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Captain Nemo

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Everything posted by Captain Nemo

  1. Okay, you're doubting your tulpa far too much. Unless something was definitely you, it was probably your tulpa. Tulpas can get pretty upset if they're ignored or if their actions are passed off as nothing. Try to avoid that if you can. Also, I'd say the wings were a deviation. Sounds like your tulpa wants wings and you're restricting it. Remember your tulpa is a person with its own wants and needs!
  2. Yes, exactly. Sorry, I forgot to say that conclusion. Backstories or "previous lives" are a bad idea. I'd highly recommend against it.
  3. For your personality question, I'm gonna quote a few of my earlier posts (I don't expect you to read the whole thread!). For the bookshelf, you could make it all at once. If you want to put stuff in the books, you can. If you want her to actually be able to read them, though, they should be books you've read before. Otherwise she won't know what's in the books (or she'll just make it up). In general, most tulpas don't care that they're tulpas. Some do, others don't. Depends on how you make their personality. Pinkie (my tulpa) knows she's a tulpa and she couldn't care less. She can think for herself; she's clearly alive! Tulpas don't have memories of "previous lives" or whatnot unless you make some up for them. How can feel homesick when they never left a home?
  4. To be honest, you kinda sound like you need help... if you're being serious right now, have you ever considered talking to a doctor?
  5. Glad you're interested! I'll answer as well, because it's always good to get second opinions. Talking to your tulpa in your head or out loud is fine, and while I'd say out loud is slightly better, I haven't seen any evidence to back this up. So it's probably the same either way. The most important part of narration is to make sure you're talking to your tulpa, and not jut to thin air. Also, narration is very important, and I would recommend narrating from the very start. Your tulpa won't become a servitor unless it's intentional. Pretty much the only way you'll have that problem is if you're intentionally stifling your tulpa's growth, not letting them form a personality, etc. Basically, a servitor is something you control entirely yourself - it has no free will. You basically can't accomplish this unless you're trying. I've never had my tulpa show up in a dream, but I've heard other people have had it happen. It's usually a fun experience. Lucid dreaming would actually be a great technique for tulpaforcing, I think. Once you get to the visualization stage where you create your tulpa's form, lucid dreaming could be a great tool to shape their body. I'm not a proficient lucid dreamer, otherwise I'd try it myself and report back. Lyra tulpa sounds cool! Are you thinking about the fanon personality of being human-obsessed? I don't see anything wrong with it, though it would probably be rather funny. If you have more questions, don't be afraid to ask!
  6. Try not to lie down, it may make you fall asleep, which can be detrimental to tulpa development, especially in the early stages. You can force anywhere you like, but try to make sure it's not too noisy so you won't be distracted. Focus on your tulpa, talk to them, describe to the their personality. That's how I did it, seemed to work pretty well. You can keep your eyes closed or open, whatever is more comfortable to you.
  7. These are some very good points... hmm. Sure makes me give pause to thought. I suppose I'd be willing to go out of my comfort zone if Pinkie wanted me to. Eh, who knows. Things don't always go according to plan!
  8. Yep, it feels like that for a while! I encourage you to give this thread a look: http://tulpa.info/fo...aster-Sentience Unless it was definitely you, I'd say it was your tulpa. Laughed pretty hard at that. If you don't like all the hitting on you she's doing... you should probably work on personality ASAP. To be honest, and if it makes you feel any better, I wouldn't mind sex with a pony tulpa... but not Pinkie. I'm not even creating any genitals for her, and this kind of stuff isn't even in her personality.
  9. Pinkie's speech is getting better! I often talk to her in public without realizing it... kinda funny sometimes, awkward others. I was on a bike ride, totally talking out loud to Pinkie earlier, when I realized the people passing me were giving me funny looks. Has this kind of thing happened to any of you guys?
  10. Odd wording, but all right... I'm sorry, but what? You mean imaginary physical form, right? Tulpas are only a hallucination, they are not physical in any way. Again with the physical stuff. But beside that, I'm not sure you know how tulpas work. Sounds like you've read one too many creepypastas. Just because a tulpa lives in your subconscious does not mean it has to embody it. Why would anybody want to be sad or angry all the time? Unless you make a tulpa that wants to be that, they won't be. Sure. Uh... Okay, now you're just trying to scare people. Warning - those making a tulpa may not wish to read this next section. It might hinder your progress. A tulpa is, at its core, only a hallucination you've trained yourself to see. It seems to have a mind of its own because it operates in your subconscious, and your conscious mind does not know what your subconscious does. See, when you make a tulpa, you're using your conscious mind to prove to your subconscious, so to speak, that a person exists and you should be seeing/hearing them. After a while, your subconscious makes sure you can see and feel this person by imposing them over your vision and hearing. You can dictate what you do and don't want your tulpa to hear. It's as easy as wanting them to be able to access something or not. That includes access to memories, senses, body control and so forth. That second sentence is mostly true, except for the permission part. A tulpa cannot do anything harmful to you unless you let them. Again, what? Physically? No. Mentally, sure, if you made a tulpa that enjoys harming people and has it in their core personality to torture you. But why on Earth would anybody do that? All right, I'm gonna let you have your beliefs. If you wanna believe in ghosts, fine. But I think this portion is absolutely insane. Do any of you know the T.V. series; "Ghost Hunters"? ... I'm sorry, but I think you're really confused about what a tulpa really is and how it works. A lot of your post is just complete and utter nonsense.
  11. Wish I could help you with your Panthea dilemma, but that's something you have to decide. It's interesting that she's still there, though. I guess a tulpa never really does completely go away. Ya learn something new every day!
  12. Oh yeah, it's hard for a while. The only thing I'm having trouble with is the snout. It's hard to figure out a 3D version that looks good and doesn't look funny when she smiles. In fact, getting the smiling down is hard too. But we just gotta keep practicing!
  13. Thanks for the follow! I like your human sketches. I tried drawing humans once before... it didn't turn out so well. The only reason I got in to art was because of MLP!
  14. Sounds like a great process! Good idea with doing some personality review to solidify everything. I always say to do whatever feels best, and it looks like what you're doing. Keep me updated on how all that pans out. I laughed at her agreeing with me. Maybe I'm really sensible? I don't like talking about the logistics of tulpas with Pinkie at this stage, stuff like how she's really still a part of me, etc. It only complicates things, I think. But once she's finished or more vocal, I'm sure we'll have a fun time with that! And thank you so much for the compliment about my art. I'm really glad you enjoy it. That's the biggest reason I like to make stuff - for other people to hopefully enjoy. EDIT: That John Smith is a spy!
  15. Yes! That happens with us quite often, actually. I have to ask her to wait until I finish talking to answer, just because I find it weird. She is part of my brain, after all. Makes sense she could know what I'm saying before I finish. The game idea is good. Just find whatever way you can to talk to her. Like you saw with Panthea, it really helps speech and general development. Narration is probably the most important part of making a tulpa.
  16. I know what you're talking about with the auditory hallucinations. I've had them plenty of times before. I've tried to talk to Pinkie during that time, but I find it difficult as the voices aren't her and they seem to be fairly random in the things they say. Then again, she hasn't been vocal for very long, so it's probably just hard to focus on her voice alone. If you can remember, talk to her more! An hour a day is great, though. But it's very useful if you remember that she's always with you. Try to talk to her throughout the day, even just a few sentences about small or simple things.
  17. 6k characters? Pfft! That's nothing. I read the whole thing. You're focusing waaay too much on "proper technique" and "the right way" to do things. Truth is, there is no "official" or right thing to do - the stuff we discuss in this thread are just means to achieve a goal, and there are hundreds of other ways it could be done. What you did is, at its core, exactly what we're trying to achieve. Talk to an entity so much that it becomes its own being to interact with. The point of personality exercises are for us to create a character that we like and want to hang around. You've already done this! She's sentient and can talk on her own, her responses are all hers. That's awesome! What you have here is a tulpa, just not made with the same techniques we're using. But like I said, there are many, many different ways to create a tulpa, and what you've done is one of them. You have the personality, sentience, and talking down. All you have to do now is work on form and imposition. You might think you have form down well already. Maybe you do; I mean, there's really no way for me to know. But hear me out for a moment. When people work on form with their tulpas, they work on every fine detail of the body, the smallest things, how they feel, what the textures are of the body, smell perhaps, etc. Once you're done with visualization, you should be able to picture your tulpa instantly, effortlessly, and see every detail. I'm guessing you haven't done that yet. But once you have that done, you can work on imposition! If you want help with visualization or are confused abut anything else, please ask and I'll be glad to help. What you've got going on here is really cool.
  18. Wow, I'm flattered. Really, that means a lot to me! Lemme ask a couple questions. So, if i understand this correctly, you have a personification, or a personality, of your subconscious that you can talk to? And the responses are not from you, they are unexpected and independent? If this is true, you've got the makings of a tulpa right here. You don't even have to change anything about here, either! Get back to me, let's talk!
  19. Mindrop - Well, she's not as crazy as the show Pinkie. She's a bit calmer. She enjoys stuff like reading and chatting, but is still really happy and silly.
  20. I'm actually making Pinkie Pie, and yes, she is a handful! It's awesome though. You can make a tulpa based off another character. However, there's a couple things you should do. I always tell Pinkie that she is based off the pony in the show, and looks like the pony in the show, but she does not have to be that pony. She's free to change whatever she likes about herself, and I don't expect her to act exactly like the show version. We're both very happy so far!
  21. Mindrop - If the thought isn't definitely you, then it's definitely your tulpa. Sounds like she's talking to you! That definitely makes her sentient, too.
  22. Why does she even need to breathe? Think about it - does that even make any sense? Why would she need air? She won't even have a physical body! She could stay underwater forever if you wanted, or you could act like she needs air... whatever you want. I see no need to have her breathe, though.
  23. Everybody does things differently. Do whatever works for you and feels right. My suggestion, however, would be to talk to her whenever you can remember to. The more you talk to her the sooner she will be sentient. Also, if you treat her like she's already sentient and listening to you, things will go much faster. After a while, start expecting a reply when you talk to her. Narration is very important for tulpa development. You can start other things like personality, form, now, or you can wait if you like. I started personality and narration right away, and now we're working on form. I wish you luck, and don't hesitate to ask questions if you have any!
  24. Sure, you can block them. Just don't let them see it. It's as easy as that. Every time you think about it, every time it comes up, just know that they can't hear or see the memory because you don't want them to. However, I don't recommend hiding memories from your tulpa. Your tulpa should be the one person you can trust with everything.
  25. Hoo boy, it's been a while since I've been here. 107 unread replies! Besides Crepuscle and Questio, how are everybody's tulpae coming along? In case you don't remember, I'm making a Pinkie tulpa. Just today, she talked to me! Not audibly, but in my head. She's finally vocal; I'm so excited! We still have to work more because she only speaks simple sentences and words right now, but it's a start! We're also working on form right now. The snout is hard, but everything else seems to be coming along well. Crepuscle - Don't give up! It's so rewarding when your tulpa first gives you an emotional response or talks to you! To be one hundred percent honest, I would have done this even if I knew it would take three times as long to get where we are, just because it is so rewarding. Seriously, it's wonderful. I'm trying to find studies on the human brain, but I'm having a hard time. I know they've done a lot of research on the impressionability of the human mind, but I can't seem to find any of it right now. I'll keep looking for things to show you, though.
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