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Everything posted by Tdroid

  1. Added drawings: #4, #7(new) So I have posted quite a bit of my work here and I decided to make a thread where I am going to post all my work from now on, as well as include a link to the previous ones. Whenever I post a new drawing I will include the post number in the OP. But first: On to the opening drawing to my thread. Note: Don't mind the title too much, I don't mean to insult anyone or demean myself too badly. It is mainly to draw attention Galleryof all my MLP drawnigs, included to have all in one place. DeviantART for the new drawing. All feedback, good and bad, is encouraged. The more feedback I get the more encouraged I get to keep doing this,
  2. Personally I find Molestia to be a very funny character and I joke alot about her with a group of friends I have over skype. Then again, i am the kind of person who like dark themes, for example Grimdark, and I have nothing against joking around molestation. I am probably a horrible human being, but that will have to slide for now
  3. Actually, the Imperials are the Cyro-Nordics of olden times, the decendents of the Nedic and Nordic people who were once slaves to the Ayleids and as a race they appeared before the Septims. Reman Cyrodiil for example, was a Colovian Cyro-Nordic and he lived in the 1st era. Tiber Septim just intodiced the name Imperial. Before that they were known as Cyro-Nordics(as mentioned above), Cyrodilics and Cyrodiils. Edit: http://uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Pocket_Guide_to_the_Empire,_1st_Edition/Cyrodiil Source on the land of Cyrodiil and how the Colovians and the Nibenese, both which are two different cultures within the Imperial Race, can be traced back to the 1st Era and the Alessian Order.
  4. Maybe. If it is subscription based, then no I will not. But if it is either free-to-play or a one-time purchase I might just get it. Of course, if there is a demo/trial I will play that first to make the final decition. And if I do purchase it I will go with Nords, seeing as the Imperials are not playable ;(
  5. Which game is better is based entirely on opinion,so don't go into these games expecting them to be 10 times better because you might not perceive them that way. Just a friendly warning in a hopes of protecting you from disappointment I think the Falmer are rather interesting, but I had hoped they were a bit more uncommon. For thousands of years nobody have seen anything of them, then suddenly they appear everywhere?
  6. Actuallly, Oblivion have spellmaking, you just have to gain access to the Arcane University or have the Wizards Tower DLC to use it. Agree that it is sad that it isn't there in Skyrim . No problem, I have been in enough of these debates to know not to take what said seriously, but to calmly dismis the arguments at hand instead. But to be honest, I hadn't expected any conscent at all, so I was pleasantly surprised
  7. If you are playing on PC there are plenty of mods that can fix that for you. If not, then I still recomend that you take a closer look at the games. The environment in both Morrowind and Oblivion are very good, even now, though the characters themselves have improved a lot. It will take a little to to get used to, but after a few hours Morrowind will look quite beautiful even Vanilla.
  8. Twilight Sparkle. She is my favorite of the Mane6, but that is not my primary reason for bringing her here. She have a very perfectionist personality and seems to think that most problems she could possibly solve is a challenge she should take, so she would probably be a very productive member of society. And she is very smart and learned, and I would love to study with her. And I generally like to interact with nerdy girls, they are often very awesome.
  9. Well, I believe my Cutie Mark would be an open book with a quill writing in it. I have a passion for writing and have already completed my first novel(still waiting to hear if I get it published with the first publisher I have contacted) and while I am waiting I have started to write the sequel. The feedbck I have recieved so far(I make sure to have y work peer-reviewed as I go) is very possitive, so I must be doing something right.
  10. Well, my drawing process is something like this: 1: Come up with the concept of the drawing. Optional: Find useful reference too look after(when I am going to draw a pose i have never tried before I am likely to use a reference for example) 2: Draw the drawing. Well, this is a very large oversimplification, but I have made it a point from the begining of my drawing days(April 2012) to not be dependent on aiding lines. It takes a while longer to get the really nice drawings(at least I am under that impression), but it is very liberating to not be dependent on extra lines. Of course, I often redraw the same line many times before i am happy with it because of this.
  11. I see nothing wrong with it, the people ponies here seems to be very supportive of new artist(like myself) and there any many of them that gives much better help than I can. So, I say go ahead with it
  12. I think the answer is yes and no. Many of the themes and situations used in the series can be seen as quite dark, but whether or not it really is will come down to the presentation of it. Going by classic examples, can you imagine how much more unnerving and emotional they could have made the Pinkie Pie breakdown? A happy, funny and random character who is turned into a cynical and resentful one because she didn't trust her friends and believed they held her out of something or conspired against her? Put that in a different presentation than FiM gave and you could make it a psycological horror movie. So my answer is that there are dark themes, but they are presented in a very harmless, and often comical, way. Not that I mind this
  13. Well, I am very glad you think I could do better, it makes the statement that this is not the level of skill I should be displaying since I could do better, which is a very nice compliment. Thank you Thank you, it was very fun to draw. And to come up with a narrating for it Thank you, I am glad you are happy with your request
  14. You bring up some good points, but you make one flawed assumption and that is that the player is not rewarded by doing everything, which is ultimately the downflall of this argument everytime I see it discussed. The game rewards a player who plays outside of the chosen skills more than a player who doesn't, and with the upper cap of the attributes the players will be pushed further and further towards a generic character by each level. They may start out pretty specialized, but that chanegs after the first ten levels or so. Doing everything is, in fact, very viable in Morrowind(your example use so I use this) and ultimately the reason for this is the attribute system. Every attribute, with the exception of Intelligence, is universially useful for any given character no matter what class they have and Intelligence itself is useful for all characters that have magic based skills, which can be said to be about 1/3 to about 1/2 of the possibilities. The fact that skills is primarily determined by sheer number doesn't help the case either. Would having a different starting value for different races add more depth to them? Yes, in Skyrim it would and that is because stat increases are much more limited. However, this argument also comes back to the attribute system used in TES3 which is ultimately flawed and lacking. All the racial and class stats are ultimately superficial and are not going to make much difference past the ten first levels. The same goes with the skills, it all comes down to a superficial belief, or an illusion if you will, that these things matters. At the end of the day there are two things that matter in Morrowind when it comes to the character creator and that is the racial abilities and it is the birthsign. The rest will start out seemingly very different, but ultimately turn out in a very generic way. Skyrim starts you out with a rather generic stat list, but pushes you further and further towards specialization. The downfall of the depth in Morrowind's(and Oblivion's for that matter, being the same) character system is that it can look very deep, but if you put scrutiny to it, it turns out to be quite shallow. Is Skyrim much better in this regard? No, but at least every decision made when you level up will stay with your character and cannot be "fixed", and that it goes further and further away from a bland set up instead of closer to it. You can try to argue that you personally have restrictions on how you play, but that ultimately serves my side of the argument more than yours since it will make a statement that the system itself pushes you towards a generic character. And as a sidenote I could mention that even with 2 melee skills in Skyrim the weapons have more differences, because in Morrowind the weapon skill were the same weapons with a different paintjob. In Skyrim it is that + the option to get a bonus for using a specific weapon. Btw: I don't take such statements about new generation gamers personally, I learned a long time ago on the Bethesda Forums(where this have been discussed to death a few times over) that this type of arguing is nothing more than trying to discredit the other side by affiliating them with "casual" gamers, which ultimately serves no purpose and, when used against people who know the tactic, it just makes your overal argument look a lot more based in Nostalgia and a sense of elitism than anything else. Edit: Just to clarify, I am not telling anyone to think Skyrim is a better game than Morrowind or Oblivion because that is ultimately a subjective thing. i am only arguing about the objective facts of the games. Edit2: Yes, I know I say "ultimately" a lot in this post
  15. I would hardly say that is a description of how Skyrim's leveling is. It is a fitting description of Oblivion's since it is exaclty the same as Morrowind's, but with a few semantics differences and a few less skills. Skyrim's system on the other hand actually present the player with meaningful limitations, unlike the two previous games(can't really comment on Daggerfall, never played it much). Having a limited amount of increases to Magica/Health/Stamina and a limited amount of Perks to specialize in skills, Skyrim does a better job to specialize the character than the classes in Morrowind and Oblivion ever did. Because of the lack of meaningful limitations in Morrowind and Oblivion the classes were essentially only a label with no real advantages. You could say they removed things, and they did remove the attributes, classes and the birthsigns, but only the last of these can be said to have an actual negative effect on the character customization. Other than in name of course, I have seen enough of these debates to know that many people automaticly think "More numbers = more depth" and "Label = Necessary to Roleplay".
  16. First a disclaimer: I searched for a thread like this, but I couldn't find one. So if there is one already I apologize. Now, onto the real thread: A place where fans of the Elder Scrolls series on this site can discuss and post things My story when it comes to the Elder Scrolls is that I started out with Morrowind back around 2003 or 2004, but I had watched my father play it quite a bit before that(since release). However, I never really got into the game since I was very young(only 19 now), but I did get into Oblivion when it came out. A couple of years later I managed to get a working xbox copy og Morrowind(which I still have and use) and gave the game another shot. Now I am happily playing Skyrim(with the occational breaks when I play other games like Dragon Age, Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout1&2&3&NV etc.) and I am a somewhat active member of the Bethesda Forums. My favorite race have changed many times over the years. First was the Orc or Orsimer, but now it is currently the Imperial or Cyro-Nordic(which is the name I prefer to use). Of the provinces I have seen I must say I like Skyrim the most. Cyrodiil as it was presented in Oblivion falls a bit short of the descriptions in the Pocket Guide to the Empire and how the Savants in Morrowind said it was, and I was a bit disappointed in the lack of cultural differences between the Colovians and the Nibenese. Morrowind ranks as my second favorite province. In current events in Tamriel, by which I mean the Civil War in Skyrim, I think I can be considered to be more in favor of the Empire, but I don't find them to be that much better than the Stormcloaks in any way except one: They have a bigger army and they share the border with the common enemy; the Aldmeri Dominion. So, the the ES talk begin PS: Please keep the spoilers to a minimum for people who haven't done everything, wouldn't want to ruin their fun now would we? Of course, posting them in spoilerclams is a good way to do this.
  17. 6000+ members? Please tell me at least one other lives in Akershus!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tdroid


      Hehe, we all do. Aren't we special? :P

    3. Fluffykins the Cat

      Fluffykins the Cat

      Eenope, I want to live in Equestria!

    4. Flicker Sweet

      Flicker Sweet

      ......sorry I live in Texas

  18. I don't know much about Superman, not really, but I know he is not invoulnerable to magic so Celestia would be able to hurt him. However, the question is rather will it be enough? I think that Superman would win a straith up fight, he is just too fast and too strong. And let us not forget those pesky laser eyes of his. The powerful weapons fight I truly do not know how to answer since I do not know the power of the Sword of Superman. However, if the Elements of Harmony can imprison Discord, who can change reality at will and is generally a powerful, magical badass, I think they should be able to petrify Superman as well. It comes down to the power and abilities of the Sword of Superman and if Celestia can catch him. As for personality I prefer Celestia. Both are kind and caring, but I rather hang out with Celestia who is known for bieng a bit of a prankster. Superman seems to be a bit too stuck up for my tastes, but not by much. Oh look, my waifu is on
  19. I have a love/hate relationship with it. I can go to bed and fall asleep fairly quickly if I set my mind to it and I love doing that, but the problem is that the moment I become distracted I am not going to be able to for a long time. And to make things worse I really dislike not having anything to do, so whenever I am trying to sleep in a long period of time, but can't do it I tend to start up my laptop and browse the internet. Or I start to write/think more lore for my fantasy universe which almost always ends with it taking up hours of time I can't really afford to use for anything but sleeping.
  20. My favorite game series is without a doubt The Elder Scrolls. I have enjoyed Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim more than any game from another series, though I must admit I didn't like Daggerfall. And I have never played any of the spin offs or Arena.
  21. Currently I am playing Skyrim. My current character is an Imperial called Tynon Octavien and the skills he focuses on is restoration, heavy armor and two-handed. I am playing on expert.
  22. I play first and foremost for fun, though I do enjoy having a fair amount of skill in the games I really like to play. I must admit that playing a game with someone that doesn't have a clue what they are doing can be a frustrating experiene, but usually this goes away when my friends and I start to just joke around. If you are not skilled, but still enjoy a game who am I to rain on your parade?
  23. I made this drawing on request by a user here and it was very fun to make, though I must apologize to Enigma since I haven't taken much of the pointer given into this yet http://tdroid.deviantart.com/art/Bastion-324086851 DeviantART for the drawing
  24. I would disagree and that is because of something a scientist called Howard Bloom calls the "Miracle of peace"(I am not sure if he came up with the term or not, but that is irrelevant) when people in the west is no longer nearly as violent as we used to be. There is an entire part of the human collective civilization that no longer engage in full scale wars(and no, the military involvement by the US in many countries are not full scale wars), things like the Inquisition and the petty waging of power within a nation. These things used to be commonplace here and large precentages of the people used to die from it, but now they are largely gone from the west. We are still a messed up species, but to deny that we have managed to become less violent is ignoring facts.
  25. While I don't want this to become a long debate, could you be kind and point to a time in our history when we were less violent than we are now?And yes, many animals are treated badly today, but this isn't something new either.
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