So not exactly sure how to use this site yet. But it seemed to suggest that I post here as a start. (so hopefully Im doing this right) My pony background involves one of my guy friends on xbox introducing me to the show. I hate to say that I actually laughed at him when he told me to watch it, and i swore that i would hate it... wow was i wrong. i knew of the show on account that I ride and train horses and thats actually what Ill be going to college for this year. But I had never really looked into it. But Mr.Dan and I watched the first episode and when we got to the ends and it said 'to be continued...' i screamed that we had to watch the next episode right then and there. So withing the next two or three weeks. I had watched all the 'Friendship Is Magic' episodes. at least once. My favorite being the episode with the parasprites attacking ponyville. So yeah. Thats how I got into MLP. Now Im working on converting my boyfriend into a brony. Ill get him eventually ;D