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Everything posted by Xievie

  1. Haven't been on here since forever.

  2. Does anyone here know much about sleeping? I totally missed sleeping tonight. I slept from 1-3 and couldn't go back to sleep... Should I not sleep until my usual time (9 pm) or should I sleep in the day? I need to get my sleeping schedule in order within 4 days.

  3. I exaggerate a lot when I talk about myself sometimes in real life. I told someone I was studying German, Japanese, and Russian, but I actually haven't begun. Saying "I want to study" felt like it sounded more impressive than "I plan to study". What about you guys?
  4. http://www.internationalsaimoe.com/voting/ A lot of the decisions were tough, what about you guys? What are your thoughts on the voting? Edit: BALLS! I knew I messed up somewhere with this post! Could someone move it to Media Discussion? Thanks. c:
  5. Xievie

    gaming Best MMORPG?

    I enjoyed Runescape actually. My favorite MMO when I think about it. The time spent questing and trying to become power, talking with strangers along the way, are memories irreplacable. Though, I think what you are looking for is Vindictus or Dragon Nest. I haven't tried C9, but it looks like Dragon Nest with a less cartoony art style. All of these games came from Korea. They're really hardcore and take some dedication, however. The gameplay is still awesome, I have over a thousand hours put into Vindictus and Dragon Nest. Vindictus and DN felt more different than STO. STO is still similar to the common MMO like WoW and SWTOR, just a bit different. Vindi/DN are whole new games.
  6. Xievie

    movies/tv Attack on Titan

    I enjoyed the anime (not particularly my favorite) and it was worth the watch. Not a fan of the art style, found a lot of the characters boring, and there was too much talking. I enjoyed watching Levi kick some titan ass, however. As much as I disliked many aspects, I'll admit it is a fairly high quality anime. Though, the fandom is just awful, seriously. ESPECIALLY on Tumblr. Apparently there's ship wars in the Titan fandom, and it's gotten so aggressive to the point someone's commit suicide. I'm definitely not touching that fandom.
  7. Does anyone here play "OSU!"?

  8. I don't mind it when I see epic selfies. Ones with the president, ones in space, something very important in the person's life.. But it's pretty stupid to see one on a random day with them saying "just ate cereal". Like damn. Though, I wouldn't mind taking one if I reached a big goal. If my dream was to perform on some well known stage, I'd selfie with the audience in the background, and treasure it. Other than that, I'm a hipster who's sick of this old trend.
  9. Guys help me, I can't stop feeling.

  10. Tumblr is an amazing and fun place to be as long as you stay away from the crazies. There's a lot of crap going down in the Attack On Titan fandon around there, but if you avoid fandoms it can be fun. Non-anime blogs can be boring. I personally use it to look at cute anime girls and discuss new episodes.
  11. As much as I hate Nexon, a lot of NexonNA's games are really fun. Vindictus (Mabinogi Heroes), Dragon Nest, Mabinogi, etc. They've proved to me that Korea can beat the crap out of America in terms of videogame mechanics. You know, we're really unoriginal in America, all we get are FPS games that we've already seen enough of cause we have no inspiration. I guess TF2 had good entertainment value, but I never gave it another chance after burning out on it the first time. Runescape is also a great game. The only problem is that they are changing it way too much. I hate the hotbar they added because if I wanted that, I would have gone to play WoW or something.. Now Runescape is trying to be what it isn't. Warframe has potential, but I can't say I like DE that much. They are very inexperienced, and they have made a lot of useless content and too many weapons. They aren't doing well to prioritize making content (but that's also the playerbase's fault since we beg for many things). Warframe isn't worth a try if you have grinding in games, because Warframe has a lot of grind. If you like grind, you can give it a shot, it's got great entertainment value for you. Beware of the cash shop. If you ever play, you can ask me the best way to spend real life money currency, since a lot of things are overpriced and a lot of things underpriced. Hard to know what's worth the buy. I had some fun with Fiesta. It's an idea already been done, a bit sloppily, but I'd love togo back in time to get my friends to play it with me. It's a fun group game. SWTOR is an alternative to Fiesta, also fun, but I'd take WoW over both (but WoW is pay to play). Best game in my opinion for F2P is probably Vindictus. Best way for me to describe the game is a "Fast paced" and "Korean Hardcore" version of Dark Souls. Yes, Vindictus is harder than Dark Souls because the bosses are far more unforgiving in Vindictus, and bosses drop important things. It has that "Korean Grind" to it, and is a hardcore game. There's grind, and making money to get the best gear is very RNG-based.
  12. I feel like eating crepes for some reason.

  13. Isn't pony made into humans still just humans? If I made a human into a pony, he'd still be a pony. Everything but the person changes. If I had a pony OC that you've never heard about, then made it into a human, would you actually care? When humanized pony art is made, it's usually made because they care about the actual character, not the fact that they are ponies. I wouldn't see what's wrong with it, but I still wouldn't care for it.
  14. Well said. Thanks for bringing up these news, I'm a fan of a lot of the Nexon games (but not Nexon) but never got a shot at DFO, so this is actually great news!
  15. Jibril is my second favorite girl of the season, actually.I can't say she's my favorite because all she's won me over with is fanservice (but did pretty damn well at that). Rize won my over both through fanservice AND as a character. I hope they don't trash Jibril after one or two episodes. You know, I kinda wanna see the purple girl again that they never showed again after beating.. I at least hope Jibril doesn't suffer the same fate. She's still excellent! Edit: While I understand this topic is about only character's looks rather than actual favor for character and development, Lize still comes out on top. Unless they do more to please the eyes using Jibril, Lize has a very stable position.
  16. I'm actually talking about the anime of Spring 2014, the anime currently airing right now. Anime like Madoka Magica and Full Metal Alchemist aren't very recent
  17. Hey guys! Spring 2014 has been really good as far as I'm concerned. I've been watching lots of the anime that's come out and they are gorgeous! I enjoy anime a lot if they do well on visuals. Currently, I'm watching (and in the order of most enjoyed being first - not that the ones I put last aren't good): ... aaaanndd probably a few more anime I decided to not mention. I want to catch up to season 2 on Love Live and Date a Live (the fact that both anime have "live" in them makes it confusing to tell people about them, lol). I've heard good things about Black Bullet and Hitsugi no Chaika, so I'm looking forward to watching them some time. What have you guys been watching? What's your favorite? Any suggestions from this season? Here's a list of the anime of the season if you have yet to begin watching something: http://anichart.net/spring
  18. Easily Lize (Rize Tedeza) from Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka! She's so gorgeous! Best girl of anime Spring 2014 and easily the cutest anime girl of all c: She normally has pigtails, but I appreciate it when they give a character screen time with different hairstyles. She's so gorgeous with her hair down! DX
  19. What theee aactuuuaalll heeecckkk mannnn????? I'm a beginner player who just entered the School Chess Tournament.. Match one is against last tournament's champion. He may be a close friend, but he's not gonna go easy on me.. Dammit.

    1. Literally Snails

      Literally Snails

      That's actually how tournament brackets work. The highest seeds go against the lowest seeds during the first rounds. That way they can get rid of you quicker ;D

  20. What theee aactuuuaalll heeecckkk mannnn????? I'm a beginner player who just entered the School Chess Tournament.. Match one is against last tournament's champion. He may be a close friend, but he's not gonna go easy on me.. Dammit.

  21. I have to get 15 questions of an assignment finished before 8 tonight. I'm done for.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Xievie


      I forgot to mention this is advanced placement European History.

      Sure it's just a lot of memorizing, but I have to be able to have to comprehension skills to pull what I need to memorize out of the book. Then I have to take what I memorized and use critical thinking to do things like tell about how something influenced another. There are a lot of concepts that I still struggle to memorize like Fascism, Communism (yes, I don't understand what makes communism what it is), and other...

    3. Milky Jade

      Milky Jade

      If you understand what socialism is, then you will have to understand socialism as "communism lite".


      It is the movement that production should fall under social ownership (whereas capitalism is about private ownership). It is the movement that instead of every individual doing what they like, they should rather be coerced for their money and the government will spend it to improve itself, infrastructure, institutions, literally everything that requires money - because they...

    4. Xievie


      So basically, everything goes to help the government strengthen, while those of a lower class get little to none of that?

  22. I don't know right now, 10 were killed in a bus of 40+ here in California yesterday, and I'm not sure of any friends that I knew were on that, so I'm just really worried right now. I didn't know this until my Principal announced it today, and I automatically went to search it up on my phone. I really don't know if there's a way to check who was on the bus..

    1. Milky Jade

      Milky Jade

      Phone all your friends. If there's a reason to worry, I'll be here for you..

    2. Xievie


      Thanks Milky, I appreciate it. I can confirm that all of my friends are alright, thank goodness.

    3. Milky Jade

      Milky Jade

      Don't mention it. It's a matter of course undeserving of mention.


      Did you know that I sit all the way back in the bus? And I'm sure you've noticed that only strange, asocial people sit in the back of a bus..

      The reason is simple: should the bus crash, the first five rows of seats will be annihilated. Full stop. The reason for sitting *all* the way back is just physics, once you recognized that tragical fact. I try to let people know, if and when they ask me..

  23. I haven't played it, but I've heard that it has a big focus on tradeskills and whatnot. I'd definitely love to give it a try if others are willing to start as well.
  24. What should I do? Play Left4dead2, rewatch K-ON!, or start watching Sword of the Stranger?

    1. GaleFenrir


      Follow the rule of Barney Stinson.


      New is always better.

    2. Milky Jade

      Milky Jade

      It is his oldest rules and therefore his best

    3. Milky Jade

      Milky Jade



  25. I don't know why, but I eat so much- especially unhealthy foods- but I just don't gain weight.

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