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Starlight Serenade

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Everything posted by Starlight Serenade

  1. Awww thank you Princess Celestia! AI is great for people who people like me who can't draw/design and keeps going through concepts. It really is fantastic. I had the idea of the meteor shower, but there were too many ideas that expanded from that. I have one concept where Starlight Serenade is part of the Skyross idea that G5 is presenting. Like what if there were Alicorns for different sections similar to Greek Gods.
  2. Below are some details that I brainstormed over time as I went through a lot of different OC ideas and finally came up with an idea that I loved. Thanks to AI, I was able to brainstorm different designs to bring her to life. I was inspired by my love of music and Starlight Glimmer for their design. Name: Starlight Serenade Species: Alicorn Personality Traits: Passionate Musician: Starlight Serenade’s heart beats in rhythm with the melodies of the universe. They find solace and inspiration in every note, whether it’s the cosmic hum of distant stars or the gentle whisper of a breeze. Curious Wanderer: Their alicorn powers grant them the ability to traverse the cosmos effortlessly. She roams the celestial expanse, seeking hidden harmonies and undiscovered symphonies. Eternal Optimist: Starlight believes that life is a grand symphony, and every experience contributes to the cosmic score. She radiates positivity, even in the darkest corners of the galaxy. Appearance: Her white coat is very fluffy and soft to touch and she has lovely blue eyes that reflect the sky. Her mane and tail flow like cosmic ribbons, adorned with constellations that twinkle as she moves. It's as if rainbows dance in her mane. When she transforms/ascends, her wings bear intricate patterns reminiscent of celestial charts, mapping out her journeys among the stars. Her mane slight changes color and hooves change as well, representing the cosmos and music. Cutie Mark: Now this is where it gets fascinating. Her cutie mark is cross between the cosmos and parts of musical notation, but it can change depending on her abilities! I think of it as an alternate form/ascension. Think of a crescendo or perhaps a coda in music. During these special moments, musical notation surrounded by swirling galaxies forms as if the cutie mark itself is moving in rhythm! Her cutie mark first appeared during a night of stargazing when she composed her first cosmic melody. Backstory: Born during a meteor shower, Starlight Serenade was destined for cosmic adventures. Her parents, both astronomers, nurtured her love for music and the mysteries of the universe. As she grew, her alicorn abilities awakened. She discovered that her horn could channel cosmic energies, allowing her to leap across galaxies. Starlight’s first interstellar journey took her to the Harmony Nebula, where she composed a symphony that resonated through the cosmos. The stars themselves danced to her music. She now splits her time between Equestria and the cosmic expanse, sharing her celestial melodies with ponies and celestial beings alike. Special Abilities: Cosmic Resonance: Starlight can manipulate cosmic energies to create harmonious rifts, bridging distant worlds. Stellar Flight: Her wings propel her effortlessly through space, leaving trails of stardust in her wake. Astral Lyre: She carries an ethereal lyre that responds to her emotions, playing melodies that soothe or ignite the cosmos. Magical Powers: Cosmic Harmony Manipulation: Starlight can weave harmonious energy threads through the fabric of space. With a wave of her horn, she can: Align Celestial Bodies: Influence planetary orbits, ensuring cosmic balance. Harmonize Starlight: Enhance star luminosity or dim it for celestial concerts. Create Cosmic Chords: Her magic resonates with distant quasars, creating ethereal melodies. Astral Projection: When meditating under the night sky, Starlight can project her consciousness across the cosmos. She explores distant galaxies, conversing with ancient beings and learning cosmic secrets. Stellar Teleportation: By attuning to constellations, she can teleport instantaneously to their corresponding locations. Imagine her appearing in the heart of the Orion Nebula during a meteor shower! Nova Crescendo: In times of need, Starlight can channel her emotions into a radiant burst of energy. The Nova Crescendo illuminates dark corners of the universe, dispelling cosmic threats. Celestial Lyre Mastery: Her astral lyre now responds not only to touch but also to intention. Each note shapes reality—a healing melody mends rifts, while a dissonant chord disrupts entropy. Galactic Empathy: Starlight senses cosmic disturbances and empathizes with celestial beings. She soothes distressed quasars and consoles lonely black holes. Eternal Echoes: Her music leaves lingering echoes in the void. These echoes inspire stardust to coalesce into new constellations. Starlight's Purpose: Starlight Serenade seeks to unite all beings through music. Her dream is to compose the ultimate cosmic symphony—one that echoes across dimensions, bringing harmony to every corner of existence. Starlight Serenade’s magical abilities serve a higher purpose: to harmonize the universe, bridge realms, and remind all beings that they are part of a cosmic symphony. May Starlight Serenade’s celestial notes continue to weave magic throughout the cosmos, inspiring wonder and joy wherever she roams.
  3. Hi and Welcome ConBon! I hope you enjoy your stay and the cute ponies!
  4. Oh I remember this episode! Yes, it was a very awesome show! I recall watching it with my siblings every week when we were kids. Everyone was so great in that show, I loved watching Hal. I will never forget Hal teaching Malcolm how to skate or when he sang as part of the Gentlemen Callers. The music choices were excellent! OH MY CELESTIA - I TOTALLY FORGOT TO MENTION FRANCIS SINGING CANDYMAN!
  5. It's late and I cannot sleep. I do not know what is bothering me.

    However I finally started to brainstorm an OC idea for myself and used AI to make a my thoughts for the design inspired by my favorite pony and my love for music. I actually thought and have different ideas and designs but I am all over the place. I think I finally found an idea that I like to try. Only then will I sleep!

    1. Tacodidra


      *hugs* :kindness:

      Assuming that's your OC on the avatar, I think she has a nice design. :squee:

    2. Starlight Serenade

      Starlight Serenade

      *hugs* awww thanks Taco! Yes that's Starlight Serenade! I will be posting some art of her soon.

  6. I loved how this fandom is still actively creating a lot of fun content. My favorite part is "ROUND THE MOUNTAIN" XD
  7. Oof. That's bad. I heard the recent episode released earlier than usual and thought it was that or something. I still have to check that one out. It's an adult animated superhero series. It's not for the faint of heart though as I know some who did not like the violence behind it.
  8. This. I completely forgot about Invincible second season continuation until I saw an ad on mobile earlier today. Idk about the Hasbro stuff, what's that about? Jojo Part 6's momentum was totally killed by Netflix's decision. I rather wait weekly for Jojo episodes and I hope that Part 7 is not done the same way as Part 6 because I really enjoyed Part 7. These companies think that they will make more money by splitting up the episodes in groups every 3-6 months so that more people will have to subscribe to their platforms for a limited time, but it just works against them long term. Short term gains are not worth it. I would rather have weekly episodes or just binge the entire season at once.
    1. Iforgotmybrain


      I already ordered mine :Cool-shades:. She'll make a fine addition to my plush collection sitting alongside their Fluttershy plush.


  10. Wow haven't seen the word Logorrhea in a while! The forums will be stunned by your magniloquence darling! Anyway- Welcome GruFru! Everypony is pretty cool here, I hope you enjoy your stay here on the forums!
  11. I understand your position. I got my bachelors in Public Admin, but working in government is not as great and secure as some would think. My last office job was a private company where they actually paid for me to do my masters in business even though I was interested in doing cybersecurity. I tried cybersecurity while I had my office job, got two certifications, but did not like doing that job either as it's very competitive especially with all the layoffs in the tech industry recently. I recently went back to school for my masters in business and over half way atm. A majority of it was paid off already. It's pretty interesting, I do not know where I will be going but there is a lot of useful information and I am getting ideas of what I like. Anyway I wish you good luck!
  12. I recall seeing their release a few weeks ago. There are more in depth details from their financial statements and news releases section on the Hasbro site (dated 02/13/2024): https://investor.hasbro.com/news-releases/news-release-details/hasbro-reports-fourth-quarter-and-full-year-2023-financial Here is an excerpt from their "Full Year 2023 Segment Details". Full Year 2023 Segment Details Consumer Products Segment Revenue decrease of 19% driven by business exits, category trends and inventory management. Full year growth in TRANSFORMERS and G.I. JOE; FURBY performed well in launch year. Operating margin of -2.2% and adjusted operating margin of -0.7% were driven by lower revenues and actions focused on inventory reduction to reset the business. Wizards of the Coast and Digital Gaming Segment Revenue increase of 10% driven by increase in Licensed Digital Gaming revenue behind Baldur's Gate III from Larian Studios and Monopoly Go! from Scopely. Tabletop revenue increased 1% behind growth in MAGIC: THE GATHERING with a strong performance from the Universes Beyond Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth sets. Operating profit declined 2% and operating profit margin of 36.1% due to higher royalty costs associated with Universes Beyond. Entertainment Segment Revenue decline of 31% driven by lower Film and TV revenue due to the writers' and actors' strikes; Family Brands revenue grew 6%. Operating loss of $1,912 million compared to operating profit of $23 million in 2022. 2023 loss includes $1,846 million (non-cash) of goodwill and intangible asset impairment associated with the eOne Film and TV business and within Family Brands to align with a change in entertainment strategy. Adjusted operating loss of $46 million compared to adjusted operating profit of $83 million in 2022 due to the impact of industry strikes on content deliveries Here is also their 2024 Company Outlook: 2024 Company Outlook1 For the full year, the Company expects: Consumer Products Segment revenue down 7% to 12% with 4 points of the decline coming from businesses shifting to an out-license model; Operating margin 4% to 6%. Wizards of the Coast Segment revenue down 3% to 5% decline largely driven by second half comp in licensed digital gaming; Operating margin 38% to 40%. Pro-Forma Entertainment segment revenue down $15 million; Adjusted operating margin of approximately 60%. Total Hasbro, Inc Adjusted EBITDA of $925M to $1B. Increased mid-term gross savings target to $750M by year end 2025 from previous target of $350M to $400M. 2024 Capital Allocation priorities: Invest in core business. Return cash to shareholders through the dividend. Continue to pay down debt and progress towards leverage target. 1The Company is not able to reconcile its forward-looking non-GAAP adjusted operating profit margin and adjusted EBITDA measures because the Company cannot predict with certainty the timing and amounts of discrete items such as charges associated with its cost-savings program, which could impact GAAP results. My quick take: So declines in Consumer Products Segment and Entertainment Segments were too big to offset for the inventory write offs and revenue increases from their digital gaming segment. From the outlook they expect it to keep to decrease. On top of this, they are trying to reduce debt owed AND pay cash dividends to shareholders which will be declared soon. They are definitely going to have more cuts coming and throw out some cash grabs probably in MTG. That huge operating loss from their eOne Film and TV business in their entertainment segment and writer's strike really did a mark on them too. It is definitely a disaster for Hasbro. Mmmm they did announce new MTG MLP cards back in 2023 and those sold out fast. So I can see something like that.
  13. Happy Birthday Fluttershyfan94! :balloon::blue_baloon::balloon::blue_baloon::balloon::blue_baloon:

    I hope you have a great day with your loved ones and a million dreams full of Derpy dreaming about Derpy becoming Derpy. She's one of my favorites as well!


    1. Fluttershyfan94


      Thank you and yes she's great hehe.

  14. Awww I clicked this as soon as I saw "Macolm in the Middle" but the video was taken down oof. MITM was such a good series and that theme from TMBG still lives forever in my head.
  15. This is pretty much how I felt when I joined the forums originally over a year ago. I watched the entirety of G4 and joined the forums immediately when I saw some videos about it too. I recall seeing a year ago social media analytics showing that the early years of G4 were the peak period of online community interaction. I found out through a lot of videos that most people actually left the community while G4 was still airing as the seasons progressed. Why? I do not know exactly why, but I can only make speculation that they did not like how the series changed after the first few seasons. The series changed a lot after season 3 and I can see why some people lost their interest. That and as any internet fad goes(I remember hearing about bronies years ago in the mainstream news), popularity usually dies down after a while. However, after seeing the G5 social media analytics last year, there is a lot of potential of more possible interactions more than ever. I feel that my experience with fellow fans is very limited too as it is a forum. Most of the people that I have met here are from other states or countries it seems. WHERE ARE MY CALIFORNIA PONIES AT?!?!?! I see that there are local brony groups that meetup every few months, but they meetup more far away than I would like. I wish there were more groups around Los Angeles(I'm from California, USA btw). I was seriously considering going to a meetup here, but my circumstances recently changed so I will have to hold back on that. I hope to meet some other fans in person eventually. You did not miss your chance Casey Pones. In fact, you still have the opportunity to connect with people and hopefully you can find a local group, small convention, or maybe a meet up. I wish you good luck!
  16. This was a nice episode in the midst of all the setup the past few episodes that we got this season. Allura is back at it again and Twitch is... going to switch sides or something? I don't know. I liked that the episodes have been bringing back some of the songs that we have heard previously. This could episode could lead to something for Hitch maybe.
  17. Great episode! Season 2 is doing an awesome job so far! There has been a lot of set up for characters arcs, this is really great. Opaline's castle reminded me of the Castle of Two Sisters, but it sucks that it's gone now. I thought it was very cool to see the duo work together and we got some good lore.
  18. Another Misty episode, I am loving it! Violette Rainbow showing up with a speaking role was pretty awesome. This gives me hope to see more characters show up in the future. I wonder who that mysterious voice will end up being? Everytime I see "Starlight" mentioned I immediately click hoping to see Starlight Glimmer or Comet now
  19. Very peculiar episode. I love Misty and was glad to see that we got a little more lore. I wonder how things are going to turn out soon. TYT is doing great so far in season 2.
  20. I like Jazz and I found this episode to be really cute. I totally felt that anxiety when she was asking out Rocky, it was adorable. I loved how they hinted that he wanted to ask her out. I loved the entire crew's shenanigans to help Jazz too. Great episode
  21. Started to catch up on G5 TYT episodes and I am really enjoying them quite a lot!

  22. First day of my new accounting course. Let's get down to business.
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