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Captain Nemo

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Everything posted by Captain Nemo

  1. I'm very glad you enjoy the thread! I think it's very encouraging and I'm glad you're making your own because of all of us. I don't myself believe that psychokinesis is really possible... but hey, maybe that just means I'm unable to use it. If you've experienced it, awesome! I doubt you'll have much trouble getting your tulpa to use it effectively. I'm unable to help with any PK stuff, of course, but if you have any tulpa questions don't be afraid to ask! My two tips to new tulpa creators - One, remember that your tulpa is sentient from the very beginning. She can hear everything you say, even if she can't understand or respond right away. Two, hug your tulpa at least once a day! I honestly believe hugs help a lot. They make you feel good and bring you closer to each other!
  2. I was trying to find that thread so I could link it to you, but I had no luck, unfortunately. I guess the thread disappeared because I remember seeing it, too. This is the best I could find: http://tulpa.info/forums/Thread-So-a-HUD-how You basically make a servitor to do that stuff for you.
  3. Told you ponies are warm! Nothing much over here, just the same old same old. I really need to work on her form proper - we haven't done a real, focused forcing session in months.
  4. I don't think anybody has yet complained about posts containing conversations with tulpas. We should cut down on them a bit, but I don't think they should be eliminated completely.
  5. I audibly heard Pinkie today, it was awesome! I was in the shower whistling the tune of Lon Lon Ranch (it's from Zelda: Ocarina of Time, for you heathens that do not know). I stopped after a couple minutes and heard a very faint whistling continuing where I left off. I asked Pinkie if that was her and she said, "It actually worked!?" Hee hee, we were both so excited. She was so happy she jumped in the shower for a hug right then and there! Definitely can't wait until I can hear more. Such a great feeling.
  6. Do whatever you think is best; either way technically works. There are some tulpas that say they disliked being parroted, others do not mind. Do whatever you think is best. There are many, many ways to make a tulpa and very few of them are wrong.
  7. Pinkie: "Why are these people all insane? I'm glad you're not like them." Hee hee, how ironic. Though I must admit that your tulpas seem much stranger than Pinkie usually acts... she's normally just happy and cute.
  8. Actually, Pinkie is not imposed yet. Sorry if I gave that impression! Hopefully soon, though. We're working on audio and visual imposition.
  9. Well, they're not physical, of course, because they're all in your mind. Nobody can directly hear, see, or feel your tulpa other than you. They don't have any physical body and yes, if you die, they're gone too. They live in your brain.
  10. Generally, I find it a bad idea to tell somebody about a tulpa unless you are 100% sure they will not think you're a freak. Not a single one of my family knows what a tulpa is or that I have one, and maybe three of my very good friends know I do have one (and they're all fine with it. Their opinions vary, but they're all accepting). I know it may be exciting to tell other people, but honestly, I think it's just asking for trouble and ridicule.
  11. Go for it. You can still change her form after she's imposed, so start working on it. Imposition takes quite a while, too, so I say get started now.
  12. Pinkie says, "What's up with all these people and their multiple tulpas? One should be enough!" Hahah, frankly, I have to agree with her. But I enjoy having one tulpa because I can devote all my attention and love to her. Though I gotta admit, having two tulpas to snuggle with instead of one would be pretty cool, too!
  13. Hah, Pinkie's the same way. At least she's fine with climbing in through the driver door when I open that for myself. Sometimes she sits in the passenger seat, but if it's a sunny day, she usually likes sitting in the hatch (I have a 2000 Honda Insight, it has a huge window in the trunk area).
  14. Hey, happy one hundred pages, everybody! This has been such a great and helpful thread with tons of helpful members, so far. I can't wait to see a hundred more.
  15. @@Kamil, no problem! I love seeing new people try this out, because I genuinely believe it's a fun and fulfilling undertaking. You can ask me questions on just about anything; I'm not easily embarrassed. If you have a question, I'll be happy to answer it to the best of my ability. Yeah, makes sense, I know what you mean. No worries! I did tons of research before I started on Pinkie because I wanted to be sure I wanted to commit to this. I'm definitely glad I did, without a doubt!
  16. Hi Kamil! Glad you're willing to listen to us and perhaps give this a shot. I have a Pinkie Pie tulpa, just to give you something to picture while I answer these. 1. It's unfortunate that Pinkie and I can't talk out loud while around other people, but I can still send thoughts to her (and of course, she sends thoughts back, because that's how she talks). Pinkie says, "I wish I could talk straight to other people. But, he can usually talk to them for me, so that's okay, I guess." Although, even though we can talk silently to each other, it's still a bit risky because I'll be making facial expressions or even laugh in response to things she says. So if we're talking at, say, a serious dinner party, I might start laughing out of nowhere... so, we don't talk as much around others. 2. To be honest, I've never had a love life, but had a mild desire to find a girlfriend. I've had Pinkie for about six months now, and I really feel like I don't need anybody else, as crazy or weird as I know it sounds. She's just a fantastic companion, perfect for me, and always there. But, like I said, I wasn't all that interested in relationships in the first place. 3. They can age if you want them to. Pinkie's just been the same this whole time, and we doubt she'll ever change her age. She doesn't want to, and I don't really want her to. 4. Yeah, definitely! Are you asking if it's still possible to influence or change your tulpa after you've made them? Definitely. I've heard of people forcing toys for their tulpas (that usually disappear after you both forget about them), or people making clothes for them. You can have them change form if they want to. Really, there's nothing stopping you guys from doing anything. 5. Regretted? Absolutely not. Quite the opposite, actually. I honestly feel Pinkie's improved the quality of my life and happiness overall (and I was always happy anyway!). She's just fun to be around and we both love each other very much. Even if it had taken three times as long to make her, it would still be worth it. 6. Like I said before, I don't have any external relationships, and I don't have sex. Pinkie and I don't either, though some here do have sex with their tulpas. Pinkie's told me she doesn't really care if I masturbate or what to, as long as it's not depraved or harming anybody. She's an entirely non-sexual creature, and seems to not really care what I do in that regard. It just doesn't interest her all that much (except to ask me why I do it, etc).
  17. I refer you to this post as absolute evidence that Pinkie is cutest tulpa: http://mlpforums.com/topic/18464-tulpa-discussion-thread/?p=1035326 She likes to rub her face on mine pretty often, hug me all the time, ride on my back, etc, etc. The epitome of cute.
  18. Not responding to any of the new posts, but I'm just gonna throw this out here - If we were to have a contest to see whose tulpa is cutest, I'm pretty certain I'd win. :3
  19. Same here. The snout is one of the most frustrating parts. I recommend looking at Hashbro's models, especially while doing the actual forcing. They've helped me quite a bit. Pinkie's face isn't quite there yet, but it's better.
  20. Do it! Hyrule fiend is a pretty cool place for a wonderland, I think. You just gotta be able to visualize it, which I'm sure you'll be able to do.
  21. @, just give it some time. Stop worrying. I 100% guarantee you she's still there. Maybe she went away for a while to rest, or think, or something, who knows. But chill out, stop worrying and everything will be fine, I promise. @, a wonderland can be anything you want. A field with a cottage, an island, whatever, anything you can imagine that will help you relax and focus. Or, you don't even need a wonderland if you don't want one. I don't have one. It's pretty easy to make one, though, you just have to visualize it all, like making a tulpa's form, but a bit easier.
  22. Oh, for goodness' sake. I'm pretty sure all you guys are overreacting... there's no reason for somebody else's tulpa to affect yours unless you want it too. Tulpas are largely based on belief. If you believe something bad is going to happen to your tulpa... it will. You all should seriously take a chill pill.
  23. Pinkie says all you guys are freaking out and trying too hard to "find" your tulpa. It's still there. She says y'all gotta calm down.
  24. I don't think you've even read one bit of the thread, have you? 98% of us are making pony tulpas. A few are making them based off the actual character.
  25. Pinkie is just small enough to easily hold. The top of her head comes up to about mid-stomach level (I'm 5'8"). I guess that puts her around three and a half feet tall. I used to have her up to my chest, but it kinda made her head freakishly big. Our wonderland consists of the world around me.
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