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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Thunderstorm

  1. Nothing to see here, move along. c:

  2. Is there a delete button for my account?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Thunderstorm


      Again, it doesn't matter.. ^^;

    3. Jadefire


      Tell us or I'm going to poke you.

    4. Thunderstorm


      You can't if I lock it C:

  3. I'm a proud Christian! Although I will say I don't hate gays (infact I don't have a problem with them at all) I believe in the Word and Jesus Christ. :3
  4. ~...Cuz I Don't Care, if I Loose My Mind, I'm Already Cursed~

  5. Hey guys, opened an ask for my characters if any of y'all would be interested in asking them :3 http://maggientoby.deviantart.com/journal/Ask-Meh-Characters-388986131

  6. The first videogame I've ever played would have to be either Spyro the Dragon (PS1) or Crash Bandicoot. Back when the dragon was a dragon and the bandicoot wasn't doing drugs.
  7. Even LoZ isn't safe from being ponified >.<

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Thunderstorm


      It actually kind of irritates me, but nothing I can do o3o

    3. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves



      Thanks man.

    4. ~Silver Essence~

      ~Silver Essence~


      I don't mind anything being ponified, as long as it's not for the perverted reasons, I'm generally ok with it.

  8. Leave. Me. Alone. You're making me seep back into that person I hate.

  9. At first I was outraged. But now I don't really care.. She's still the same Twilight we all know and love... But with an epic pair of wings.
  10. Just bought TLoZ: The Wind Waker. C:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MelancholicMemory


      I loved that game :) My disk was scratched though so it would always crash after the final boss :/


    3. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      The Lore of Oz?

    4. Radiance64


      Cool, but the HD version is coming to Wii U soon...

      Still, that should not deter you from playing it now, because you should. ;)

    1. Ferret Girl

      Ferret Girl

      "Toon" Link?

    2. Thunderstorm


      From the Wind Waker/Spirit Tracks/ a few other games.

    3. Ferret Girl

      Ferret Girl

      Oh, sorry, never heard that term before

  11. I know how to animate somewhat.. I just haven't posted any yet because I'm working on some projects of mine :3 but I'm not good enough to be in any sort of advance group or anything, and I'm not looking to do anything for anyone else.
  12. Hmm.. Well ain't this a hard one... I like how Rainbow Dash.. uhh.. I think Rainbow Dash... Umm.. Rainbow Dash is great because... uhh.. I really like her mane? No seriously, I actually like her mane style. I also like her episode where she gets Tank. there's a nice lesson there.
  13. Covered some things on Pokemon X and Y

  14. I've been wasting so much time on Platinum trying to find a Water Stone... FINALLY FOUND ONE after four Thunderstones and one Firestone v.v

    1. Shift


      Those things took a #$@! load of time to find -.-

    2. Thunderstorm


      Especially before the National Dex.

  15. I won't be drawing this one, sorry guys :/ my iPod's dead and I can't get ahold of a charger for the next week, and I have no other way of getting the image... I'll be back up to drawing soon though c:
  16. My list would be.. 1. Twilight Sparkle 2. Applejack 3. Rarity 4. Pinkie Pie 5. Fluttershy 6. Rainbow Dash Ok, respect my opinion and I'll respect yours.
  17. I HATE the X exclusive.. Someone, trade me the Y exclusive! The X one scares me! I'm in the process of making a YouTube video with the new updates yaaay!
  18. Now that's just terrible! Infact, I have a friend with younger sisters and they aboslutely love the show! They even love rewatching the episodes on YouTube! Now imagine taking away the possible happiness a child could feel from the show. They might not like it, sure, but chances are they do.
  19. Just a warning, YouTube normally zooms in the picture like crazy! I mean, jjust look at how pixilly they made Maggie! (the dog) Just a warning... And good luck with the channel arts
  20. He's not okay.. but I'll stay strong and pray that he'll end up okay, in the end

  21. I want a 3DS capture card :c so I can do a Playthrough of Pokemon X

    1. Ampharos


      I just want a 3ds period...

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