Fav moments from eps.3:
Twilight bursting out of balls
Rainbow's "Deal with it" glasses
Angry Celestia
Angry/fourthwall breaking Spike
Fluttershy kicking the shit out of Harry
Rarity being awesome
and it's mane...
Befriend: Twilight. Her and I seem so alike, we'd sit for hours and go on about crap nopony else cares about...
Date: Bon bon. Her voice in the newest episode is sexy as hell!
Prank: Diamond Tiara. She deserves it so much...
I wish I did. I would leave the TV on all day so that the shows get more views, and it stays on longer. (clearly a fool-proof plan) then we'd get more ponies!
I watch ponies on Tree House. I think the hub may just be in USA, but I could be wrong...
Oh... I see. He's one of those people who keeps making videos just because they have a lot of view but are really crappy... Well, not I definitely won't check out his videos...
I never watched any of his videos anyway. Is he really that bad? I know that he talks fast and has a high pitched voice, but that doesn't seem any other different from other stuff on Youtube...
This would be the best thing ever! I can see it now! The entire convention is empty except for this panel. Afterwards, everyone goes to a specified place and has a huge, Pinkie Pie style party! It would be amazing!