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Everything posted by Sunnymilk

  1. I absolutely hate all this gay pride bull. I am bisexual myself and in all honesty, the only thing I see these parades and gatherings do is giving ourselves a bad Reputation. USA is a horrid country, with horrid politicians. 99% of their population are a bunch if gullible litte sons of stitches that blarantly believe all their imensely flawed ideologies are the correct thing. Oh wait, my bad, 100% of the world agrees. On the subject if the worlds population. god sake I could stab every single one. and I would be a happy pony.
  2. I know that I am insanely late for this, and people will probably hate me for pulling it back up. but I don't give a flying horsenipple, I will post it anyway. Yes, chat was spammy at times, quite often rather inappropriate, and yes, some of those times I where involved. But here is the thing, moderators are actually the solution to this, but not just any moderators, you need moderators who people respect, not because of their rank, but for who they are. people listen to people they like. possibly even after they have left. When a moderator joined in the chat on this site, people stepped down a notch, at least for some mods and went right back at it the second they left. when controlling a mass, you want respect, not fear. Fear is the thing most moderators on this forum have acted by. at least during the time I actually was active here. Of course I have no clue how it is today. but I suspect nothing has changed. You have the people who go like this: "Oh, he said bad stuff! ban!" and you have the people who go like this: "Oh, he said bad stuff, better make him change his ways somehow". only one of those ways are the proper one. especially for a fluent chat it is apparent. But then again, not many people where actually banned from the chat. I know, I spent a lot of time there. As was mentioned on page one on this thread, a live chat is much better than a forum when it comes to making friends. Personally I am not good at making friends on a perfectly forum-y forum. since I either post really short answers. or posts like this one. I am fairly certain this counts for more people than just me and said poster on page one. maybe not necessarily for the same reasons. when talking to people live, you get to know them personally in an entirely different way than you get with the standard "Tell us something about yourself" topics you find on every possible forum ever to exist on the internet. where you get the same standard replies. and you have pretty much achieved nothing when it comes to actually knowing the person. In the chat, in between the easily removable spam, you get a completely different kind of conversation and you are able to converse with people on a much more personal level and you might get to actually know this person. And lastly, to all the people who for whatever reason they choose, absolutely hate the chat, well, chat is not for everyone, the forum is still there for you people to enjoy the exact same way you are doing right now. but some people actually loved chat, me included. the cheer amount of awesome conversations i have had with some of the people there. I remember one reply to the old topic from when the chat was close, I cant remember the posters name but the post was liek this "And nothing of value was lost" to that, all I have to say, maybe not for you but some people actually really enjoyed it. Those who did not, well why care? It is simply just to not continue using it. Also, though i am not hundred percent certain of the legitimacy of these claims. one of the reasons Feld0 decided to close down chat was because he wanted people to post on his forum instead of goofing off in chat. dude, you had almost three thousand members at the time. you have how many now? five thousand. How much does 10-20 people at any one time actually hurt you? and in any case. what is the problem? the fact that the conversation is not there saved for everyone to see at any one given time? If that is the case, I don't see the actual issue with it. abrupt stop because dad calling me ruined my chain of thought peace out.
  3. warning. im going to contradict myself a thousand times here. but its all mostly true. but usually under different circumstances. worst: I am highly egocentric, I have very little empathy (although, Im usually good at hiding it) I am an attentionseeker of dimensions. I am incredibly easy jealous, and I mean incredibly easy. If I get angry, Ilk bite your head of, the little empathy I have flies away. I easily joke about things that might hurt someone elses feelings, like suicide, cancer, the sort. And I usually isolate myself from others in some way because I skmply dont like being too social all the tine. best: In other occasiobs I tend to be fairly generous. I am seemingly a very likeable person. I am usualy in a good mood. somehow I have a very easy time getting friends, so I guess its true. I am fairly logical, good at maths, physics the sort. I am aeemingly funny. If I am in a bad mood I tend to hide to the best of my abilities, because even if I lack empathy, or maybe because, hard to explain, I dont want others to be affected by my mood. but that is not usually a problem, since I am mostly happy and sound. And I THINK I to some degree have a lot of self irony. Many of these things might contradict eachother, but it is mostly true, some of the thkngs I just have to take other peoples word on. I would have fixed my formulations, but I am on my phone atm so I cba. peace out girlscouts.
  4. It seems about right imo. I am fairly certain I heard some statics sonewhere stating gays actually are much more common than most believe. not sure about bisexuals. but I habe a couple of theoriea the straight people wont enjoy too much amyway did the test too for the lulz. Hetero - 36 Homo - 49 Asexual - 22 Which seem stramgely accurate... Even the high A score.
  5. You forgot the obvious answer to Q2: Sarah Palin becomes president of the united states.
  6. this one makes me feel like a troll.
  7. well, if anypony wants me and Blaine to define their ancestry, its just to ask.
  8. Guess I have perfectly fine eyes.
  9. You can add me too if you want, name is nightbish.
  10. I would have to say Lapras or slaking. lapras because it is jusy awesome, slaking because its badass.
  11. As far as I am concerned, irl and online friends are pretty equal. but I am guessing ones view on that is often based on the ratio one selveves irl friends too online friends, and possibly how people one know are acting. I love my my online friends jusy as much as I love my irl friends. Even though I think I am better at showing it to online friends, but thay is just because my irl friendships work very differently. What I am trying to say is, for me, they are both just as important. Edit: I would also like to mention it might often be much easier to confine oneself to online friends. a reason for this us actually thay argument Swoop brought up. About physical or direct interaction. Which is something online friends gey to make up for the lack of so.
  12. voted fringe as I havent seen X-files (but I didn't like fringe )
  13. of course I was not serious about that, I was just playing on the people considering some genres for not music, I listen to a lot of electronic music myself actually
  14. I did listen to dubstep for about a week a couple of months ago, but I quickly realized it was doing my head in. its impossible to concentrate while listening to dubstep. a rule of thumb, if there are no real instruments, its not music, that's my view which is kinda ironic now that I think about it, wellwell.
  15. to be honest, I have no clue, probably bi, but not entirely sure Edit: now when I think about it, yeh, very likely bi, not gonna go into my whole chain of tought, but yeh.
  16. congratz, you are now officially an insane person , jk @NeverNeverland, I knew you where gonna bite me for that Well thats just what it looked like from my perspective there, I just wrote a post, and noticed yours right above and drew some hasty conclusions before running away. but my general opinion is that the kidn of music you are listening to have absolutely no saying on your state of mind. but maybe the other way around. lets take your assumption of a number there, 75% of metalheads are judgemental a-holes. no just no. sorry, I just cant take that number seriously. unless you only count that really hard core that listen to bands like mayhem and stuff, then maybe. but if you are taking that number out of everyone that listens to some kind of metal? no. There are tons of different metalgenres. nightwish even is metal. most people that listen to a kind of music listens to that kind of music because they think it is good. the people that listens to metal, or anything else for that matter, just because it is "different" is one hell of a minority. but its a loud minority. and why wouldn't the average metalfan be annoyed at everyone else when they constantly get remarks like "your taste in music sucks" or people telling them its just noise and screaming, highly uneducated remarks mostly by people taking their playlist from some kind of bestseller list. of course nothing wrong with that either but its not my thing. now to the emo music people are talking about here. look it up don't argue. well, I used to listen to all of those things myself, I was never an insane person, I never hated myself, I never hated on others, unless they really deserved it, never been suicidal. no plans of getting away from any kind of crime, especially not murder, I was not a monster. and I could go on about all the things I was not and the bands was screaming left and right. my point is, no one is any worse a person than someone else based on their taste in music. if you like metal, good for you, if you like Jazz, good for you, if you like classical, good for you, if you like blues, good for you, if you like dance, good for you, I don't care, I listen to almost all of it, so why would I think anyone insane for listeing to any portion of it?. @NeverNeverland, yes, It might seems like this whole thing was aimed at you, but it was not, im just throwing it in there. the topmost apology was for you.
  17. Well, I used to listen to all of those, and I am probably the most mentally insane peerson out there SEEK A DOCTOR MAN. on a serious note, no, no need to worry. and the same goes for anyone in here. crazy people listen to classic, I taught everyone knew this. not saying all people listening to classic is crazy, I am saying all crazy people listen to classic. no exceptions. oh and to the people right above me talking about meat headed retards. you serious man? actually judging a mans intelligence by the lyrics in their music? there is no rule stating you have to be dumb to sing stupid things, or the other way around for that matter.
  18. Rainbow Dash, not really.. umh its like... she is to full of herself ok, lets leave it at that. Granny Smith, both the episodes with her in almost fulltime I kinda felt like burning my eyes and ears out with acid, sorry for the harsh words. Then I think i voted (lol I cant even remember), oh yeh, snips and snails. just don't like them
  19. to me its just another day, but so is pretty much any day of semi importance to everyone else anyway
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