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Faraday Flask

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Posts posted by Faraday Flask

  1. Playing Dead Island, atm. Finished Castlevania: Lord of Shadows(Fantastic game; worst ending I've ever seen.)


    Also, played a little Demon's Souls. At first, I was confused, then I was even more confused, then I couldn't understand why everyone thought the game was so hard and now I can't imagine how Dark Souls is supposed to be even more difficult.



  2. I love MLP just like I love any other great cartooon. What I didn't understand was why such a huge deal was made over guys liking it. When I saw the way Fox news reacted, or the way others treated people who watched the show, I got indignant. I do not like being told by others what I should like or shouldn't like(I also do not like giving the impression that others CAN tell me what I should like or shouldn't like.). Then I saw there was a brony community. I figured the least I could do was standing up and making the herd at least one person larger.



    • Brohoof 1
  3. Am I the only one who wants to see a prequel explaining Celestia and the Nightmare moon thing in great detail or maybe the Celestia and Luna vs Chaos battle? Or just some prequel/flashback involving more back story on Equestria. That is what I would write, my fellow ponies.



    • Brohoof 2
  4. I actually like the seventh doctor best. He was a bit darker...maybe more manipulative and sneaky, but he got results and as goofy as he acted, he is the doctor I would want to piss off the least. He didn't have a forgiveness policy or terribly agile negotiation skills. He killed an angel and taunted him as he did it. Destroyed an ancient demon with a chess board puzzle. Even bested the Daleks by turning them against themselves.


    Runners-up would be: Tom, then Chris and finally David.



  5. I'm playing three games, atm. I'm alternating between Dead Island(at 32%), Diablo(stuck at the desert Lut Gholein wannabe city), and Castlevania Lord of Shadows(want to finish it before the Lord of Shadows 2 comes out.)


    We'll see how I do. But I'm having to restart Diablo 3, because I'm so underleveled that I can't kill normal enemies, where I am.(Shame cause I was the Witch Doctor, which I hear is overpowered.)



  6. *v* No way. Ohh I envy you so~! How I crave to work with them! That is exactly why I wish to impulse the use of certain heirloom vegetables here. The weather is crazy! And on the long run it can boost economy for this poor part of my country.




    Yeah, this has been a very strange year for weather, anyway, even globally. Very atypical, and more ponies could benefit from using sustainable heirloom veggies and hardy plants. In my area, we're suffering from a severe drought that is just ridiculous and the only thing I can get to live are older, more adapted, plants.


    So definitely, keep on using those heirlooms and good ole standards. Smart gardening. ;)



  7. You're more than welcome to :D I've been meaning to study a bit about heirloom vegetables, so horticulture is quite interesting to me~


    It's funny you mention heirloom vegetables, as I tried grafting la roma tomatoes on heirloom tomato rootstock just a couple of months ago. Some of them actually took. lol Heirloom vegetables are more specialized to certain climates in my opinion. They're usually hardy against disease and conditions where hybrids can be very persnickety. (lol, I used the word "persnickety")




    • Brohoof 1
  8. I'm a strange sort of Christian/Taoist hybrid. There's a lot that I believe that isn't written down in Bibles or Science books. But I do believe in a creative power, no matter whether science calls it sentient or not.


    I also believe in the fact that it is a matter of belief and conviction. No matter who says what, it's up to everypony to make up their own mind and stick to their beliefs. Because it's part of what defines us.



    • Brohoof 1
  9. You sir, are going to be someone I will be stalking o-o Ok maybe not XD But Perhaps when you have the time, I'd love to hear a bit about horticulture x3


    That would be great!

    And trust me, If you ever want to talk horticulture, I'll talk your ear off. ;) lol


    Also, thank you Harmony. And thanks, Speedy Transition. It's nice to see so many tea drinkers. :D



    • Brohoof 1
  10. Thanks, everypony.


    Marry me. Wut?


    Hello there :D Ohh It's SOOO nice to meet a science nut ^_^ I immediately got interested by your name~! I have seen Faraday's inventions, and I'm ever so amazed by this man! Anyway, I remember little about him though, but if you want to nerd rage with someone, I'm your pegasister :D


    Also, I love hot tea too!!! <3 I greatly enjoy each and every one, though I am one for black teas, especially ones with floral or fruity tones. There's this tea from India I have that smells so beautiful ;w; I drink it only on special ocasions.


    Awesome to meet a fellow science nerd! And I love some black teas, Earl Grey, Oolong tea, White and Green. I even have a small collection of chinese teapots.



    Heya fellow brony, what uni are you studying ? I'm planning to study architecture once I've finished the college (4 years left...).

    And Welcome to the forums! And I'm a tea lover aswell :3.


    I've got a double major in Horticulture with specialization in Greenhouse Production and in English with a minor in Creative Writing. It's a lot of work, but I love both my majors.



  11. Ah okay.

    I wasn't sure if you were referencing Michael (magnets, how do they work? :P ) or Ace Attorney with Faraday.




    That is now how I will refer to him for the rest of my life. Michael "Magnets, how do they work?" Faraday.



  12. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GHDQCQc7aA

    This, by far, describes me. I'm not a hardcore Chris Cornell fan, I love most of his stuff. But I was watching this movie called BUG and when I heard this it just fits me too well.

  13. Free clubs usually equal free food(mainly pizza). It's nice to have free food, but remember that it's always easier to eat horribly unhealthy in college. They usually offer you healthy alternatives. Take them every now and again.


    There are literally tons of activities, so it's easy to get caught up in the social aspect of Uni life. Avoid this. It's very hard to balance a happy medium of socializing and study and if it ever has to be one or the other, go with your studies. Remember where you are and why you're there.


    If you're a guy and you live in a dorm with a roommate, then...I'm sorry. It's a rough situation sometimes. Just try to love and tolerate.


    Try to walk or bike to your classes instead of using bus transportation or something.


    And finally:



    This is all.



    • Brohoof 1
  14. So far I don't think I'd get along with any of them. I think Discord would get old. And he never distinguishes between friend and victim. Q, which Discord was based on, is more prone to having favorites and choosing sides. Discord definitely gets my fear factor. I would feel very nervous knowing he was at liberty. Chrysalis is more of the classic villain archetype. She doesn't have much style compared to Discord, though.


    If we're talking which one is our favorite, I would go with Discord, though.


    Trixie rates as my least favorite because she never really did anything but brag and lie. She might've even been a nice pony if she hadn't tried to hype her act as much as she did.



  15. BetaWolf said what I instantly thought. Rarity is very generous. But to be honest, I'm not the tidiest alive, and I don't think I could live up to her high-maintenance OCD existence. I would pick AppleJack, if for only that I know a lot about trees and pomology and I think I could be helpful on the apple farm. Plus, I can climb trees which is prolly a rare skill in Equestria. That being said, I'm also more than a touch Aspergerish and I think Twilight might be a more interesting conversationalist.


    I'm stalling.


    I suppose I would sleep over at Twlight's, supposing she doesn't mind.



  16. Wait a minute...

    Faraday as in Kay Faraday?


    I like Kay Faraday and the Miles Edgeworth Investigations game, lol alot, if that's what you mean. But mostly it's a reference to Michael Faraday the scientist.



  17. Thanks for the welcome, everypony and for the info. Been here just a couple of minutes and I already got lots of welcomes and a Doctor Who(oves) ref. I'm glad I'm here.



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