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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Ember_star

  1. Sapphire started to relax after she had eatin a daisy sanvich. Now she could rest a little, and think things over. Her life had just been smacked upside the face. She had met the pony who had killed her dad, then gone and massicured a camp. (Sorry for not posting! i was away...)
  2. Sapphire walked in, glaring at striker the hole time "I know what happend back there" Sapphire wisperd into strikers ear. Sapphire kept walking. "Ok, so lets go get something to eat!" Sapphire walked to the mess halls, and got a salid. She started to smile
  3. Sapphire glared at striker "Yeah, were all done here..." Sapphire picked up a dropped knife, and put it into her backpack. She started walking towards the place were they had been going before "We should get there soon, thats nice, hopefully we can find out what were doing."
  4. "No...its..." Sapphire looked around "Iv never seen thease ponys befor in my life..." Sapphire looked around "well, no point in staying here, lets get moving, we need to go to basecamp" Sapphire started walking "So, how much you know about this misshon?" Sapphire asked
  5. Sapphire smiled, but she was still thinking hard "Im good... And about the ghost...." Sapphire trailed off. She was thinking hard. The way her dad had been killed was just like the dead ponys here "Yeah, i think i know who di-" Sapphire rememberd that she and striker were the only ponys to know that he had killed her dad
  6. Sapphire looked at him "Why do you wanna get out of here so fast?" Sapphire wasnt stuipid, she could tell something was up "Come on, lets see if they have any supplys..." Sapphire looked throug the rubble, she found the same pony that striker had found. She looked at him, it was the same way that her dad had been killed "wait...."
  7. Sapphire chuckled "You DO know that theres no such thing as "evil spirits"" Sapphire looked around "Well, this looks like its been done by another pony, so unless that pony has no head or somthin, i dont get it" Sapphire looked around "Well, atleast WERE not dead yet"
  8. Sapphire looked at him "What? Evil... Spirits?.... BAHAHHAHAHA" Sapphire broke out, tears coming from his eyes "heheheh, you DO know that it now sounds like your a little kid" Sapphire rememberd that he had killed her dad. She stoped. "But come on, theres nothing EVIL about this place."
  9. Sapphire looked around "wh-what kind of horrible thing did this? this is horrible..." Sapphire looked at the bodys "I dont know who would be monsteris enuff to do that.." Sapphire looked around "Or maybe i do..." Sapphire mumbled. Sapphire could walk on her 4 legs, so she didnt need help
  10. Sapphire looked up "Uh...yeah....You..Ok? S-sorry for runing, it looks like i almost got you killed" Sapphire stared at her hooves, there were coverd in tears and blood "S-sorry..." Sapphire got up "Er..." She looked at the bodys around her "Dang nab it..." (Yeah, me also,...Well, oh well)
  11. Sapphire couldnt do anything, she just lay there. She had failed her dad. "You...dont save me... save your self...." Sapphire was blacking out "Just...Go" Sapphire pointed to a path "Go...ill be...f-fine" Sapphire couldnt speak, she started to move, but couldnt. She looked to the stars @@jdor11
  12. Sapphire tried febily to shove striker back "No no no noooo." Her eyes were geting cloged with tears and blood "i....i...Im sorry" More tears then blood fell out of her eyes, she was about to black out, but she kept herself awake "This is all my...im sorry...." Sapphire looked up
  13. Sapphire ran. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She ran through sticks and thorns, leaving a blood trail behind her. The moon was also out, making the blood trail shimmer. Sapphire was losing blood to fast, she fell on her face "no no no..." she mudderd. She looked at the stars
  14. Gone for the night

  15. Sapphire looked at him "Y-yo-you....YOU KILLED HIM?!? HOW COULD YOU!" Sapphire jumped forward in a blind rage "HOW.... WHAT KIND OF SCUMB ARE YOU?!" Sapphire smacked him hard, she still couldnt see him, but he could see his out line "YOU COLD KILLER! I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!" Sapphire turn and ran, crying all the way @
  16. Sapphire looked at the lighter "well...it does kinda look like the one with my da- i mean this photo i have...but.... Oh my gosh....Wha..." Sapphire had tears in her eyes "The man who killed him took this from him, how could you....how could you have it?" Sapphire backed up slowly @
  17. Sapphire looked at it "Ok...what do you want me to do with it?" She picked it up in one hoof, with the phote of her dad in the other "Im looking at it..." Sapphire looked up. The darkness of the forist hid his face from her. "Well,you should at least TRY to sleep, every now and then..." @@jdor11
  18. Sapphire jumped up "WHAAPIU FHLDIASFNASLHFADAIS" Sapphire looked at striker, the darkness hid his face " Oh...sorry, i didnt see you!" Sapphire sat backdown, she put the photo of her dad behind her back "Are you having trouble sleeping, like me" Sapphire looked at her hoofs @@jdor11
  19. Sapphire yawned. She was having a very hard time getting to sleep. She got up "Whos there?" She poked her head out of the tent. She saw nopony, so she walked out into the cool night air. She pulled a picure of her dad out of her backpack "Oh dad.... i miss you so much"
  20. Sapphire looked at him "Uhhh, you dont look to good... Any ways, where did you find this stuff?" Sapphire opend a bag "Heh, its fresh!" Sapphire picked out a chunk of bred and ate it "This is good!" Sapphire smiled "thanks for getting it" She sat down "Well, time to rest!"
  21. Sapphire sat back, and put her gun down "Jeeze, that was kind of scary, youed think there was a bomb, or somebuddy killed an entire camp" She then saw striker "Where have you been?" She smiled "We have been waiting, we need to chose who were going to sleep with"
  22. Sapphire jumped up "ARG!" she was just starting to relax for the night when she hured a scream "DANG IT!" She jumped up and grabed a gun "Whats going on!" She grabbed the radeo "Striker, are you ok?" She was stiff "please...please be ok!" She mudderd " Everybuddy, we might have to move fast!"
  23. Sapphire yawned "See ya later, then " She sat down, and took a sanvich out of her back pack "So, who wants to set up the tents?" She looked around "No one? Ok, i will" She started putting up the tents "These will fit 2 people so chose who your sleeping with now" Sapphire ate the sanvich
  24. "Dang it.... " Sapphire started pulling up the rope " So, were all going to be fine, your fine, but what about if one of us falls? Then were screwed, because we dont have those weird thing" Sapphire pulled the rope up the rest of the way, then sat back "Well, you keep leading!"
  25. Sapphire looked around "Er.... I think you should, because your the leader so..... Yeah." Sapphire nugged striker forwerd " Come on, we dont have all day, we will all follow you" Sapphire smiled, but she was thinking about what would happen if he fell of the edge "be carefull! we dont wanna die!"
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