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Everything posted by Sunnymilk

  1. Was listening to this ten seconds ago http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=005khBgTkas
  2. Want to buy friday :( at least I too got to venture into forum itself for once :P

    1. Electrobolt


      Meh, I just want it to be Saturday for the new episode!

    2. Cynic


      You want to buy Friday? That's an awful song!

  3. just finished doing some History. I swear those external exams are gonna be the death of me. Edit: oh buck, just realized I had my blazespawner in minecraft going for 2 hours while doing that. LAG!! and now Im watching my lil bro playing minecraft on youtube @_@
  4. They are all kinda cute, but I do not feel attracted to them. no
  5. if people could see my dreams they would probably chop me into small pieces and burn/bury them individually in several different parts of the world, just to be safe. Good thing that ain't the case.
  6. well, with those alternatives, its kinda obvious. suicide, hires aother to shave him and both. but for the traveling back in time and killing yourself. that would work itself out seeing as if you went back in time to kill yourself. you would die, then you couldn go back in time to kill yourself seeing as you are dead. so you would live on. if we then go by the theoy that time is constant, yay endless loop, you have destroyed time. gg. but lets say its in flux. then at one or another repetition of events you would decide not to go back in time to kill yourself. like, why would you do such a thing. as for the barber. I have no clue why anyone would count that as a paradox at all. same goes for the day night thing. "A Mars Colonist says 'All Mars Colonists are liars'." this one mars colonist could still be a liar even if not all are. not a paradox.
  7. I do not think genetics is the answer to be honest. my theory is that they simply just are half gods or something like that seeing as they on top of it all are much larger than the average pony AND they have enormous lifespans.
  8. probably th first infamous game, but tbh, I am not sure its like a year since I last played and had time to actually finish any game at all. EDIT: does minecraft custom adventure maps count? if thats the case.... no differ, haven't finished any.
  9. [Male], , I noticed a lack of not-really-bothered alternatives on the two first questions
  10. Mario & Luigi superstar saga fell into my mind. pretty much my favorite playstyle. parasprites for goombas and stuff. pretty much have all the bosses set. an ursa minor could be an early boss and degrade to a normal enemy later just like the adult Sheegoth in Metroid prime. and then a ursa major as a proper boss even later. and we have Nightmare moon and discord too. Maybe even Gilda. just sayin' MLP is already set for an RPG
  11. I guess I would quit drinking. hmm, maybe I would... thats a hard question tbh. I couldnt exactly go visit someone, or just venture into canterlot to find the princess or anything. would scare away everyone. a human? who in the land of Equestria has actually met a human. its like, I would be an alien, maybe they are xenophobic. perhaps, since I woke up in ponyville, I could... maybe... try talk to twilight. seems to be the best option as she has less fear of the unknown than.. anyone in in ponyville to be honest.
  12. I liked btjunkie Im gonna go over here and cry in a corner now.
  13. well, since you dont hate, me why not
  14. if it is like facebook im so not interested.
  15. I just call them a less educated individual and walk away.
  16. I have repressed my childhood beliefs a long time ago. hmm, I did use to believe py parents where terrible parents. but now I realize they are the best eeyup, that is the only thing I could think of.
  17. If he knows, and he even mention it, in a questioning manner, he is a terrible parent. TERRIBLE I TELL YOU! but if he does, just ask why it is wrong to like a genuinely good show. ok?
  18. Ooh not bad, was expecting something silly something, but I liky liky
  19. Its not as much the movie as it is the concept that freaks mw out. When I watched it tho, there was certain environmental issues making it harder to not get sick not to mention it was actually a terribly bad movie. imo that is.
  20. Not much else too say than tgat these kind of threads make me a happy pony. Nothing better than to see someone getting out of any bad emotional states like depression Out of curiosity, what was the original title
  21. What in the... the world never seize to amaze me. Desperate times call for desperate measures?
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