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Solar Wind

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Posts posted by Solar Wind

  1. "Errr Seth .... Is there something you wanna talk about. I dont think brain damage is an appropiate way to express your frustration."

    Keshamaru said grabbing a seat for Sula.

  2. "Keshamaru you need to learn to be a bit nicer." Sula said and walked into the training class with nat. Keshamaru sighed and followed.

    psihg'sfihagababrihygrihg ihsrri he'

  3. Keshamaru sighed and ordered Kekoshi to let the boy go. "Nat huh?" He asked trying to start a conversation with the stranger.uiebisufgdpgpudbgjgkbg;xbgxjpbgifbbpg;fbibgusprbgsbgkbpisrgsbirb

  4. Keramon went a bit closer to Gargomon but once he got within three feet he fell down and clutched his head.

    "Owww ARGHH!" he shouted in pain. Axe ran up and grabbed Keramon. As soon as they backed away from Gargomon Keramon stopped yelling and breathed heavily. "Im sorry Gargomon I shouldnt have gotten so close. I forgot you are a vaccine type and although im fine when your terriermon while your at this level your power is too great. I guess I can only be near you if were on the same level otherwise I wont be able to move." Keramon lept up and back onto Axes head. Axe was weirded out to know that Keramon was so vulnerable to vaccine digimon.



    Etemon grunted at Cresemon. "I dont see you down there helping me out! And for your information yes I do know where they're headed. They're going to the shrine of the digidestined but that Blackweregarurumon is suspicious. He knows were following them and hes gonna be on the alert. If only I had gotten that Keramon..." Etemon stood up and looked at Cresemon "You know if you need a ride all you have to do is ask nicely!" Etemon laughed and raced down the hill towards his trailer where his Gazimon minions would be waiting.

  5. "Thanks sakura!" Keramon exclaimed happily and ate the lemon drop. "Of course Renamon but lets face it... Im just a monster. Cocomon might have stayed virus but he wasnt as evil as Diaboromon or Infermon for that matter. Even if I havent ever digivolved past Keramon others have and they turn nasty. Maybe im different but forn now its risky..." Keramon hopped on Axes shoulder and looked at Gargomon and said. "Since you have guns for hands now doesnt that mean you cant put anything in the pockets of those pants?

    Im hungry Axe can we eat now!" Axe sighed and said "Keramon your always hungry..."




    After Etemon fled from the digidestined he saw Crescemon. "Were you spying on me?" he asked angry.

  6. that looks awesome. It reminds me of Hawkmons digievolution although I dont know witch egg it was.

    • post-5757-0-61229400-1342898830.gif
    • Double Star (草薙 Kusanagi?): Shurimon throws two of his shuriken at his foes with amazing force. The stars will then slice through his opponent, or he will use the large star on his back.
    • Ninja Wind (紅葉おろし Momiji-oroshi?, lit. "Autumn Down-blow"): Shurimon transforms his body into a hurricane of sharp leaves and small shuriken which slice his opponents to pieces. He can also teleport with this attack.

    I finished my Champion level. So I can digivolve now? http://mlpforums.com...-champion-r1104 Don't laugh at the pic, I just now drew it in like five minuets, I put thought into it but I didn't put a lot of effort into making it look more realistic or defined.


    After another Digimon digivolves, I'm going to have Cresemon attack, FYI.


    Etemon looks forward to it.
  7. "Gahh you digidestined arent going to ruin this plan! If you think im gonna sit by while you all argue youve got another thing coming!!" Etemon attacked Axe and grabbed Keramon. "This one is gonna save me alot of trouble just you wait!!" Etemon was laughing as he prepared to take Keramon away and use him in his plans. "Bug blaster!" Keramon shot Etemon point blank and the big mokey dropped the virus digimon. "Getout of here Etemon! I dont care about your stupid candy!" Keramon ran back to Axe and poised to defend.

    Etemon looked at Renamon, Gargomon, and Shojomon as well as the others. He knew he was hopelessly outmatched and he didnt want to get beat by these low level digimon. "Alright but dont you think you've seen the last of me!" Etemon took a few steps back still keeping his eye mostly on Gargomon.


    his last words were. "I'll get you digidestined dont think you've seen the last of me. And you." He looked at Weregarurumon.

    "You certainly havent seen the last of me." After that he fled into the woods leaving Axe startled and confused.


    "What on earth... who was that guy and what did he mean about Keramon being a virus. Renamon you know please tell me!"

    So far the fox digimon seemed to be one of the wisest if anyone could help it would be her.

  8. "Little boy I cant wait for you to try." Etemon thought but all he did was smile and say "Your worried about me? Your the guys traveling with one of the most dangerous digimon of all time and your worried about me?" Etemon pointed at Keramon and said "You just wait if that thing ever digivolves your in for the fight of your lives." Keramon looked hurt and he slumped down in Axes hood.

    "Hes right. Im a disaster waiting to happen." Keramon mumbled. Axe wasnt about to let this creep insult his partner.

    "Hey loser get lost. The only problem here is you I dont care of the others go or not theres no way Im helping an overgrown ape with an attitude." Etemon smirked but didnt reply to Axes remark.

  9. Etemon stopped dead in his tracks and trned to look at shojomon. "Oh come on ... hehe thats crazy Im your friend uh-huh haha where would you get that idea. Come on little digimon. I've got food back at my place and ... er and candy humans like candy or so I've heard!" Etemon instantly decided that Shojomon was his first target. And that jayten was his first victim.



    "Im with Jayten but I mean free candy? Whats candy it sounds legit if you ask me! I say we take the chance." Keramon said happily.

    He lept into Axes hood and pointed forward. "Towards the candy!" Axe sighed and adressed his partner. "You really arent the brightest bulb in the box. Havent you ever heard of stranger danger?" Axe asked Keramon. Keramon just shrugged and kept on asking for candy.

  10. "If you want you could rest up back at my place. Just as long as you keep the mutt out of it..."

    Etemon looked at Keramon suspiciously and smiled looking back at Axe. "You dont do much do you? just standing around not talking why not you hiding somethin?" Etemon taunted Axe but Axe kept calm through the whole thing. "No of course not. Im very sorry but I dont have a banannana to give you. If you dont mind I think me and Keramon will sit this one out as well. Nothing personal but I really dont trust you." Etemons eyes were hidden behind black glasses but Axe could tell he'd struck a nerve.


    Etemon turned to Sakura. "Why thank you little miss. Its always nice to find someone who respects their elders." H spat the last part at Axe and continued talking to Sakura. "Theres a few Dramodramon tearin up my crops. I was hoping you could scare em off for me."

    Etemon tried not to smile. "Take that Crescemon. Im gonna get these kids before you even have a battle plan." He thought and gestured for the kids to follow him.

  11. "Woah calm down partner! I just saw you beat off that flymon and I was wonderin if you could help me out." Etemon smiled slyly at weregarurumon. and continued talking. "Sit dog I dont want you biting my coat. I need help with a digimon thats been tearing up my property and I was wonderin if you could do it for me."

  12. Axe looked at Keramon all this time they hadnt done a thing. Sure they would help in fights but Axe was too distracted to put his heart in it even at the most dangerous parts. Plus there was the problem of That ornage monkey digimon he had seen. It was on a cliff and Axe didnt like the way it stared down at them.




    Etemon waited he hadnt moved yet he simply followed the digidestined and lurked he knew when his time would come. And when that time came he would bump off that Keramon first. A virus digimon could mean trouble and trouble was something etemon didnt need right now.


    Etemon spotted the poisoned Digimon and smiled. "Ahhh now I see so Keramon isnt the only one I need to worry about.

    If that kids got those data chips I had better whack him too. And I think I'll do it soon. Etemon laughed and pulled out a long black cable.

    "This oughta stop those kids. With these cables I can track them all over and If I can grab that Keramon and use its virus power. Then im in buisness." Etemon thought to himself he put the cable down and went down to the kids.

    "Hey everyone. My names Etemon and I was wondering if y'all could help me out with something?" Etemon was gonna stop the Digidestined. and win the boss' favor.

  13. "My name is Keramon !" the blue digimon said with a grin. "IM a virus digimon named after Kera meaning cackle. the demented laughter." Keramon said smiling like a lunatic. Witch in fact he was.



    "Crescemon you wont kill those kids as long as theres a song in my body uh-huh. And dont you think for a minute IM gonna let you tke those kids away I'll stop them and you'll just watch and learn." At that etemon left Crescemon on the hillside.



    ((OOC sorry guys I might be offline for a few days. Im goin out camping with my cousins so please dont advance in the story to much just pretend Im walking along with you guys lol))

  14. "Now crescemon you wait just a dang done minute here! uh huh. Im gonna be the one who stops those digidestined and The master Is gonna praise me. So why dont you just go along and play with your toys while I do the hard work." Etemon approached Crescemon

    Being his usual arrogant self. Etemon was a monkey digimon and nobody liked him he was just a bully but a bully who served the master. He and Crescemon didnt get along Etemon wanted the masters praise so the fact that this Crescemon might be able to show him up was unacceptable.

  15. Down in the Haphaestus forges Axe had gotten all the interiors ready for his new project but he needed a armor shell.

    He used a bunch of spare celestial bronze and melted it down. Since it took alot of heat to melt celestial bronze the entire forge was even

    hotter than it usually was he pounded away with a large hammer shaping the metal.

  16. "hehehehe Man we sure showed him right Terriermon." Keramon asked the other Digimon.

    "Keramon way to go !" Axe yelled to his partner. "Hey Axe do you think I could still sit in your hood ?"

    Keramon asked jokingly. "Of course buddy you were amazing !" Axe was shocked at how the Digimon changed.

    Suddenly he collapsed. The damage done to him when Kuwagamon had attcked was incredible.

    "Axe your hurt bad dont try to stand." Axe sighed and slumped against a tree nearby.

    "Your right I should take it easy." He used his jacket sleeve to clean some of the dirt and blood off and rested while

    Keramon got some more fruit.

  17. "Bug Blaster !!" More energy shot from Keramons mouth and exploded against Kuwagamons exoskeleton he was startin to crack

    and was becoming weaker."Lets go Keramon teach that bug a lesson !!" Axe shouted at his digimon partner.

  18. "Dont worry Axe We got this guy. Tsumemon digivolve to Keramon !!"

    "Tsumemon what happened you changed!?" Axe couldnt beleive it he looked different.

    "Im not Tsumemon anymore Im keramon now. 'Bug Blaster'!!!"

    Keramon three balls of explosive energy at Kuwagamon who stumbled back dazed. "Hehehe"

    Keramons laugh was more like a cackle as he attacked the bug Digimon.


  19. Back at the big house Drake lay down on a bed and have a bunch of appolo campers help him get back to normal.

    after a bunch of magic he came aound and returned to normal. "owww my head." he said he had a major migrane.

    "Take this it will stop the headache after that scram I got things to do. A man in a leapord track suit ushered him out the door.

    "What happened I have to get back to work !!" He raced back to his cabin and flung open the door.

  20. The appolo campers looked at his bow in awe it was perfectly balanced with so many attachments plus it had a magic ring mode and all the arrows a hunter could ask for "I made it myself !!"


    "My dad is Haphaestus god of fire and crafts ... or was it cats I dont know but I think you should know that this bow is made of celestial bronze. and I hired one of the hermes campers to borrow Arrianas string so I could use that for the drawstring... But dont tell chiron he might get mad. What do youu do I see you like travel maybe you are daughter of ....... Hermes. or was it Herp-" "Okay he needs to get inside before the god of messengers blows him into nothing come on." the Appolo campers picked him up and brought him back to the big house where he could heal.

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