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Posts posted by Svinnik

  1.   :( this is actually about a year old but really sad and it has dead island music. Very relevant to this subject. Not to mention legitimately sad.

    That almost made me weep. This is perfect for mine and other people's argument. It explains why we don't want Derpy removed. I applaud you for finding this awesome video.

  2. There was already evidence and rumours of Twilight Sparkle becoming an alicorn before the infamous Reddit post came out - I think he just made the post pretending to be an employee in order to escalate peoples fears of Twilight Alicorn and Derpy removal (concerns which were around before hand, on a lesser large spread scale), but I might be wrong.


    I still believe there is a lack of Derpy in Season 3 because it was produced at the same time as the Last Roundup censorship panic. I'm sure that in Season 4 or maybe even the last few episodes of this Season, she'll return, probably in her 'Where's Wally' like status.

    I really hope that you're right and I'm wrong. I'm more inclined to believe the Reddit post but your logic also makes sense. Hopefully, my rant will be unnecessary.

  3. Is this actually confirmed now? Because the last thing I heard from this was just the Reddit rumour, which was just based on current speculations and rumours that were spreading around the time anyway. Unless it has been actually confirmed, I don't believe Derpy is permanently gone.

    The reddit rumor was correct about Twilight Sparkle becoming a alicorn, so I assume that it's correct about Derpy. Plus, in the later episodes of season 3, she's gone just as how the post said. I think that it's pretty much confirmed now that the poster was legit.


    Also, Derpy being out of the show won't ruin it for me. I just find that Derpy being taken out is like how AtomicBassCannon said.


    Derpy getting canned is what happens when you have a world full of diaper-sniffing (in the words of the late, great George Carlin) soccer moms who want their kids to grow up in a little PC bubble, and they want the whole world to conform to their overprotective standards.


    These people need to realize that the world doesn't revolve around their hover parent standards. The world is full of offensive things (and things that overly-sensitive people find "offensive"). But taking away something that somepony else enjoys because it's offensive to you isnt the answer, it's unfair to those people.These people need to learn to put their sue-happy bullshit aside, ignore what they find offensive, and grew a thicker skin. It's a win-win. We keep our Derpy, and they don't have to watch her. Simple as that.


    But that's not how it went down, and the vocal minority won, while we the majority got tossed under the buss. Thanks, soccer moms! 

  4. Someone (cant remember who) :huh:  recently tweeted that a certain muffin loving gray pegasus will be coming back for season 4.

    So I'm annoyed about a season with no Derpy but at least she is probably coming back :D

    Hasbro confirmed that Derpy isnt coming back. Not very likely and if it happens, I'll be surprised. Could you post a screenshot of the tweet?

  5. Snails sounds just as mentally challenged as Derpy did if not worse, and nobody complains about him. I think it's the wonky eye + voice combo, or even just the eyes and name alone, no so much the voice. If it is the voice then they're all hypocrites x3


    Editing title. In the correct section.

    I agree. Do you think that people would sign the petition or if by a miracle, the petition becomes popular, would Hasbro agree with the bronies or with the overly PC people?

  6. Derpy's gone. RIP. Now it's time for a rant. According to Hasbro, they removed her because of complaints about her voice. What's wrong with her voice? She may sound mentally challenged, but what's wrong with that? I volunteer to work with mentally challenged people and they loved Derpy. They could finally have someone on TV who was just like them. MLP treated Derpy respectfully and to remove her is to concede to the overly PC people who think it's offensive. They haven't sat down next to a 5 year old girl with Down's as I have, watching as she wept in happiness to see someone like her on TV. The people who complained were short sighted soccer mothers who didn't want their children to know there were such things as people who are disabled. Those so called politically correct people can go fuck themselves. They haven't played the game of finding Derpy with a disabled child.


    Rant over, I plan to make a petition to ask Hasbro to return her back to the show. Do any people think that this will change anything or not?



    • Brohoof 34
  7. I tried to start fights on purpose at school because of MLP,but that was when I was still a ponyfag.Now I just lay cool.Luckily I didnt start any fights.No matter how hard I tried.


    Why? I mean, was it to get attention? I can't fathom why anyone would do that. I mean, that really sullens the rep of all bronies, not just the offending brony.
  8. Anypony else having issues with content not displaying properly? I'm seeing the forum code instead of the images! It happens on about 2/3ds of the posts, and it happens on all browsers and on my iOS device! What in the hay is going on??!?!







    It's really annoying! Any ideas?


    Same is happening to me.
    • Brohoof 1
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