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Motion Spark

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Everything posted by Motion Spark

  1. ohhh bummer, good luck in your future endeavors and leaving doesn't mean you can't take quick peaks here and there, just to check on the forums from time to time. Best wishes Flip! @@Obsidian Sky, I didn't read all from the last 2 pages, because I basically hate reading but you have to calm down and take these things as Rarity hate less seriously. Cuz really, I haven't seen the words 'Rarity' and 'whore' in the same sentence since months!
  2. Motion Spark

    request shop Mai's request shop

    owww thank you!!! his expression is so cute
  3. hmmm things have changed now, now the brony haters are bronies themselves, and this fandom in general is disgusting. Tthat doesn't mean we have pretty good bronies who never forget what's the most important of it in the very beginning. Friendship. That's why I stick to do art and interact with small group of bronies.
  4. gosh I hate when I drift off the forums and then I have to keep up with this topic, I'm glad I'm back after a week of innactivity uhh, moving on. You guys the most iconics members of this topic should know better about what content is accepted, tone it down guys!! D: I'm surprised how many WP you guys have --- let's share some human Rarity stuff, by the amazing quizzicalkisses on deviantART
  5. yeah your right about that. well at least the girl looks like she's pretty popular at school, I don't think the internet would scar her forever, or at least i hope so... i get what you mean, but you always have to think about the 'it's not what you say but how you say it' obviously I didn't mean retarded in 'that way'
  6. you guys are all so sweet I promise I shall make tons of Rarity artworks --- I find Trenderhoof thing interesting, and I'm with Ghosty here, I hate him because he's a poorly written bad character, like everything in MLP has potential, he HAD potential but it was wasted. At least we all have a reason to hate Prince Blueblood and he fitted the jackass role very well, he was a good written antagonist to be fair. The thing is, when you blame writting instead of how the character behaves, then shit goes wrong. I absolutelly say that Trenderhoof is the worst guest character i've ever seen, even more than Prince Blublood.
  7. and I agree with ya, I wasn't actually defending Rihanna, but in a side note it's hilarious how media make this a lot more dramatic than it should have been. Rihanna is clearly at fault for making fun of her but c'mon! bullying is way worse than this.
  8. I don't take the literal meaning of words at heart but what the person means. Of course I meant she looked stupid in that shot, but she might be a cute girl, who knows. Calling retarded to a mentally disabled person is very rude but the context is changed. It's like saying 'that's so gay', usually people don't say it to bash on gays, heck even gay people say that. They may use the word but they don't mean it that context.
  9. *giggles* I think I've heard of that youtuber before, but I can't place it I should have copyrighted the Spark name ¬¬
  10. saying she looks really stupid it's also disrespectful
  11. well I do have a youtube account, but I don't really do videos, why?
  12. it's amazing how much a headline can impact the true nature of the news. I don't give 2 shits about this, and to me it doesn't seem all that bad what Rihanna did, the word 'bullying' is way too broad for what she did. 'Mocking' or 'making fun of' sounds more fitting. Besides, the girl has an amazing body but that dress is just ridiculous to go to a prom and she looks retarded in that picture lol
  13. @Obsidian Sky, @ghostfacekiller39 sure I have experience drawing, but never drawing ponies, when I started the very first pony things I've made were nastee ;_; you just have to practice and practice, you guys can do it if you try i don't hate cats, i dislike them but maybe it's by ignorance on my part because i've never had one. But I admit I died from cuteness overload twice with some street adorable random cats, for some reason they liked me, but most of them are a plague in my eyes.
  14. that's what i meant, i mean everything regarding their parents. so far nothing about them have been mentioned and in a way, i hope it remains that way.
  15. ohhhhh!! it was still weird that Rarity took it on Rainbow Dash and not on Pinkie, WTF was that "Rarity catch me" was both random and hilarious
  16. it's really cool that you bring that up because i found that scene so random. does anybody know why Rarity was blaming Rainbow Dash for her unfortunate experience with Pinkie? *scratches head* also, hey fellas, look what popped up in my dA, male and female Rarity cosplays, not my favorites but hey they are cosplying best Rarity and best Elusive aren't they. Also Elusive is best R63 stallion :3 talking about Elusive and Rarity... Sparky enjoys servicing them <3
  17. i'm really scared to find out about AJ's parents, so i rather have the door unopened for a while, i have no idea if the show would explore that side, but if they do, that would be one of the biggest highlights of whichever season it get featured in.
  18. don't we all mister? don't we all?
  19. talking about evil the latest thing Rarity related I made was herself in Inspiration Manifestation, I was left confused after watching Rarity being so genuinelly scary but after thinking about it, it was fun! and it was a good Spike episode as well, so I made something about that because I was 'inspired' too.
  20. isn't that a bit too harsh, not to mention EVIL!!!
  21. is by shitty you mean that the drawfriend features is pretty much a business or arrangement then I reckon your right -_- I am disappoint. how Rarity's shades slided through her horn? never thought i would enjoy Rarity in drugs x_x
  22. I'll be honest, I don't like spike, that doesn't mean that I hate him it's just that he's a character that I don't really care about, and I want him out of the way as much as possible, however finding out about an upcoming spike episode doesn't get me less excited especially if he shares the spotlight with somepony esle. Inspiration Manifestation and Equestria Games were the peak of great Spike's potential and I don't even care if the games were focused more on Spike, that was an episode with real and deep emotions that I throughtly enjoyed and it's one of my favorites of the whole season. I don't know, I don't thing anything big would happen with spike in the next season.
  23. @, i don't know, I still just see a imaginary friend it doesn't help that I'm drastically reaslistic about things. :/
  24. youtube comments? ewwww ew ew ew ewwww for a moment a thought this was here on the forums, don't waste your time in youtube comments, they're worst than 4chan's boards. I thought you were talking about the artist who did this, and I think a tulpa is some sort of imaginary friend?
  25. perhaps tried to be sympathetic towards him but all the blame went to the cloppers for no reason because he didn't even asked about them in the first place. Actually I think you were fueling his fire and giving him more reasons to hate on the bronies even more. I might be minority here, but all of them looked terrible, Rarity and Fluttershy take the cake for worst designs. These designs only scream TOYS! to me, not TASTE THE RAINBOW!! mmmkay, I'm asking now *pokes*
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