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Posts posted by Glitterpen

  1. For some reason I really don't like Dash and Pinkie shipping. The only reason there's so much of it though, is probably they are pretty much the 2 more favourited characters of the show.

    Naaah, I'm not saying you're completely wrong, 'cause it might be true for some shippers, but I take the right to defend my own opinion here. I personally ship these two, because I see the most canon "hints" here (unintentional on the writers' part, I'm sure). Pinkie's jealousy and Dash sticking up for her and the others in "Griffin the Brush-off", Dash's protectiveness towards her in "Over a Barrel" and unwillingness to give up on her, even when she was diving head-first into insanity in "Party of One" (not to mention, for a few frames, her face is framed by the heart on Pinkie's door, before coming in) and little gestures like that can easily be interpret as romantic, if you're in the right state of mind. These are what I think most RainnowPie-shippers base their speculation on. It is so in my case, anyway.


    I think it depends on how one decides to pair the characters and what one wants to come of it. From your post, it seems like you're mostly into pairing characters who've got things in common from the get-go. That's perfectly valid - we tend to get along better with people we've got something in common with. I, on the other hand, ship characters who I think would benefit from a relationship, perhaps with difficulties, but turn out better than they started. What I like about the RainbowPie-ship, is that Pinkie allows Dash to be girly and silly, because she looks up to her so much and doesn't need convincing that she's strong. Pinkie would benefit from someone as loyal and straight-forward as Dash, because her crazieness would be kept in check, while still used for harmless things, like pranks.


    Again, both are perfectly valid reasons. We're just basing our shippings on different things. ;)


    (And for the record, I actually like Applejack better than Pinkie Pie. And no, I'm not shipping her with anyone else. Just clearing that up.)

  2. Once when I was sick, I'd been watching MLP and Avatar: The Last Airbender all day. The dream result? A massive grimdark nightmare, about evil ponies with element-bending abilities, destroying the Earth, killing several innocent non-bender ponies (including myself) in the process. Gory, monstrous and generally horrifying. Worst thing was, everytime I went back to sleep after waking up, the dream came back. :(

    • Brohoof 3

    I was waiting how long it would take till we got one of THOSE.


    One... of THOSE! Dun-dun-DUN!


    Heheh, well, they're kinda hard to come by, what with the whole mane cast being female. If it's any consolation, I actually looked into it and studied the possibilities (as nerdy and obsessive as that sounds), before coming to the conclusion that I like it. It wasn't just random fangirly-ness, though that might've played a part in making it my favorite. :P

  4. Yess the mane is definitely the best part!

    I love the tweaked style. Wish I could do digital art :(


    Believe me, I've been there. I actually got a tablet one time, but then I realized how much more fun traditional art is. Now I hardly ever use it - even this piece is colored by mouse. ;)


    Thanks for the compliments! :D


    That's awesome :P

    Very nice mane!


    Thank you! I'm so happy everyone like the mane. ^_^

  5. Oh, I also just realized one more thing, reading Katrilli's post:


    I think the show won me over, when a happy event made me cry. Celestia and Luna being reunited at the end of the pilot two-parter made me shed happy-tears like no cartoon has done in a long, long time. Such a simpel event, such a huge impact. They really know their stuff, them writers. <3

    • Brohoof 3
  6. I love the way the clips kind of gives a strength and heavy feel to the songs, especially the first one. The fact that the clips match the lyrics in a very heartwarming way is just the icing on the cake. Great job! ;)

  7. Wow, she looks great! I love her original design, as well as your pony style!


    Thank you! I still don't really like my pony style, but I'm very glad you do. And calling her design original is probably the nicest thing anyone could say to me - that's what I strive for, originality in every character I create, for a pre-existing series, or my own. :lol:


    I love her hair :D


    Thanks! I was a bit insecure about making the lines brighter than the actual color, opposite the actual show, but I decided 'What the hay, I like it'. Glad it payed off. :D

  8. Since my dream is becoming a writer and cartoonist, I'd have a black pencil (I've got this one special black pencil I've used for art in years) drawing a purple spiral (purple being my favorite color, the spiral representing depth and thought, since that's what I'm interested in), with sparkles around it ('cause it's pretty). I use it whenever I draw myself as a pony, like the one in my art-topic, over at Octavia's Hall. :)

    • Brohoof 4
  9. I usually don't tell anyone about anything I do, but I do draw ponies in public, especially at school, when I'm bored. If anyone asks, I'll immediately admit to liking the show, though. I don't force it on anyone, but I'll stick to my own opinion.


    I don't have any friends who've actually seen the show, but my usually stoic and play-it-cool-type best friend actually think it's cute that I like them, so there's support in that. And I watch it with my mother and aunt, when they feel like it. XD

    • Brohoof 1
  10. I believe I made a promise, when I first joined this site, only hours ago: I promised I would contribute. Now look at me, only hours later, being all contribute-y, yet self-centered, because the only digital Pony-art I had around was this pony-me. Oh, well. :blush:




    But here it is. Kinda huge, very humble. Sketch and inking done traditionally, colored in GIMP. I originally threw this together really fast, so I could send it off to the animator who was collecting OC-ponies for a project of some sort. However, even the fact that it's terribly rushed doesn't hide the fact that I've still got a lot to learn, before I can draw proper FiM-ponies. My usual style has a lot of rough edges and angular shapes, so I'm very much out of practice with rounded lines, as the show mostly consists of.


    I tried to add my own touch to the style, with the body-style tweaked a little (pudgier and bulkier, with a longer head, to match my own body type). Didn't work as well as I would've liked, but it's better than my average work, when it comes to ponies. And the mane looks very much like my own hair, being huge, curly, colorful and completely unkempt.


    I'm completely open for constructive critic, opinions and the like, and it is much appreciated! :D

    • Brohoof 3
  11. Wow, that's some awesome stuff you've got right there! I must agree with Twilight, the depth looks amazing on the otherwise show-esque lines and coloration. I love the design of your OC Zonra as well, especially her mane and tail.


    Keep up the great work! :D

  12. Thank you so much, everyone! I can't wait to get my stuff out there and see what y'all have created already. :lol:


    Oh, and (>^.^)> (awesome nickname, by the way), thanks for clearing that up! I've seen so many different alternatives to "Brony" (Filly, Pegasis, Bronette, etc.), but it really is that much easier to stick to the original. And yay, for another Zim-fan! It's a really strange mix, liking Ponies and Zim at the same time, what with the different messages the two shows send, but I'm glad I'm not the only one into both. *brohoof*

    • Brohoof 1
  13. No slash-shippings yet? Tsk, tsk, we can't have that, now can we? ;)


    I've got a few shippings I support, one of them being a mare/mare-pairing. Even though I'm emberrassed to no end, I absolutely love shipping, in any form, in any fandom. As opposed to what seems like more casual shippers, I love getting into the psychological parts of pairing characters up and prefer interesting story possibilities, instead of characters X and Y just looking cute together. I'm having a real hard time pairing MLP-characters up in interesting manners, though, mostly because I dislike having more than one same-sex ship, since they're so rare in real life. But here's what I've got at the moment:


    1. Rainbow Dash/Pinkie Pie

    2. Twilight Sparkle/Discord

    3. Rarity/Big Macintosh

    4. Spike/Sweety Bell

    • Brohoof 4
  14. I don't know about everyone else, but I started watching because of the beautiful character-designs and KEPT watching because the characterization is so deep and unpredictable. I remember looking the show up on TVtropes and unlocking the character-charts; I was surprised right away. Just the fact that Twilight, the most un-sugary-looking pony of the whole bunch (straight hair, dusty purple, shy expression, etc.) is the head of the mane characters peeked my interests. It's just so well thought out and 100% stereotype-free.

    • Brohoof 2
  15. Ouch, I feel very alone saying Applejack. But it's her. When I first began watching, it was Fluttershy for being so darn adorable, but with time, Applejack kind of wormed her way into my heart. She's got the perfect balance between being strong and proud, but also taking each situation into consideration and acting on that. Only wanting to be too dependable is what gets her down. She's just all the things I value the highest, it's almost ridiculous how well she fits my view of a decent person, er, pony. She's just that good.


    Also, I got her as my first G4-toy, which was just yersterday, so it's a given. :wub:

    • Brohoof 12
  16. G'day, everypony! :D


    My name is Maria and I am what the interwebz might dub as a Ninja-Brony (or Ninja-Filly, I'm a bit... young... and female... to be a brony, heh). I've been around for quite a while - the 31st of May, to be exact - but since I'm still in the phase of accepting the extreme amounts of fangirly love I have for this show, I've never actually been active in the community.


    But you know what? I want to change that. So here I am. <3


    Yeah, so I'm a huge fan and love the whole mane cast very much, though I've grown to love Applejack the most (I have to say that, my little Applejack toy is staring at me, as I write! Just got her yersterday - ADORABLE! <3)


    I support a number of pairings, draw fanart to the max, just recently started my first fanfiction and I've even drawn myself as a pony, which seems to be ever-so-popular around the Bronydom, and for a good reason! I had so much fun designing this "ponysona", who ended up a lime-colored unicorn, with a gold-ish mane and an artistic-looking Cutie Mark (a black pen drawing a purple spiral, with little sparkles around it).


    The artistic edge is there, because that's just what I do best. I dream of gaining awesomehood by becoming a writer for TV, preferably for cartoons. My favorite cartoons, beside the obvious MLP, would be InvaderZIM, Phineas&Ferb, Ed,Edd'n'Eddy + many, many more. I'm usually more into creating my own stuff, though. I do comics on a regular basis, some of which can be found on my deviantART-profile, TheSketcherKid, which is also my handle on every other site as well (YouTube and Twitter being my most active). Just chose a more pony-tastic name here, 'cause that means I can go into fangirl-mode, without being recognized by people I know immediately. I'm not usually shy about my love for this show, though, just my fangirl-behaviour.


    Can't really think of anything else to say... Except boring practical stuff, like the facts that I live in Denmark, Danish being my first language, I'm 15 years old (hence the Filly-note, at the top of my post) and I spend my days frying the creativeness out of myself, trying to keep up in school. Which is hard, since I tend to drift into my own little over-active imaginary world. :huh:


    But I guess that 1½ paragraph I just wrote might just be enough. Please forgive me, I tend to write novel-sized posts like these. :wacko:



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