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Everything posted by SXCJ40

  1. what if derpy has a secret twin (wich has straight eyes and a higher voice) who was in the altered episode. lol at least derpy will still be derpy in the background
  2. aww i was going to do that lol. anyway, welcome to the forums
  3. http://www.ign.com/b...safe.250066881/it isn't official, but it makes sence and i belive it. (remember i said i read about it, but i never said it was official) also http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/02/look-into-derpy-from-kreoss.html
  4. I just read something that was saying that apple has the right to alter whatever is on iTunes without approval from the creators, and that they altered the episode because they kept getting emails from someone called "angry mother" stating that they would sue apple if they don't remove the "offensive" material from the episode. If you watch the altered scene, RD doesn't sound right, and the mic quality dosn't Mach the rest of the characters
  5. gahh, I don't cry.... at least it is very hard to get me to cry. and yet.... this did it

    1. Halfblood


      By Celestia's beard, that was heart-wrenching.

  6. they have different eye shapes octavia's are more like twilight's or rarity's
  7. WHEN YOUR 16 YEAR OLD COUSIN STARTS SECRETLY DATING A SELFISH JERK BUT SHE DOESN"T BELIVE HE'S A BAD GUY, AND HER PARENTS BELIVE HER WHEN SHE SAID SHE WASN'T DATING CUZ SHE PINKY PROMISED!...... sorry this happened recently and is still fresh on my mind.... i know this guy and he only wasnts to take advantage of my cousin......so im a little mad!
  8. contractor and part time dimentional traveler lol
  9. everypony would be robotisized what if doctor whooves ruled equestria?
  10. The time has come to welcome spring
  11. And even though I love my boots
  12. But the food we've stored is runnin' out
  13. TIME TRAVEL IN EQUESTRIA IS CANON!! AWW HELL YEAHH!! although i highly doubt we will see a doctor who/whooves referance in this ep also, i remember hearing (but i forget where, it was someone who workes on the show) to watch out for episodes 46 and 47..... this will be episode 46
  14. I would take it... I would totaly take it. and that's with alot of thought put into the subject. (i guess the whole watching people die around you thing doesn't affect me, cuz I have seen amany close family and friends die, and I never cried) If I lived forever, I could gain enough knowleg to help cure sicknesses and desises. and help people
  15. this is the first time the Celestia Toy looks more show accurate than the other characters, also I wonder what name it says on the package of the DJ P0ni3 toy.
  16. imma say rainbowdash, cuz of my little dashie lol
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