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Posts posted by TwilightSparkleSunny

  1. 9 hours ago, Rafa Stary said:

    Well, you saw in the Season 9 Finale that all Mane Six except for Twilight look old, Twilight as a alicorn should live for like +1000 years. Becoming alicorns just wasn't the plan for the characters arcs of Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity, they were destined to grow old and inevitably end up passing away like any other normal pony. Of course, MLP is light hearted so it can't show such thing...but in G5:

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    Discord shows up in a comic, clearly depressed because Fluttershy passed away

    Also, in G5 it feels like that Twilight was "alone" in her mission. 

    I don't know, but I think everything leads us to believe that Twilight's friends indeed passed away and that she's now the Mane One :(

    it could be true. I mean a lot of people confuse another so, that is a great explanation I just found this picture and  said "what the heck?" so I wanted to see what u all thought about it

    Moments ago, TwilightSparkleSunny said:

    it could be true. I mean a lot of people confuse another so, that is a great explanation I just found this picture and  said "what the heck?" so I wanted to see what u all thought about it

    it says 'according to google' that she won't but in the show their old and in the comic Discord is all alone, Sunny meets him, but where are other ones that could have lived longer than the Mane Six?

  2. 9 hours ago, Rafa Stary said:

    ...What? :ButtercupLaugh: I didn't get it

    Also, love how 80's Fluttershy isn't even Fluttershy but Posey :mlp_laugh:

    well this post was supposed to make ponies laugh and I guess I did lol. just a regular post of funny things

    • Delighted Giggle 1
  3. are we sure this is true about Twilight? she did become a Alicorn. but not her friends. I'm confused because everyone is saying that she won't and she will. some people just confuse me too much. with this certant topic, we don't know things like we should. I mean I didn't watch all 9 seasons together but I did watch the first 5 and I couldn't find the rest. I saw the Last Problem on YouTube. I gotta do some searching and if you guys could help me that would be great! if you don't mind.


    • Brohoof 2
  4. On 2024-04-27 at 1:46 AM, Nitobit said:

    @TwilightSparkleSunny A topic about music would fit better in Media Discussion. I'm gonna move it there. :fluttershy:

    well a lot of people talk about them a lot so its kinda a subject. plus they are really popular rn so who would not talk about them? 

    its not, they r really popular, some people have heard them but don't know who they are. its like me with the backstreet boys

  5. On 2024-04-19 at 11:53 AM, WickedGames said:

    I wonder if the writers of G5 even think Flurry Heart is really that important of a character?

    well, Flurry Heart is kinda important because she is a natural born alicorn. in a way she kinda is but is not at the same time. shes not really mentioned in the series. so you could say she is not really important 

    • Brohoof 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Props Valroa said:

    Hot Asphalt, Gasoline, Kerosene, Oil, Cashmere Woods, Fish, Diesel Exhaust, Propane, and Sharpies are among my favorite smells.

    I gotta agree on the Sharpies 

    • Brohoof 1
    • smile 1
  7. the smell of fresh books *lol*


    Pillows that have a good smell straight from the dryer *idk why lol*

    chocolate cake

    white powered dounuts

    and I think that's it

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Well Rafa Stary I never said they had to show up in the series but I could at least have been nice for them to at least mention them. meaning Luster Dawn or Flurry Heart. Because in the series they never mentioned those two at all. But then again they never really mentioned Princess Cadence or Shining Armor or that family either. Plus we don't know much about Princess Cadence's family So it could be a coincidence that they may not be able to show up in the series because they're never really mentioned. But then again they don't have to be mentioned to show up. And we don't know if Princess Cadence's mom is still alive or any of her family. Because a lot of shows do that where someone is not mentioned and then they show up.I mean Princess Luna Princess could still be alive because who knows if hopefully knows them or not She probably does because look at her backstory part of it went in the series of her and Princess Luna Celestia.When they were younger they seem pretty close because looking at that part of her backstory that is also a part that we could have missed. But who knows maybe someone from the royal chain may be mentioned later on in the series but who knows they don't mention any pony else. So that could mean that the show may not mention anyone at all. But who knows what my little pony will hold later on.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Wow Rafa Stary. I guess I missed a few things that u put that i meant to put but was too busy doing portal theories. going to humans. yeah i guess i never thought about the humans not knowing of the portal bc in my theory whoever did make that portal to the human side of EQ, they probably never told anyone and kept it a secret.but also, the person in my theory who did make that portal, could have brought magic from EQ to EQG and used it to erase anyone's mind so no one would remember who did or what happened. but also in the g1 g4 and g5, they were not really connected bc there was never a g2 or g3 mentioned in the series. so that never really made sense to me. And for Cadance and Crystals being connected. It's because they were not meant to be related, just by evil and not evil. and TyT yeah your right about that because what u said was what i meant to say but in a different way. (that rhymed lol) if there is anything I could have missed you can email me in my inbox. or whatever its called. lol. 


    • Brohoof 1

    G4 Is A little bit more popular that G5 bc who knows if they make a more realistic movie of G5 as EQG. We don't know the future for G5 and more movies. Are the Dazzlings going to come back? or their desendants?

    And TyT I can't even catch up on. they are so long I can't even focus on the screen. And here I am just sitting there like I'm a complete fool just sitting there thinking wait why am I watching this if I can just watch something else because this is too long.

    But they can at least do something to make the G5 thing going on because kids are going to give up on watching G5 so what's the point of them making just new serieses and not having new movies like EQG. Because look at a question of girls They're really famous because it's G4 and a lot of people are thinking are they going to make it EQG version of G5.

    Because people are already going on Google posting these other EQG version but of G5 i mean kids are not going to expect there's going to be a male main character as an equestrian boy i mean who would have thought of that? It's like the people that are making the G5 versions of EQG are thinking okay maybe let's make this up a little bit and make a version of G5 EQG maybe get Hasbro to make a G5 version of EQG because at least do that because it seems like that the people are making these pictures are forcing Hasbro it seems like to make any EQG version of G5. It just feels like that to me You know do you go what I mean?

    But Rafa Stary does make a lot of points about G5 being different from G4. And how they could be more decent on G5 being more popular They need to focus on the popularity and the number of kids that are watching this show, but just to be clear a lot of people are going to think that they're going to do this, and they are not going to do this.

    I mean look at Queen Haven look at Alphabetical and look at Comment from Starshine Time, they just disappeared I mean are people going to think where did they go did they go somewhere else or are they working with somebody to take down the main five I mean what are they going to do because it seems like that they're just going to keep that a secret and not do anything about it.

    I mean not to be a spoiler or anything if you guys didn't watch the first series that came out After the movie but we all know that Misty's father meaning Alphabetal knows about her friends about her life now. I mean what happened to him after she moved in with her friends? Did he move out of Bridlewood Did he move anywhere else outside of Equestria Did he go anywhere? What happens to him? Did he meet somebody I mean we know that he's kind of being a little suspicious with Queen Haven. Even Zip and Pip don't like him being around their mom.

    This is all getting mixed up with everything else I mean because they could at least do something with Canterlot and Twilight's castle.I mean is Sunny going to go out searching for her castle? Is she sent on a quest by some pony that we don't know from the future? is she going to go with her friends to go do something to the G4 version of Equestria?

    I mean where did Ponyville go? Where did Clouds Dale go? I mean is Canterlot even still where it was before? Did somepony from the G4 move into Twilight's castle to stay there for some reason? I mean look at all the other sites about my own pony about sunny finding out who is at Twilight's castle like Discord could be there. Is she ever going to meet Flurry Heart as a full grown adult pony? Is she going to get into trouble with G4?

    I mean, does Discord live longer than Fluttershy does because we know that they get married in the future at some point.  Who still lives on from Generation 4 in the new G5 version of Equestria? I mean who is Sunny's mom who are her grandparents? who are her great grandparents? because it goes on and on and on from Twilight to Sunny.

    I mean look at Hitch and Sprout their brothers but their mom has to be a descendant of one of the main six from generation 4.

    I mean who are Izzy's parents because we don't see any of her family from the past? I mean we all think princess Luna is her mom but that is impossible because Sunny is a descendant of Twilight that means is he has to be a descendant of Pinkie Pie but could be related to Princess Luna in some sort of way. But Pinkie Pie and Princess Luna are not related by family .They are just you know friends because they get their friendship from Twilight because Twilight is Princess of Friendship. She spreads friendship all across Equestria.

    But look at Zip and Pip We don't know who their family is we don't even know who their dad is because it's not mentioned in the movie. We barely know the the five pony is parents well but they currently explain it in a separate show going from Twilight's family to Sunny's family. Or Izzy's parents. or hitch and sprouts dad because he's not mentioned at all. And look as if and pep we don't know their family either. 

    So Hasbro is hiding something from everyone's family because they are not mentioned in the movie in the series in the other series or anything or in Starshine time. Something is definitely wrong about generation 5 because we don't even know their family we don't know what's going to happen Does sunny find Twilight's Castle does any pony go back to Canterlot I mean we don't know if Luster Dawn is still ruling Canterlot by the time Sunny and her friends are born.

    Are Luster Dawn and Flurry Heart both ruling their Kingdoms? I mean we barely know about Cadence's family either We know little bit about shining armor's family but not so much Cadence I mean we know that Christmas is the evil side of Cadence but we don't know her parents we don't know her history we don't know anything about her. So anything that we don't know about some pony's family from generation 4 could lead to something very bad happening in generation 5. A lot of these different connections that we don't know about could really mess up generation 4 and  generation 5 being a show that everypony can love.

    Going back to the 80's version of MLP. their G1 witch I don't know much about bc i wasn't born in the 80's to see it for myself. But all I know is that it's the same show but a little different. BUT Now I just saw that the 80's version of MLP have humans in it. HUMANS!! What the heck are Humans doing in the MLP world? I think they were already there. but Humans and Mlp are related bc Twilight went through a mirror to get to the HUMAN world!! the humans in the 80's MLP show could have made that mirror and seprated the humans from the MLP PONIES!! that could mean if they did make that mirror, that could have happened but wasn't supposed to. 

    Tell me if I'm wrong on the human part. But that is a very rare explanation for humans in the 80's Mlp show. they could have somewhat known a future for a pony someone like Twilight Sparkle. but they didn't know if it was gonna be her or not. but they could have made that mirror portal to change the future for humans and ponies!! this could be the reason why there is no humans in Equestria.

    or another thing, they could have had to make it to separate the humans from the ponies. these are just theories that I have between these different shows. G3 is the 80's show.

    G3 ponies and humans were living in peace but then something must of gotten in the way like a villain! a villain could have made that portal with a villain human to make that portal to separate ponies from humans. then thoses villains could have gone back to their worlds and continued this chain of villains to conquer both human and pony sides of EQ. but then some pony, like royalty. generations later found the mirror and used it to find out what it was. But then came back to Equestria caring information from that world. And could have hidden it from every pony else in equestria. But who was this pony was a villain Generations later that wasn't doing evil duties. or was it a royal pony from the royal family? Like Queen Galaxia or King Cosmos could have went through that portal in Canterlot. one of them could have made their way to EQG world and went back with information from the world that they kept a secret. then year and years later Twilight is next to discover it. but who went in before Twilight? now I'm not gonna say Queen Galaxia or King Cosmos. but is Celestia and Luna knew about that other world. somepony must have told them about it. but who? it couldn't have been Queen Galaxia or King Cosmos.

    because we all think that they are dead in their mid-princess life. It could have been Starswirl. but he would not have been born when that were only adults. he was alive when Celestia and Luna were full grown adults and Twilight was a young Alicorn mare. so I'm thinking that Starswirl could have found something from Queen Galaxia and King Cosmos info about the portal and must of had it somewhere to the point where Celestia or Luna could have found it and read up about it. and then years and years later Twilight is born, becomes an Alicorn, then is a Princess, then is to the point where she starts learning new stuff about the past, and about Starswirl, and Luna's History. I mean it got to the point where Celestia and Luna told Twilight about the portal but with her friends. could Queen Galaxia or King Cosmos had anypony else know about the portal except for Starswirl? Did Princess Celestia or Princess Luna go through the portal at all? Did Twilight ever tell Luster Dawn about anything of that world? who could have made that portal and made all this possable? 

    but going back to everything else, I think Hasbro needs to have Luster Dawn be in a movie with Furry Heart, and needs Sunny and her Friends to know about the portal and they really need to have Sunny to into the portal and just feel an experience of something other than Opaline or the lantern or the Crystals. Now we all think that Twilight made the Crystals. but did she? is everything we learn about in the MyM show true? why wasn't Earth Pony Magic in the whole series in the first place?

    there are unlimited Questions and answers about this. but I think that it will all be told someday. hopefully in the future soon enough. if there is anything I possibly could have missed let me know


    • Brohoof 4
  11. well i think they are giving up. i mean look at g4. they made like a couple movies based on different things. they font even hav a g5 version of EQG. and Sunny finding a new character and finding the same friends who are in that world. it feels like they are not gonna continue this at all. they don't have powers up really. they don't have a version of pony life of g5. i don't even think they are ever gonna find the Elements of Harmony but in little pieces at any point. I think there should be a movie of the 5 ponies at least getting power ups like the mane 6 did. there has to be another reason their not making these other shows or movies. they should at least make a movie about Twilight Sparkle at her castle where Sunny will find the castle. I mean what happened to the school of Friendship? where did that ever go? who moved in to Twilight's castle when g5 took over everyone's mind? something is fishy here. we know that Spike is in the Make Your Mark show. so where is Twilight? and was Luster Dawn ruling Equestria when Sunny was alive? did sunny ever find the portal to EQG? what happens? we gotta find out.


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