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Random User

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Posts posted by Random User

  1. Considering how valuable a brand name like Twinkies is, not to mention most of Hostess' other products, I wouldn't be very surprised to see other companies buying the rights to them.


    But lol people don't think. There are currently boxes of Twinkies on sale on ebay for like 30 bucks. Ridiculous. There are plenty of alternate brands, or hell, you can probably make them yourself pretty easily.


    At the end of the day, you can't hurt the leaders of Hostess. If they go out of business, they can drown their sorrows at their mansions for a while before moving to another company for even more pay. The people who decided they would rather be on unemployment than work for someone who wants to lower their wages, while it is commendable that they stood up for their principles (harming the 80% of the company that did not agree with them in the process), they are now out on the street in a terrible job market where their odds of finding something better are slim to none.

  2. All the things considered "immoral" for our kids to see and know about is what makes a game mature. Though I don't think it makes much of a difference. One day that child will grow up knowing what killing and curse words are anyways.

  3. It's rather simple. People desire attention, so they take something that should not such a big deal and blow it out of proportion to make it seem like a really big deal to be crushed about. Then everyone comforts them, temporarily quenching a thirst for attention that is insatiable.


    Basically it's because it's like mini Facebook.

    • Brohoof 2
  4. No, I meant the idea that America is declining is based on a lot of false facts.


    What do we have? Well, Linux, Firefox, Google, Microsoft, General Dynamics, NASA (Mars in 2030! Wooh!), xkcd, SMBC, a computer network that surpasses any other country, National Health Care soon, insurgent homosexual rights, Michael Phelps and Lochte, the Muppets, McDonalds, Carls Jr, Quiznos, AT&T, Verizon, the Hub, Lauren Faust, Stephen Hawking, Eric S. Nylund, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, guns, BBQ, George Washington, Teddy Roosevelt, conspiracy theorists, a can do spirit, a history of invention, the ability to import talent, a melting-pot, conglomerate culture, a thousand other fantastic things!

    Basically computers and the dotcom boom are the only things keeping us up then. National Health Care is something we're especially late in, and we're pretty late in homosexual rights. Some TV networks with one or two great shows and a bunch of old good cartoons. We had some good presidents, we had talented people, a great history, have some fast food restaurants, and we have immigrants cramming into the country because they heard about the ever-so promising fantasy called the American Dream. Also AT&T is terrible.


    And this is just America we're talking about. If America is a bad country, that means that there are good ones out there, ones that would make a fine example of how we could or should run the Earth. And with a multi-tiered, nihg-infinite global economy that seems to work out its problems given time and no control, then we are so closer to being together than you can ever imagine!


    I never said it was a bad country, it's okay. Just okay. I realise how close we are to global unity. To a one-world everything system in which everyone conforms. Hoorah! Equality isn't in our basic nature, but power is. How likely do you think it is that a one-world system will impede on our rights?

  5. I'd say that's a myth. I mean, we have Apple and Microsoft, which are still the largest computer companies on Earth. A lot of the greatest innovators and inventors come from here. We are the major clerks and bankers of the Earth, and we manage the money a LOT more than most people realize. As for intelligence, we have a school system that allows anyone to join, and though its oft-derided for being underfunded and overworked, the fact that we give an education to everyone is a lot less common than anyone seems to realize. Most countries just don't have that.


    So my opinion on the state of things is a myth? Splendid. Apple seems more interested in money to me for various reasons. Microsoft to a much lesser extent, but can you really name anything else we have? We're certainly not on the cutting edge of technology like we used to be, investing all money in more efficient ways to kill others. Our education system is poor enough that it was declared a national security threat.

  6. Really? Because America has only been around 200 years, after all. How long has Britain been around? And more to the point, what's happening to their privacy? There are more cameras in Britain than in any other country on Earth.


    America's a country in decline. It doesn't exactly value intelligence as much as it values an aggressive businessman. So it's developing at a slower pace, where just a little while ago we were ahead in the arts, inventions, etc. The only thing America really has to brag about is its military.

  7. America has acted like they own the world for a long time. And I think you're right: they try to stop the constant flow of rights, or at least a very few ignorant people do.Meanwhile, everyone else works towards it, and we slowly gain infinite rights.


    Much slower than the rest of the first world lol.

  8. That would be one example of things that have violated our freedoms versus how many examples over the two hundred years of countryship where it have been expanded.


    Either way, the government constantly takes potshots trying to take away our rights. I think that displays how they'd act if they owned the world.

  9. Here's the thing: those things have failed, because of the people and the voice that we do have. After all, the government isn't supposed to do much, by design.


    If you want examples that have violated our freedoms, there's always the NDAA, which grants the military the ability to hold you under arrest indefinitely if you are "believed to be a terrorist." That went through.

  10. Doesn't our current government do that? I mean, USA has its issues, but its still a great country. I think that issues are omnipresent, but not omnipotent.


    It does attempt to do this, but is unable to do so fully. SOPA, the Anti-Protest Act, OWS protesters being removed from their place of protest by police, ALL violate the first amendment. Our government constantly attempts to snag our rights right out from under us. After all, the First Amendment is what impedes them from having ALL of the power.


    I don't really see America as a great country as much as I see it as a mediocre one.

  11. It would be great if the government would be very fair to everyone with full rights and be able to support the needs of the people. Also only to make a necessary sized military may prevent chaos or planetary defense.


    But this is assuming the government won't have corrupt people, won't try to seize our rights, and will be able to resist the temptations of becoming an Absolute Ruler. All of this is highly improbable.

  12. So one-world religion, government, and currency with a strong military to prevent "terrorism" (read:uprising)


    Sounds a lot like New World Order to me. I don't particularly enjoy tyrannical higher-ups controlling the population through conformity.

    • Brohoof 2
  13. I don't play competitively online too much anymore. Despite enjoying a fair run through an FPS arena, etc, I keep the amount of jackasses in my life to a minimum where possible. It's especially disappointing that these games became the epicenter for 12 year-olds having a tantrum. I preferred the days when online games had a much higher paycheck/tech knowledge requirement.

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