clubs on here since I missed club week. I got so excited to go to the Strip Club, but I am getting a sneaking suspicion that they don't know what a racing stripe is.
  2. Cranberry juice! I am drinking a bit in the morning and in the evening for good health.
  3. Happy Birthday Yoshi! :blue_baloon::balloon::blue_baloon::balloon:

    I am slightly disappointed that you are not an actual Yoshi, but I like your Rarity pfp so I will not eat your birthday cake tonight.

    On a sidenote - there are some bite marks on your cake. I have no idea how they got there before I arrived (wipes away cake on face).

    Anyway, I hope you have a great day with your loved ones!

    1. Yoshi89


      I sure did, even if I worked most of the day. Thank you! :PIPPIPHURRAY: You owe me a new cake, though. :grin2:

  4. Good message from Makaryo. They always have entertaining videos. I remember when G5 came out, there were people online getting into heated debates or spammed just for liking some parts of G5. I think it's unacceptable that people are giving death threats just for liking the series. It's insane. This is a series about friendship and even if you disagree with someone's opinions, you should still show some respect for their opinion regardless if you like it or not. I recall when I had my old account here over a year ago, I said that I really liked Applejack and there were a few people here who were calling her " country trash", "background pony", and several other expletive things that I cannot type here. It really sucked to see that as I don't know anyone else IRL to share my enjoyment of the series and was hoping to meet others online to share that feeling. Thankfully those people don't seem to be here anymore, but I was shocked that there existed some people within the fandom like that despite the show's wholesome values. I have met people who have told me that they personally like G5 better than G4, but they did not go off into rants or anything like that. We were all respectful of each other's opinions and shared our different opinions on the series with no issues. I particularly enjoy several parts of G5 despite how Hasbro has been mapping out the entire series (though that's a separate issue), but I am always surprised to see some older fans go off on large rants on why G5 is the worst thing in existence and gate keep the franchise in general stating that "G4 was the best series and only series that matters". That is the complete opposite of the show's message. Those people need to learn that opinions are subjective, but respect for others should always be objective. It is something that we as a fandom should always be striving for. MLP is for everyone and we should be able to enjoy whatever parts of the franchise we want in peace.
  5. My "Managerial Accounting" course starts tomorrow. Yay. It will be my last accounting course for this masters program so let's get this out of the way!

    1. Tacodidra


      Good luck, my friend! :fluttershy: I hope it goes well!

  6. Mad. I went to get some groceries and came back home to see a certain someone open the fridge and messing with it after we had the repair yesterday. There is a water, tools, and all kinds of stuff everywhere it's a huge mess. They already knew that we did the repair, why are they messing with it?
  7. I don't know. I woke up and my fridge seems to be a little cold, but not too cold. I lowered the settings right now and will check again in a few hours.
  8. It has been a long day and it's time for this pony to sleep.
  9. I opened Youtube and Youtube Shorts automatically opened and played me this crazy video:
  10. I would probably order a banquet of all the foods I ever enjoyed and eat like a king.
  11. Ziggs, I was about to respond, but saw Retro's response, the good things were pretty much what they wrote.
  12. Relieved or anxious? Idk what to be atm. We managed to get a repairman to come by and they fixed the wiring up for our fridge, but we have to wait a while and see if the fridge actually cools. They told us that it could be the fan if the repair did not work. Now to wait.
  13. Oh okay. I can kind of see why you replaced it. The fridge we have is somewhat fine, it's just that it's not cooling the right side(fridge) but the freezer is perfectly fine. The thermostat still lets me adjust the freezer settings and it can move up and down, yet there are exposed wires which have me questioning how in the world it's still functioning.
  14. I have a Kenmore Elite. It's a side to side? Left side is the freezer and right side is the fridge. What we ended up finding is at the bottom of the fridge there are some exposed wires that have snapped or so. We may have to call an electrician. If we can't fix it, I just might. I really did not expect this expense so it's more frustrating.
  15. Tired. I have been running around trying to find a place that does fridge repairs and all I found were fake businesses and scams. I reached out to a contact to see if they can have somebody come by. I will find out in an hour or so. If not, I might just buy a new one.
  16. Thanks. I had no idea that there were several reincarnations of it. I agree, Friendship is wonderful.
  17. You know I recall seeing Celestianism before on my old account (a year ago or so, maybe longer?) and someone telling me that it was a cult that spun off of Christianity. They told me that the followers of the religion genuinely thought that Celestia was the second coming of Christ and that they believed that they were the "chosen ones". Thank you for sharing your story and I am sorry to hear the passing of your friend. I had some personal things that went on IRL and I left the forums last year, but friendship always wins and I found myself back here again.
  18. Annoyed. My fridge stopped working, but the freezer is working perfectly fine. We checked the settings and other areas and it seemingly looks fine. I am trying to look up repairs near me and they are charging several hundred to close to a thousand. It might be cheaper to just buy another fridge, but I really wasn't expecting this to happen. This fridge was expensive years ago and the warranty expired a few years back.
  19. nice! I missed it oof; welp mine is in November.
  20. Likewise; they sound weird, but I hear all these good things about them.
  21. Of course- I am the main character of my story after all!
  22. Thanks buddy, I will try my best!
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