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Quill The Pony.

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Everything posted by Quill The Pony.

  1. Crap. Disregard that last update.

  2. ………………_„-,-~''~''':::'':::':::::''::::''~ ………._,-'':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::''-„ ………..,-'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| ………,-'::::::::::::„:„„-~-~--'~-'~--~-~--~- ……..,'::::::::::,~'': : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : '-| ……..|::::::::,-': : : : : : : : - -~''''¯¯''-„: : : : ……..|::::::::|: : : : : : : : : _„„--~'''''~-...

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1kApnsayeQ&list=PLO8x_csc1LXQTpBerreUQymZC9p7-8Fv0&shuffle=496
  4. Your stupid. Your dumb. Your a meanie. Don't you wish you're mother was smart like me? Im so smart. Aint I so smart. youryouryouryouryour. SHUT UP! It's you're you morons.
  5. Got any spare socks? I need some padding. (If you get the reference, I love you.)
  6. In all honesty, I'm not sure. I'm more or less in the typical "curious" phase that the majority of people go through. With that said, basically, IDK as I haven't had a sexual experience. In other words, puberty.
  7. Well, I just made my 200th post.

    1. Nohbdy


      Guess I wasn't the slowest, after all! Congratulations!

    2. Radiance64
    3. Erza
  8. It would have been better if my name was still "captain sugar tits"
  9. Recently mt time here on Earth has been more or less "meh" I attempted suicide, asked out a girl, etc. Sounds rather pessimistic I know, though it got better. You're probably asking yourself how it got better. Okay maybe not... Anyways, I stumbled across the most beautiful thing ever not too long ago. Honestly, it should be deemed as one of those motivational thingies. For those that want it, here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3qus-O2uGA For those that saw it just now, all your troubles that are looming you are now gone. Rest easy my friends. Rest easy.
  10. BROny BROny BROTHER a male offspring having both parents in common with another offspring; a male sibling. >MALE pegaSISTER pegaSISTER SISTER a female offspring having both parents in common with another offspring; female sibling. >FEMALE 'nuff said.
  11. I'm from 'Murica and I'm proud! I'm kidding. I honestly don't like The U.S. Most bronies are from English speaking countries. Some more are coming up in other countries 2.
  12. Title. I'm actually a homosapien, so I call it soda.
  13. Michael from sauce... 546547657568679765437648390768906758970456754678054shit756-048967589356789563-67349-87.5/10 Also, you trust me 66.666666666%? odd
  14. Anyone else getting server errors?

  15. Epic beard Tall glasses brown eyes/hair
  16. Here we go... Anime sucks Mouse and keyboard<controller Religion is the downfall of humanity As far as breast size goes on females, I don't go by "The bigger the better" TimeSplitters>Every FPS EVER Homosexuals are people. Give me one good reason to hate them. Obese people gross me out. Sorry. That's all I can think of. EDIT: Religion is modern mythology.
  17. Fuck the police thisthreadhasaniceconceptandimayparticapteinittheproperwayunlikewhatijustdid
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