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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by SXCJ40

  1. thanks guys for all your comments! if i feel up to it I might do another pic tonight.
  2. Thanks, and ya i know what you mean with the thread name LOL
  3. ahh! I just noticed that I ended Ash's legs too low. they should go up higher
  4. lol I can't stop hating the way I did the ponies legs, they look too stiff, but hey this is my first try lol, idk about that lol
  5. Thanks, my whole family are artists, my mom enterd a painting competition and won 1st place againsed knows artists lol
  6. Last night I couldn't sleep, so I got my drawing pad out from under my bed and decided to try drawing a pony. I decided to draw my manga character, and my pony beside eachother since they are basicly the same character. As it got tired I decided to draw a background so don't pay any attention to that, just focus on the characters. The cover page to the first manga book that I wrote looked similar to this, with a portal inbetween Ash and Aya, and it showed Ash's world on one side, and Aya's world on another (Ash is a trainee for dimentional/time portal jumping) This is also my first time drawing a pony. I might do a colour vertion on photoshop later. PS. yes i know ponies are suppose to have 2 shines in each eye, but I like my pony to only have 1 and yes I also know that the pony in the Pic dosn't exatly mach my AV
  7. the thing about trixi is that her special talent might be showing off
  8. Processor: Intel Core 2 Over 9000!!!!! Ram: 9000Gb+ HDD: 9000+ OS: Over 9000 OS and I have a nother com with Processor: Intel Core 20% Cooler Ram: 20% Pony Gb HDD: Pony OS: 20% Cooler Pony OS
  9. too pass the time i'v been rading fanfics, some cool...... and some i wish i never found. lol
  10. Lol. Tody I showed my bro lesson zero, he had a normal face through out, but his face was priceless when he saw fluttershy vs the bear, at that scene his eyes got wide and his mouth dropped, he was like "fluttershy?.......) lol he laughed when he saw the rest

    1. SXCJ40


      Good night everypony!!!!!

    2. Anonymous~
  11. SXCJ40


    Welcome to the forums!! Acces granted if you promise to enjoy yourself here! Lol
  12. i love her design... hate her attitude .... so i guess that evens it out lol
  13. i wish we could have some official info on how tall the ponies are, cuz I hear ppl say they are 2 ft tall (from the cardboard cutouts like these http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-qVQVZwZI_vg/TiJcAfxuDOI/AAAAAAAAAUA/LcyEAOgOzrw/s1600/DSCN0501.JPG ) or up to 5 ft tall for the smaller ponies. I personally would say 3 ft is a good height

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SXCJ40
    3. Skullbuster


      Those probably aren't good size indicators anyway, what is a good size indicator is the 8ft candy cane in hearths warmth eve, someone did an equation and determined that the children ponies stuck to it were about 2-3ft, there fore the adults were 4ft, to see the picture it's in the brony catagory of membase

    4. SXCJ40


      ya, i'v seen these cutouts a few times but they all seemed to be too short

  14. AHHH I read this annoying fanfic where this guy goes to equestria, and halfway in the story rarity tells the guy to undress... then she starts to.. um... yeah... with his....ooo.... AND NOW I CAN"T GET THAT F**KING IMAGE OUT OF MY HEAD WHENEVER I SEE RARITY!!!!!! HELP!!!

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Skullbuster


      Well, he asked for a link, so I gave him one, and It doesn't look clickable anyway, you'd have to copy paste it

      Sorry if I was breaking any rules

    3. Crispy


      I'm not sure if it's strictly verboten or PM only, I don't remember.

    4. KPM


      Well, I am not going to hush a word.

  15. Celestia X Troll = 88% do you like X mmmmm bananas = 86% luna X pip = 10% LOL doctor whooves X derpy hoofs = 87% my little pony X brony = 95%!!! YAY lol
  16. family members died... i never cried. read my little dashie..... teared up at end.... WTF is with that lol
  17. My family dosen't know, just my bro and now my cousin. When my cuz asked me why I watch a show that it meant for girls, I just told him to trust me, it's a funny show. He dosen't thing I'm gay or anything, and he usually dosen't try to argue with me on a subject (for various reasons) but he won't watch the show, he gets teased enough at school and he dosen't want anything else to add to him getting teased, especially ponies. And I'm fine with that cuz I can't keep fighting for him. Lol wat ya think? Too much info lol Applejack: I think we're starting to go off topic here.
  18. I'v been reading alot of fanfics lately, and I know it's not a big deal, but I seem to get annoyed when they have the ponies repetedly say things that we have turned into memes such as RD always saying 20% cooler, or 10 sec flat. Lol it's stupid but that keeps bugging me when I read the fics lol

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