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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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About Sanick20

  • Birthday 1991-09-20

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    Northen Europe
  • Interests
    Reading - manga, books , watch anime show , play music

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  1. I was wondering if this rp is still going think its about 3 month since last post... This rp helps me be more creative so i'm hoping its still Rowling.
  2. Nicksa and Minath was near Sugarcube Corner, he tried to talk to Minath but she seemd in some other thoughts so Nicksa let it pass. He suddenly bump in to Minath "I'm so sorry" Nicksa said while he to a step back. He opend the door for both of them "Mares first" he said in a polite tone, he then walked to a table draw back a chair for Minath before sitting down himself. "So... how long you been guard to Celestia, have you always wanted to be that?" Nicksa asked while pouring up water for both of them and also to trying to get some conversation going OCC: Feel free to ask questions back
  3. The hug felt a little akward Nicksa thought... A large growl came from his bell "Hehe seems all this nervousness has made me hungry, would you like to have some food with me we could talk idéas for the float or just get to know each other, It's my treat?" Nicksa asked Minath while he starded to walk to The ginger bread house and he also took out a pan flute to play Dream pony
  4. @, "It's a pleasure to meet you Minath, My name is Nicksa and i'm a traveling Musician that likes to entertain ponies all around equestria" Nicksa said when Minath made a salute, Nicksa didn't have much knowleadge about royalties so he didn't know what to do so he bowed down to the salute. "Is this the right thing to do? Nicksa asked as he bowed down. He then stood up when he heard Minath nerviously ask "what did you say? About teaming up?" "Oh Umm...." Nicksa froze in place very nervious, he starded to shaking. he took out a paper and quil and wrote "I would like to team up with you" in very shaky style. He handed the paper over to Minath as his hole coat turned purple (red blushing+blue), he also handed over the sheet paper of his new song titled "Dream Pony" He looked at Minath after she had read the papers,he waited a little before huggging her
  5. @Minath Watcher Nicksa continued to play on his instrument after he had calmed down the melody just seemd to flew out. Half way through the song a high sounded snap came from above and large tree branch fell down infront of Nicksa, he also saw the mare pony he was looking for. "Are you okay you're not hurt?" He asked quckily after he saw her. After the mare had answerd he then said "Th..the question you asked earlier... I..i..i iwouldlovetoteamupwithoyou" Nicksa said very quickly with out breathing. "My name is Nicksa and who might you be miss?"
  6. @storm-fire Nicksa listend to the mare's first answer "Well if you need a place to stay I do have an extra room in my flower shop that you can use if you need a place to stay." "I thank you for the offer but a inn would be just fine" Nicksa said. The second awnser put Nicksa on the spot and it was true what she said "Look Nicksa I'll tell Minath the next time I see her but you gotta do what I'm doing and put your hoof down and get something off of your chest." "You're absolute right" he said to mare and greeted her very much before running of to search for (Minath). @Minath Watcher Nicksa had been looking all day for the mare pony he now has a crush on. "well I got my chance and blew it, Nice mister forever alone pony." Nicksa thought to himself as he sat down by a tree and took out his harmonica to play some music so he could calm down, he began writing a new song.
  7. "You stupid idiot why didn't you say yes... Must looked like an idiot in her mind" Nicksa thought alot to himself as he walked back to his camp, when he arivved to his "home" he saw with despair how his camping site has been destroyed nothing was heal, the tent were shredded and his bigger saddlebag with food and drinks were torn to pieces bita of food lay everywhere. "Great could this day get any better? " he thought ironic to himself just as the rain starded to poor down while he walked back to town. @storm-fire When Nicksa arrived in the town he saw the florist pony walking on the road so he hurried to catch up with the mare, when he caught up with her he told about the camp and asked at the sametime if there was anyplace to stay in this town. He also told about Minath " I met this mare.. She have this grey coat and her mane is eletric blue with a little black in it.... She asked me if i wanted to team up with her for the parade and i got to nervious to say yes, ....i saw earlier that you know her if you see her next time could say yes for me?" Nicksa asked very excited and little nervious
  8. Nicksa listend to the answer the beautiful mare gave him he only heard the some words because his thoughts were in an another dimension thinking... He heard the words "anything... We could make a team.......". "I... I..." Nicksa couldn't say the words he wanted because of his nerviousnes. Insted these words came out. "I hope to see you at the parde, Oh i forgot i got these flowers earlier but i think you should have them" he said when he took them out from his saddlebag and laid them down on the ground and slowly walk away whith the head hanging low.
  9. Sry minath yes it was you i mentioned last post in the roleplay filling spaces here trolololololo
  10. When Nicksa didn't get any answer from the pegasus he tried to find some pony else to ask. He then saw that mare pony that made him nervious last time and like that he was it again but he had to know what theme there is so he slowly walked up to the mare and asked little uncleard in his voice "Ex.. Excuse me maddam do you know the theme for the floats that are going to be in the parade?" as quickly as the question was asked he looked away very shy.
  11. At the camp Nicksa was thinking more about the Float Competition and the parade , "Hmm maybe i should regiser for it and compete myself, yes i do that should be a lot of fun" Nicksa thought to himself... He then starded to chop down some woods in the forrest and starded building his floor for the float ride, he hammerd and screwed piceses together but he suddenly rememberd he has to have a theme for the parade and he hasn't got what the theme was. He laied down the small tools he got and put the bag with food in his tent, then he rushed urgently back to the village so he could ask the planner what the theme for parade was. In the village Nicksa saw a blue coated Pegasus with mint green & white mane. "Excuse me friend do you know where i can find a planner for the parade? I would like to ask about what theme it is because when i got this flyer it just said Float Competition" Nicksa asked a little breathless
  12. Nicksa shook his head to clear his mind better when he heard the Flower Pony answer Um...n...no I'm fine just a little bump on the head."Um...n...no I'm fine just a little bump on the head." "I'm really sorry about that I...I guess I should watch where I'm running." while she extended the her hoof to help Nicksa up. "Thanks" he said when the mare helped him up he stod "i'm glad to hear no injuries, Oh no it was as much my fault to i was daydreaming not looking out so much " he answred the mare. When they was standing Nicksa saw that the pony was thinking about something "Somethings on your mind?" he asked, quickly a poster of a float contest hit his mule and when he looked back from it the mare was gone. "whats this a float contest?, well it wouldn't hurt to see the parade" he thought to himself as he walked back to his camp
  13. Nicksa had calmed down a little from beeing nervious and was walking round in the village looking at the houses and the ponies living in them. When Nicksa walked around the corner he suddenly fell down to the ground, a little dizzy he looked aound and saw the flower shop pony... "Oh ow...I....I...I'm so sorry I didn't see you there." the mare pony said "Are you okay, You're not hurt?" Nicksa asked a little shaken.
  14. Nicksa woke up from his nap and ate the last of the stew he made earlier. He then walked back in to the village and saw the flower pony and the... when Nicksa thought of the other pony a mysterious feeling flew through his body. He began feeling nervious.. Usually when he is nervous playing on his harmonica helps so Nicksa took out his instrument and started playing while he slowly walked away
  15. After Nicksa had played his set a pony came up and laied down two coins in his hat, "Thank you maddam" he greeted the other pony. Later that day Nicksa walked around Ponyville when he saw a pony stuck in some branches just when he was about to ask "Do you need help?" the pony fell down from the branches. Nicksa then just went back walking to his camp so he could hit the hay after the long day.
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