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Coconut Breeze

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  1. So..the official listing for the Rainbow Power Fashion Style Applejack and Daisy Dreams went up on Target's website back in August. It is now January and they still have not been released. The newer line is just now starting to come out at this point. Are these two doomed to never see a release in the US at this point? It has been about 5 years since we had last seen Applejack in a fashion style form. I just hope these were not canceled.
  2. I love Gen 1 ponies but for some stupid reasons I tend to get alot of flack from Bronies about this. They seem to have this hatred for older ponies that I find to be ridiculous. I'm not bashing on them by any means I'm just confused why some fans go out of their way to hate on people who like older ponies.
  3. So..There was the announcement of these two: http://www.mlpmerch.com/2014/08/interactive-target-listings-for-fashion.html However they appear to not be available. The listing for Daisy Dreams is active but she is not available. As for Applejack, it claims that she is "No longer available" What the buck is going on? Are these canceled?
  4. First off I have to say that the finale of this season was a major let down for me. When I heard that Tirek was coming back I thought that Hasbro had planned on adding in some of the more famous G1 ponies as well but...I was wrong... I was thinking that Hasbro had planned on having some of the G1 ponies team up with the mane 6 to fight Tirek. Tirek was not as he should have been. Scorpan and Tirek are NOT brothers. Scorpan was actually a prince that was turned into a monster by Tirek when he took over his kingdom. With that out of the way...On to the actual topic. Not only has Hasbro brought back Tirek but they also mentioned Firefly. Does this mean that they are in the process of securing the rights to use Firefly in the show as well as other G1 ponies?
  5. HA! That's laughable. G1 is much better than what we have now. The ponies were actually ponies. The animation was hand drawn and painted. The toys were even better. I mean with the G4 toys they are all the same just with recolors. For example Lula moon (Trixie) Looks like Twilight Sparkle. The G1 ponies may have used the same four or five molds with different poses and similar faces they STILL looked like individuals. Plus their cutie marks are on both sides. To say that G1 was bad is a joke.
  6. Why Hasbro? You took the opportunity to bring Tirek back but you did it wrong! Tirek and Scorpan are NOT brothers. Scorpan was a prince that was transformed into a monster when Tirek took over his kingdom. Originally I was hoping that with Tirek's return, Hasbro was going to have the Generation 1 ponies team up with the Generation 4 ponies to fight against him...but Hasbro didn't do it. These episodes were a major let down. I mean they mentioned Firefly in this season! You would think they had the rights to use her again. Anyway...do you guys think hasbro is planning something behind the scenes for season 5 regarding the G1 ponies?
  7. The only time we ever got a Fashion Style Applejack was almost four years ago. Why has Hasbro not released her again? Now it is impossible to get her unless you wanna pay some eBay user a few hundred for one. I can't tell you how frustrating this is to me. I didn't get into the current generation of My Little Pony right away it took me at least two years after it started. I have always been a fan of G1-G3 (Not counting 3.5) because the toys actually look like ponies. There are very few G4 toys I like or want, and FS Applejack is one I want VERY badly. If any of you could direct me to someone who is willing to sell one for a reasonable price I would appreciate it. She is NOT worth three hundred...I mean there are very few G1's that go that high. The only one I saw was the German exclusive pony named Nightlight.
  8. American society never ceases to disgust me...It just had to be said.
  9. I call BS when Hasbro insists that they don't have the rights to their G1 MLP characters, besides Applejack, Spike, and Megan the human. (Who they have not used at all) I was at walmart and saw that Hasbro distributed G1 themed cups with some of the original 80's ponies. It is truly awesome. So, with that said, if they do have the rights after all why are they not revamping them to add to the current generation of the franchise? Firefly is one of the most popular old school ponies. They could make big money marketing her. For example.
  10. Kabuto Yakushi from Naruto. I just have to say it, he is HOT!!! I'm such a fan girl for him... Also, I really like Firefly..she is best pony. Firefly was going to be in FIM but Hasbro does not own the rights to her anymore.... Same with the rest of the original mane 6...
  11. My name is Coconut Breeze. I am mostly into the first generation of MLP. FIM just doesn't really appeal to me much, however there are a few figures I have collected just to keep sealed. My favorite pony is Firefly.
  12. I'm looking for the Derpy promo that was given out at NYC comic con. I don't want to buy it on Ebay because people are charging unfair prices for it (like 100 dollars....). I was hoping to pay 3 or 4 dollars for it. Does anyone have one they could sell me?
  13. I don't see why people take such offence when furries decide to draw porn. Sex is a natural interest. Our society needs to get over their idea that if something is sexual, then it is wrong. The media needs to grow up.
  14. G3 is awesome. I love that version of Rainbow Dash. Such a pretty design. I really don't like the 4th Generation Rainbow Dash. She just isn't all that appealing.
  15. The most I ever spent on one item was $70. I spent that on the Sandiego Comic Con Derpy Hooves figure. In the end, I don't think it was worth the money. Although at the time I was really wanting Derpy. I had a horrible time finding the one that was on TaoBao. (I never was able to get it, I liked how it looked as opposed to the official design.) As opposed to
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