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Blog Entries posted by XrosOver

  1. XrosOver
    With the new episode today, the mane six consists of all five different pony races.
    Those races include Unicorn, Pegasus, Earth Pony, Alicorn, and the Semi-permanent Batpony.
    In the first season the ratio of species was even with there being two of each "common" pony types
    and this ratio lasted until the season three finale. Now Earth Ponys are the dominant species within the Mane Six.
    Wonder if they will undergo some change...
  2. XrosOver
    Anyone feel nostalgia?
    If you didn't already know (which would be surprising) this is the third generation of the Digimon franchise.
    This installment in the franchise first aired April 1st of 2001 and ended March 2002.
    The story of Tamers is similar to Digimon 02 by starting out with three main characters and remaining in the real world at first.
    What Tamers does that was different was that it was marketing the card game as well. The major element of the installment was that they had to use cards to boost their digimon's abilities or force digivolution.
    I had watched the show in Japanese subs so every time they swiped a card it seemed so dramatic!
    The characters themselves are forgettable but the Digimon are timeless on the internet. The ever popular Renamon appeared in this installation.
    The main character, Takato has a personality that goes all over the place. At one moment he seems like a strong willed ten year old and the next he is on the ground whining enough to make Rarity cringe.
    Out of all of the main characters the only one who seemed level headed nearly the whole time was Lee.
    When I re-watched the series I took notice of the significance of the Devas. The Devas are the antagonists of the show and are a beastly representation of the Chinese zodiac.
    The show's developers assumed that the viewer would have knowledge about the zodiac and wasn't completely focused on the red dinosaur on the screen.
    Back to Takato, he was embarrassing to watch a lot of the time. In a good amount of scenes, we see him grunting, screaming and flailing trying to encourage someone or something.
    It is apparently difficult to encourage anything with being on the verge of a mental breakdown.
    Overall the story and characters were fine. The story had a good balance of joy, sorrow, comedy, and cartoony action that any kid could hope for.
    I give the show a 7.5/10 but you might only enjoy it if you have already seen it once before.
    Edit: I was out nerded. Read top comment to get a more accurate review on the points I screwed up.
  3. XrosOver
    Sword Art Online is an anime about a virtual reality MMORPG in the year 2022
    Story Summary: A boy named Kirito (not his real name but I can't for the life of me remember it) enters Sword Art Online using a gaming device know as a NerveGear. The developer of the game Kayaba designed it so that once a player went into the game they couldn't log out until they beat the game. If you tried to force the NerveGear off... It kills you. If you die even once in the game, it kills you. It kills you by sending microwaves into your brain.
    Starting off.....I wondered how they didn't die. Turns out that all the players were moved into hospitals and put in life support so they wouldn't die while in-game.
    Makes sense.
    The shows quality... well it was good enough to make me want to finish it all in two days. The story is engaging and is filled with action, romance, comedy, and tragedy.
    The fight scenes were typical of action animes and were a bit over the top.
    The players were full of "life". They seemed like real people with real problems and real limitations...until the jump up twenty feet and dash forward at ludicrous speeds.
    One problem... the main character is very OP. Being a beta tester for the game, he knew where everything was and how to instantly kick the games metaphorical ass.
    But somehow that advantage works into the story really well and make him a solo player who becomes know as a game "Beater".
    As for the romance, He falls in love with the vice-commander of the Knights of the Blood Oath. Her name is Asuna.
    This works out until the second season where she plays the defiant damsel in distress while being virtually raped. THAT is where the story goes south.
    After Kirito beats the game and saves everyone, somehow a creepy business guy man takes over Kayaba's work and makes a game about elve/fairy/pixie things. ALFhiem Online.
    2nd verse same as the first except there is a stereotypical damsel in distress story with OP main characters and a sex-deprived egomaniac. Rape-man goes to jail... I was happy about that.
    Overall, I really liked the show. It had its share of flaws but it played an interesting card by making it about Virtual Reality gaming. Most gamers wonder what it would be like to be in the game, 100% immersed. That was fun by itself to watch and think about.
    I give Sword Art Online a 8/10 and absolutely recommend it.
  4. XrosOver
    So while staying up very late last night I started thinking of a Fanfic I may write but I someone to help me fill in the story gaps. The premise of the story is the Pie family having strong ties with the government agency the "Pink" ertons. It would be with grandma pie retelling her experiences as one of their agents and from then on Pinkie would persue a career as a secret Pinkerton agent. Obviously this would be followed by investigative work and corporate espionage in large cities like manehatten and fillydelphia.
    This is the rough "outline for the story but I need some collaboration to create a very in depth story line.
  5. XrosOver
    In my last blog post I said I found one brony which then turned into four. Now that is double true because at the beginning of the school year I had brought my 3DS to pass the time during the beginning of introductions. Turns out the one person I got streetpassed with was another pegasister (once again she preferred that term). She introduced me to three other bronies and are currently organizing a meet-up.
  6. XrosOver
    Wanna here a strange fact?
    Bronies find each other and become friends even before the two of the express their feelings about ponies. In one instance I had a friend who was a major anime fiend.
    He gave me a fair critique of my Digimon drawings and we were hanging out since then. We didnt stay in touch after I moved but another of my friends told me he was a brony.
    My reaction was along the lines of "the fuck". Fast forward a few months till school was back in session. First day there met a guy named michael. We became fast friends but I had to switch classes and we got disconnected.
    Fast forward half a year and another friend of mine told me he was a brony so I went on a manhunt to find him and reconnect. Fast forward three weeks and another friend of mine told me she would introduce me to her friend who loved the show.
    So later I meet the pegasister (She preferred that term) and more instant friends were made.
    In summary bronies can have underlying friendship connections before they know each other. Kinda like our six heroines.
  7. XrosOver
    If you have seen my Pinkie Shirt entry then you would have known that I am making pony shirts and have run out of ideas. I would like to use all of your art to create a few shirts. I have also made a Lunar Republic design which will go on a shirt in the next few weeks. I am asking for any art that you would like to see on a shirt. I will only make a few due to lack of materials but send in all you have whether it is an OC or some complicated painting. Send me what you have through PM or whatever else that works.
  8. XrosOver
    So I got to thinking about time and came to so weird conclusions. First let me ask this. Are you currently in a good place in life? Well every good and bad and even obscure decision you have ever made led up to this point. Have you ever wanted to fix a mistake in the past? Well if you did you will not be the same as you re now when you return to the current time. Even something small like choosing soup instead of salad could screw up the future is massive ways. The waiter (or waitress) handling your food could have to wait an extra minute in which time a person who was not in the way originally in the way could trip the waiter and send him bowling into you with hot soup in hand and cause you massive amounts of 3rd degree burns and permanent scarring which could make you a bitter and angry person. Why does this matter? It doesn't. Why did you read this? Don't know. Did you enjoy this? Hopefully. Any questions? Leave a comment below.
  9. XrosOver
    This is kind of a rant about ranting. First off let me say that it is pointless. Sure you are expressing your opinion and are free to do so on the internet but you don't need to go into such elaborate detail of why something pisses you off. You could simply say I really don't like this or that and drop the conversation there. If you wanna really blow off some steam punch a pillow. Get revenge on the fluffy headrests that try and kill you in your sleep. Using a social service to voice negative opinions will bring some people who have a difference of opinion to counter that of the ranter. Then the person who countered would start their own rant which makes more ranters. This is the same for those who are overly imperialistic about their positive opinions. Those who try to "make you see the light" of the situation are just as much at fault for stirring up conflict in opinions. Oh your trying to support it's good aspects which we don't see... stop trying to convince us what is so good about it. We heard you and understand your reasoning, we just don't see it like you do. In summary, stop ranting or overzealously support something to the point where it's annoying. It won't get anybody anywhere and do more harm than good in a social enviroment like this one.
  10. XrosOver
    Today is World History, we were watching a documentary on Spartacus. We had gotten up to the part where the romans asked to reveal Spartacus and in return they would spare the rest of the slaves. After they all rose and said "I'm Spartacus" I stood up and yelled at the screen " NO! I'M SPARTACUS". Then a guy on the other end of the class room stood up and yelled at me that he was Spartacus. Then the whole room burst with Spartacuses and the teacher yelled at us to quiet down. He said "All of you take your seats! None of you are Spartacus...because I am!"
  11. XrosOver
    Earlier today I was watching the BronyDoc on my kindle and my dad walks in and asks if we can watch it together later. I told him sure and I also got my mom to watch it. After finishing it they were really excited. They wanted to take me to a local Con and fund the whole thing as well as supply $200 for merch. I didn't expect any of this to happen so I am extremely happy about today's outcome. It really could not have gone better.
  12. XrosOver
    Remember back to the time when you did'nt have so much responsibility and you could easily waste a day playing Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow?
    Yeah you do!
    The first generation of Pokemon is by far the most entertaining.
    A lot of us have serious nostalgia when remembering those days so here is a little something to remember the good ol' days!

    Also the first gen had the most imaginative selection of pokemon... I hate burmy.
  13. XrosOver
    So with the Equestria girls sister show being sister to FiM we have a lot of stuff coming our way! I am looking at this show in the most positive of ways because of a few reasons.
    1. It is a show variant that will satisfy our want for our favorite characters in between seasons of FiM.
    2. Hasbro is money smart and is likely to open some relations with Japan. I don't need to explain where that is going.
    3. It has the potential to be extremely good as a show considering it has the characters of a good show now wrapped in a air of mystery.
    4. ALL THE FAN ART! Fanfics are going to be extremely plentiful in the PoE catagory. (Ponies on Earth)
    I would think of more reasons but im too excited about it!
  14. XrosOver
    This question is for all of you who have attended a con of some sort.
    I would like to know how much the total cost for you was because I have very recently started saving to go to a con in the distant future.
    How much was housing?
    The passes themselves?
    How much money should I round up to be finacially secure?
    Thanks in advance to anyone who answers.
  15. XrosOver
    Before you start thinking "oh you heartless bastard!" allow me to justify my decision.
    Yesterday, around noon sometime, my twenty year old sister had an argument with my parents.
    A swear here, a insult there and the end result was my sister punching my mother in the stomach.
    She was kicked out later that day and we said our goodbyes.
    Before she left,I pulled her to the side to say a personal goodbye.
    See she is a 'sorta brony' person.
    I pulled her over and told her "even though I am not here to influence you, here, (I handed her Fluttershy which is her favorite) stay brony.
    One heartfelt hug later and she was drving down the highway towards the airport.
    I won't be seeing her for a decade or more so I think it was a pretty good send off message.
    And that is why I gave away Fluttershy.
  16. XrosOver
    If any of you have been on EQD recently then you should have seen the one of the greatest post ever on there.
    If you havent, then you'll be glad to hear this! My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is renewed for a fourth season and was confirmed for 26 episodes!
    Fret not my friends!
    Our future looks bright and colorful with a brand new season filled with all the pony we can handle!
    Everybody! Now is a time to celebrate to your hearts content!
    Show your excitement with me! HUZZAH!
  17. XrosOver
    Hey people! I just had a great idea! Give me your art! Why? Cuz I'm gonna make shirts out of them! Yes legitimate, wearable shirts. Give me all of the arts for lots of shirts! I especially want to make a shirt with the best MLP Forums banner. GET TO IT PEOPLE! GIVE ME ART!
    The shirt making process could take awhile because the graphics design lab is currently booked but will open up within a week or two.
    I forgot! This also includes all OCs you may have.
  18. XrosOver
    A week or so ago I had someone on here make my OC how they envisioned him.
    The end result of the drawing turned out so well that I thought it deserved it's own blog entry as well as being able to be printed on a shirt!
    Im sorry to whoever drew my OC because I forgot your name but please place claim on this work so everyone else can check out your feats of skilled drawing.
    Edit: I had trouble adding the picture to the post so I had to improvise.
  19. XrosOver
    I bought the Brony Documentary yesterday. I really enjoyed myself watching it but the most inspiring portion of the film was from the point of view of the guy with aspergers.
    He had to deal with extreme social reservations which is something I can connect to. He made his way by himself to the convention.
    At the convention he overcame all of his reservations and made some real friends.
    After watching this I decided to save every spare dollar I can manage to go to a nearby convention.
    If any of you have also seen it, what was the most inspirational moment for you?
  20. XrosOver
    Seriously this does not need to be forgotten. If something has reference to an episode's plot in the future, give it a spoiler notice the title or somewhere! Don't give away critical information in the title. In a recent blog entry, the title was a huge spoiler in something I was trying avoid! It ruins all factors of surprise and downgrades my viewing experience! DON'T EVER FORGET THE SPOILER TAG!
    Its really that simple.
  21. XrosOver
    This forum has gone through a lot of changes. Changes in moderating staff, rule updates or add-ons, even the implementation of new features.
    A decent amount users have left the forum for there own reasons and others notice very quickly. Others start getting their own reasons to leave and focus on the bad aspects of the forums as their reasoning.
    This may not apply to all if those who have left but it is a good number of them. Why should those people focus on the less desirable aspects of the forum and completely ignore the much more plentiful positive areas of the forums.
    You come online to talk to friends, engage in gripping debates, laugh at silly posts, and have a good time doing it. You shouldn't complain about a new rule because as this forum grows ever larger, it needs a more strict set of rules to keep it in check.
    The best example of this is the warning points. They enforce a criteria for how posting should go and if someone were to violate the guidelines set, the receive a warning. All of the rules are placed for a reason, to keep this section of the internet orderly and enjoyable.
    So next time you see a user wanting to leave the forum, remind them of the great things to do on this forum and why the rules are what they are.
  22. XrosOver
    Hi! Welcome to the show! For the first episode ever we will cover how the Pink Wonder made me facepalm in a dream.
    It starts with me talking casually to her about her recipes and boils down to party ideas.
    "So you don't use gun powder in your party cannon?"
    "Nope! It uses compressed air and lots of confetti! I also don't know what a gun is." Pinkie said.
    "Hey now that I think about it, would you throw me a party?"
    "Nope." She replied flatly
    "But it's your thing! Your special talent in life!"
    "Yeah, I know but i'm not throwing you a party."
    "Oh..." I say starting to feel depressed.
    "I'm throwing you a fiesta!"
    Lolwut? Processing... processing failure. Brain.exe has failed to continue. Would you like to reboot [Y/N]?
    "PINKIE! What is the difference between the two!?"
    "Fiestas have churros." She said with the ultimate poker face
    The sound of facepalming made that night rang across world.
    This concludes episode 1 of Dream Trolling. See ya'll next time!
    (I have no idea what those links are about...sometimes they appear and sometimes they don't)
  23. XrosOver
    Well with the recent commercial and EQD post I am having are hard time not thinking of a alicorn Twilight.
    I will continue to hold onto the hope that Hasbro is just messing with us and won't go through with it.
    Maybe she'll turn it down and remain a unicorn....Oh Twilight....
    Maybe Cadence has her child and she becomes a princess....
    Princess Coronation...
  24. XrosOver
    Last night I had a dream about me pouring my soul out to Rarity.
    Why Rarity? Why my fifth favorite of the mane six?
    (Don't pester me about why she is fifth becuase she may move up to 1st or 2nd becuase of this)
    So I told her allof my reasons to go to Equestria and stuff like that.
    I pulled out some shirt pins with characters from the mane six all the way to Braeburn.
    I told her I love them all and they don't even know me.
    Then I threw a skittle to her (she asked for one) and then I made some comments on her clothes.
    She said "looks like you may be getting that portal after all"!
    Then the dream ended....FFFUUUUUUUU! My mind has tricked me a lot but this was the most unsettling occurence.
    (This part is for Clarity because I wasn't able to comment on your blog entry and I REALLY hope all goes well)
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