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Everything posted by LyraHeartstrings

  1. You could've added the foundation of Ponyville by the Apple family in there, 60 some years before NMM and the main 6. Ponyville, being the place where Princess Twilight gained her knowledge of Friendship, was home to some of the most amazing advventures in Equestria and is important to know the history of.
  2. This may explain the bananas... But I honestly don't know about the juice boxes... Same with Trixie and pine cones. I feel like they were already explained, but I missed it....
  3. Season one was where we got our humble beginning as a fandom. It was different from everything else, and had no parallels to it at the time. Season two had the perfect balance of world-building that the fans were looking for, fun, new designs, characters and ideas for anyone who likes cartoons to enjoy, more pinkie for kids and much more character building and stuff which everyone can benefit from. Season three was a bit more manufactured for the brony fandom, not the "all aged audiences" it was originally intended for. It had great writing and songs like the first two seasons, but it lacked the immense passion that filled our hearts. The creators figured out a formula for pleasing us and they stuck to it, the formula being that if they do what they already know we like, we won't criticize as much. overall S1 9/10, S2 10/10, S3 8.5/10
  4. Not only can you have it, you can keep all the greasy, puss secreting flesh it comes with! Do these wings make my horn look fat?
  5. Although the CMC song was epic as shizznit, BP fit the mood of the episode 100% and more. Rarity is just so caught up in herself, and that's what I love about her! She should be known by everypony!
  6. Friendship gives you wings!! Well, actually, friendship helps temporarily restore wakefulness when experiencing fatigue or drowsiness

  7. Haven't been on this site for a while, so I have no idea who anypony is. (pretty much pointless for me to play.) you seem cool though, 10/10? correct me if I'm wrong
  8. It sounds a bit nasally, but also a bit ruff, with a soft, cool, breathy breathy attitude to it. There are dramatic qualities to it too, like the emphasis on key root sounds, and the wavy movement of his phrases. Or just trolly.
  9. Little kids to Hasbro: "OMGMISSAMERICAAA! I TOTALLY WANT TO BE HER SHE'S LIKE A PRINCESS SHE IS SO REGAL ITS SO AMAZING THAT SHES WITH PONIES!!!" Kids: "I have no clue who that is, I just want pinkie pie to be silly. And fluttershy to be nice"
  10. I get the feeling that Luna is more worried about Twilight's well-being, much like how Twilight so quickly jumped in to save Luna during nightmare night. Maybe Luna feel like she has to keep her and Celestia from pushing anything too far. She wants Twilight to feel comfortable and not unprepared to aid in the ruling of Equestria.
  11. It might be a direct follow-up of the last episode. Twilight is checking in to her new room in Canterlot with the rest of her friends. They probably don't stay there long, just so that twilight learns about being a princess and her duties as such. It may be a while, or just a few episodes before they get back to ponyville, but that's because they need to focus on the importance of twi being this important, highly-regarded role model and the responsibility she must accept (a la shreck 3) even though she never agreed. They could just have some random new villain come into play and have her new powers blast him/her to meaty chunks, but that's just another idea.
  12. I figure they'll be able to come up with enough interesting ways to play off of twi's new found limbs for a while before it gets too gimmicky. Some people were reluctant when Celestia said the other ponies could write her letters, and I think that turned out alright. We just have to give them a chance, as always, and see what their (professional television writer) minds can come up with.
  13. l thought it was perfect *gets shot* honestly though, with the context of the episode and the different style they tried out (it being a musical and such,) I thought worked fairly well. It was rushed, but when aren't the finales and stuff not?
  14. Welp, I'm finally on! I accept all requests! ID:MoopFiM (For some reason, someone already tookLyra and Moop... I dont see why but whatever...)
  15. Wow, this site looks better than ever! Hope all my old friends from the olden days, (oct-nov2011) are doing fine!) And man Feld0, this has become huger than life! Congrats! (if he doesn't get that message, I'm gonna need someone to pass it onto that ol' lovable pony)

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Finesthour


      Lyra, I have 14,000 REAL posts, but the cloudsdale posts aren't being showed anymore ;p

    3. LyraHeartstrings


      haha, that's what I like to hear!

    4.  spas-ticShotty


      Hmmmm, that'd mean I'd have probably 1500 if those Cloudsdale stuff counted :/

  16. Oh, that sucks... And you were good too. I was trying out the gyro controls at one point. They're really weird, but make it a lot more intense!
  17. Hey guys. It's been a long time since I was on here.. Just wanted to say I made a MLP community. The code is 63-1403-1442-2377
  18. Wow. That episode was fantastic. I loved all of the tricks she did with the hoop. And when she got the plate spinning powers too, I was in hysterics! Also Twi with Rarity's hair was great (plus Spike gawking at it.) and seeing the apple family again was sweet too! I also love how granny smith is like madame Foster from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, she's just so rowdy and awesome! Anyway, hilarious episode! I now love A 20% more
  19. Gotta go to work... I'll catch ponies some time later today...

  20. Same I really want Lyra and BigMac... My local shop won't get them, so I'll need to get them off of eBay or something...
  21. One of the most uplifting images ever...
  22. So, we're saying that her magic is more powerful than the princesses? I mean, Celestia couldn't do anything about Discord, but Twi could destroy his chaos with that magic-bubble thingy. Sure Celestia has unbelievably strong powers, but maybe she can't do as many spells as Twilight...
  23. I can't wait to see jelly Scootaloo.She's probably going to get really upset and mad, and then laugh when AB keeps getting more. Sweetie Belle will just be confused as s**t.
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