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Cherry Blossom

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Posts posted by Cherry Blossom

  1. RP thread: http://mlpforums.com...stal-empire-rp/


    I've been a bit too excited for this, but I decided to make an RP for it.



    This will be a sandbox RP, but anypony can join anytime! Please paste your OC link and I'll put you into the RP! This is a slice of life RP as well.




    All of you, me, and everypony will live in harmony inside of our beloved Crystal kingdom. The Crystal Empire was freed, by the star student(Twilight) of Princess Celestia, her assistant(Spike), and the other elements of harmony(other 5 mane ponies). Together, they gave back the Crystal ponies what they needed, love. Twilight Sparkle gave the Crystal Heart to Spike, so he would deliver it to Princess Cadence and were able to push backThe Crystal Heart was put back into place and all the Crystal ponies were happy again! Now their culture was restored, they continued to having fun in the Crystal fair, jousting matches, and eating crystal berries.


    Now, harmony was brought back and King Sombra had been defeated. Many ponies are starting to love the Crystal tradition.

    (Please correct me on any detail I may have gotten wrong.)






    1. No godmodding, which includes controlling others' OCs, killing other OCs(aside from your own), and mary sues.


    2. Please don't make some kind of weird twist and change the RP entirely.


    3. No Alicorns.


    4. Pony cursing only!


    5. Limit of two OCs per participant.


    6. Romance is allowed, but don't describe extremely suggestive content.


    All of you will be living in crystal homes, inside of the Crystal Empire. Make new friends, play jousting matches, and have fun in the Crystal fair!




    Cherry Blossom - http://mlpforums.com...y-blossom-r1607


    Devious Detonation - http://mlpforums.com...c-strings-r1553


    Rhain the Semi-Combustible - http://mlpforums.com...s/_/rhain-r1878


    Flame Dancer - http://mlpforums.com...star-wind-r1880


    Purplepower - http://mlpforums.com...rplepower-r1785


    Octavia's Cellozoid - http://mlpforums.com...loud-puff-r1812


    Colgate Revolution - http://mlpforums.com...ng-flower-r1884


    PonyRocker88 - http://mlpforums.com...rry-cream-r1874


    Brazen Gears - http://mlpforums.com...zen-gears-r1839


    Razorwing - http://mlpforums.com.../gemstone-r1458


    Bronze Statue - http://mlpforums.com...ze-statue-r1900


    dragon4111 - http://mlpforums.com...co-omally-r1651


    SkyeRibbonPony - http://mlpforums.com.../quickjet-r1909


    Higurashi - http://mlpforums.com...-ironhoof-r1931


    TheBronyHeart - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/amare-r1417

    • Brohoof 2
  2. I've never felt so excited! By far, I think that this was a really superawesometasticool episode! Best way to start a new season in my opinion! Plus I really, really loved the songs they wrote! Oh it just makes me want to kiss a puppy on the forehead!


    I feel a bit too hyper, but that's an okay thing right?

    Though the chatroom was getting extremely weird.


    Well, time to go make a crystal pony RP. :lol:

    • Brohoof 4
  3. Cherry Blossom nodded, but right before she followed right behind him, she said, "W-What about that monster in the hallway? What if it gets back up?"

    She was worried, if the zombie came back up and started attacking them again, but she worried about the pony in the main hall too.

  4. Cherry Blossom heard somepony yelling and immediately got herself off of the wall. "Hey, I think I just heard somepony yell for help," she said to Bio as she walked over to the door again. She looked through the keyhole, seeing that the zombie was still on the floor.


    ((OOC: By the way MagicalWizardry, be extremely careful about what your OC does. If you do something like, challenging the evil voice, your OC will probably die.))

    • Brohoof 2
  5. Cherry Blossom had trouble keeping her eyes open and her brain started working against her. The lack of sleep was starting to cause her to lose focus and concentration. Her barely open eyes started to stare at the bed in the room and had deeply forgotten what was happening. But realizing they were still in the terrible mansion she leaned her back against a wall and tried to stay awake.

  6. Cherry Blossom peeked out the door keyhole and noticed that the zombie had went down. Though it didn't seem to be safe enough to go out o of hiding yet, considering that it was still moaning. She turned to Bio and just frowned for a moment. "What are we going to do now?"

  7. Cherry Blossom stood outside on her four hooves and watched as everypony was getting prepared for war. She sighed as she watched ponies putting on helmets and armor, while others sharpened their weapons. There was also supplies being moved around, constantly.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Cherry Blossom was just about to shriek when another figure came inside the room, but quickly stopped herself from doing so, when she realized it was just Bio. She came out from under the bed and waved at the same time, to ensure everything was alright.

  9. Cherry Blossom hid under the bed of the room she went inside of. She could hear the muffled footsteps of the zombie from the hallway, through the door. Where is everypony? First the chandelier, then the zombies, but what's going to happen next? she thought.

  10. Giving out money to the poor feels very generous in my opinion. I've seen a family out in a street and I just couldn't bear watching them like this. It seemed so upsetting and I just had to give them $5. It only depends on your persepective and the person you are giving money to. I've had a friend who donated $700 to Unicef, but I wouldn't see that as stupid at all. Some people who are in need, didn't even get a chance at a good life. That's why we have unemployed people in America, because they never got the chance they could. Why? There wasn't any jobs for them to work.


    I've seen a poor people who had to scavenge for items in sewer drains by using a fish hook. Their hair was uncut, their clothes were tathered and dirty, and worst of all, they beg. It upsets me, all of it and I can't help, but to donate whatever money I can to the poor.


    Now, if China were to lift that debt America owes them, I'm pretty sure it would be generous in moral, but very stupid in terms of business.

  11. I'm usually bad at video games, especially first person shooters like Call of Duty or Battlefield. So I don't get angry or rage, because it's just for fun. Though, sometimes I get surprised when something immediately kills me. The only thing I can really say is, "How did that happen? And where did it even come from?"


    But my big brother rages so much, especially if we're playing a cooperative game. Not only does he blame me for losing, but he accuses me of cheating when we play a competitive mode.


    Overall, it also gives me a good laugh when I play with friends, or friendly players. Sometimes I'd try to be humorous and be all like, "Oops! Looks like I got killed everypony!"


    A lot of the time, people don't really rage at games that require teamwork. So I may be playing a bit of Fat Princess and Killzone 3.

    • Brohoof 2
  12. Cherry Blossom quietly went throught the nearest door she could find and closed the door slowly. She was relieved she was able to avoid the monster at the moment, but she was still uneasy about the whole place. It seemed she went inside of a bedroom.

  13. Cherry Blossom went into the shallow part of the water and drenched her mane. This was very refreshing to her, but may slow her down if she isn't properly dried off. She wiped off some of the sand that was in her coat and finished cleaning off any other dirt she collected along the way.

  14. This is a really hard decision, for me to make. Fighting isn't in Cherry Blossom's nature(and neither is mine), but I have no other choice right? The closest thing she would probably do and try and run away in fear, but that's also what I would do.


    I'll find a way out of this. ;)



    Please excuse me irobern, but I never mentioned anything about throwing the vase. I threw the teddy bear, but I only put the vase in front of myself.


    By the way, I didn't throw the teddy bear at the monster. I threw it over, so the noise from impact would attract it.

    • Brohoof 2
  15. Cherry Blossom keeped on walking until she heard footsteps of something coming towards her. She froze in fear, knowing it was one of the monsters coming after everypony. The hallway seemed void of weapons, except for a vase full of dead flowers and her teddy bear. It continued to slowly walk towards her...


    But she realized one thing of the creature...it had no eyes at all and would definitely depend on hearing and smell.

    She took the vase and gently put it right in front of herself. Cherry Blossom held her teddy bear and looked at it for a brief moment. Then she tossed it over the monster, hopefully causing a thud noise to attract it. If that would fail, then the vase would get in the creature's way and Cherry Blossom would slip passed it while it would still recover.


    ((OOC: If this fails I am so dead, unless some other pony comes in and helps.))

    • Brohoof 1
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